
#' Summarizes the volume for stumps - VRI specific
#' @description Calculates stump volume at cluster/species level and cluster.
#'              This function is equivalent to \code{stmpvol.sas} in original compiler.
#' @param stumpData data.table, Stump data. This data is from card g, i.e., \code{vi_g}.
#' @param stumpPlotHeader data.table, Plot header data for stump and small tree data. The data is from card e, i.e.,
#'                                    \code{vi_e}.
#' @return Two tables: stmp_c is summarized volume at cluster level; stmp_cs is summarized volume at cluster/species level.
#' @importFrom data.table ':='
#' @importFrom fpCompare '%<=%' '%==%' '%>=%' '%!=%' '%>>%' '%<<%'
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname stumpVolSmry
#' @author Yong Luo
           function(stumpData, stumpPlotHeader){

#' @rdname stumpVolSmry
  signature = c(stumpData = "data.table",
                stumpPlotHeader = "data.table"),
  definition = function(stumpData, stumpPlotHeader){
    stmp <- merge_dupUpdate(stumpData,
                            stumpPlotHeader[,.(CLSTR_ID, F_FULL, F_HALF, F_QRTR, F_RAD)],
                            by = "CLSTR_ID", all.x = TRUE)
    stmp[F_FULL == "X", PLOT_WT := 1]
    stmp[F_HALF == "X", PLOT_WT := 2]
    stmp[F_QRTR == "X", PLOT_WT := 4]
    # stmp <- data.table::copy(stumpData)
    stmp[is.na(PLOT_WT), PLOT_WT := 1]
    stmp[, ':='(STMP_VOL = FREQ*((DIB/200)^2)*HEIGHT*pi)]
    stmp[, STMP_VNT := STMP_VOL * PCT_SND/100]
    stmp[, ':='(STP_VLHA = 10000*STMP_VOL/(PLOT_WT * pi * (F_RAD^2)),
                STP_VNHA = 10000*STMP_VNT/(PLOT_WT * pi * (F_RAD^2)))]
    stmp_cs <- stmp[,.(STP_VHT = sum(STP_VLHA),
                       STP_VHTN = sum(STP_VNHA)),
                    by = c("CLSTR_ID", "SPECIES")]
    stmp_c <- stmp[,.(STP_VHT = sum(STP_VLHA),
                      STP_VHTN = sum(STP_VNHA)),
                    by = c("CLSTR_ID")]
    return(list(stmp_c = stmp_c, stmp_cs = stmp_cs))
bcgov/BCForestGroundSample documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:21 p.m.