
Defines functions toWSVRatio

toWSVRatio <- function(masterTable, ratioData, minDBH = 10, minObs = 3){
  # ## i can not see why the ratio adjustment is needed to be associated with regression equations.
  # regressionData <- data.table::copy(reg_all)
  # regressionData <- regressionData[,.(PRJ_GRP, LV_D, SP0, SF_COMPILE, SOURCE, TYPE)]
  volVariables <- c(paste("VOL_",c("WSV", "NET", "MER", "NETM", "NTW2",
                                   "NTWB", "D", "DW", "DWB"),
                          sep = ""), "VAL_MER")
  ## why the last one is included?? val_mer is value not volume
  ratioVariables <- paste("RATIO_",c("WSV", "NET", "MER", "NETM", "NTW2",
                                     "NTWB", "D", "DW", "DWB", "VAL"),
                          sep = "")

  ## after several tests the original sas codes just want to get all the conbinations of
  ## prj_grp*type*lv_d*sp0*sf_compile, as the count variable will be replaced soon
  ## the below table should be the master table for the final output
  ## is this correct? as this header table is for all trees, while DBH>=10 is small proportion of
  ## whole data
    masterTable <- unique(ratioData[,.(PRJ_GRP, LV_D, SP0, TYPE)],
                          by = c("PRJ_GRP", "LV_D", "SP0"))

  outputMaster <- data.table::copy(masterTable)

  ## similar to wsv-ba regression, the first attempt is at prj_grp, lv_d and sp0 level

  treeMSdbh10 <- ratioData[DBH %>=% minDBH,
                           c(volVariables, "PRJ_GRP", "TYPE", "LV_D", "SP0"),
                           with = FALSE]
  mean_vol_sp0 <- treeMSdbh10[,c(.N, lapply(.SD, mean)),
                              .SDcols = volVariables,
                              by = c("PRJ_GRP",  "LV_D",  "SP0")]
  setnames(mean_vol_sp0, "N", "COUNT")
  ratio_sp0 <- mean_vol_sp0[COUNT %>>% minObs, ]
  outputMaster <- merge_dupUpdate(x = outputMaster,
                                  y = ratio_sp0,
                                  by = c("PRJ_GRP",  "LV_D",  "SP0"),
                                  all.x = TRUE)
  need_ratio <- outputMaster[is.na(COUNT),]
  outputMaster <- outputMaster[!is.na(COUNT),][, SOURCE := "Sp0"]

  if(nrow(need_ratio) > 0){
    # second priority is given to type if number of obs is less than or equal 2 at species level
    mean_vol_type <- treeMSdbh10[,c(.N, lapply(.SD, mean)),
                                 .SDcols = volVariables,
                                 by = c("PRJ_GRP",  "LV_D",  "TYPE")]
    setnames(mean_vol_type, "N", "COUNT")
    ratio_type <- mean_vol_type[COUNT %>>% minObs, ]
    tempoutput <- merge_dupUpdate(x = need_ratio[,.(PRJ_GRP, TYPE, LV_D, SP0)],
                                  y = ratio_type,
                                  by = c("PRJ_GRP",  "LV_D",  "TYPE"),
                                  all.x = TRUE)
    need_ratio <- tempoutput[is.na(COUNT),]
    ratio_type <- tempoutput[!is.na(COUNT),][, SOURCE := "Type"]
    outputMaster <- rbind(outputMaster,
                          ratio_type[, names(outputMaster), with = FALSE])
    rm(mean_vol_type, ratio_type, tempoutput)

    if(nrow(need_ratio) > 0){
      ## one more attempt if the ratio have not been derived for all the rows in master table
      ## using combination of prj_grp lv_d and sf_compile
      mean_vol_lv_d <- treeMSdbh10[,c(.N, lapply(.SD, mean)),
                                   .SDcols = volVariables,
                                   by = c("PRJ_GRP",  "LV_D")]
      setnames(mean_vol_lv_d, "N", "COUNT")
      ratio_lv_d <- mean_vol_lv_d[COUNT %>>% minObs, ]
      tempoutput <- merge_dupUpdate(x = need_ratio[,.(PRJ_GRP, TYPE, LV_D, SP0)],
                                    y = ratio_lv_d,
                                    by = c("PRJ_GRP",  "LV_D"),
                                    all.x = TRUE)
      need_ratio <- tempoutput[is.na(COUNT),]
      ratio_lv_d <- tempoutput[!is.na(COUNT),][, SOURCE := "Lv_D"]
      if(nrow(need_ratio) > 0){
        need_ratio[, SOURCE := as.character(NA)]
        outputMaster <- rbind(outputMaster,
                              ratio_lv_d[, names(outputMaster), with = FALSE],
                              need_ratio[, names(outputMaster), with = FALSE])
        warning("After three attempts in deriving toWSV ratio, still some combination failed.")
      } else {
        outputMaster <- rbind(outputMaster,
                              ratio_lv_d[, names(outputMaster), with = FALSE])
      rm(mean_vol_lv_d, ratio_lv_d, tempoutput)

  for(i in 1:length(ratioVariables)){
    outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i] := unlist(outputMaster[, volVariables[i], with = FALSE])/VOL_WSV]
  outputMaster <- unique(outputMaster,
                         by = c("PRJ_GRP", "LV_D",  "SP0", "TYPE"))
  outputMaster[RATIO_NET %>>% 1, RATIO_NET := 1]
  if(nrow(outputMaster[RATIO_WSV %!=% 1,]) > 0){
    stop("RATIO_WSV must be 1.")
  if(nrow(outputMaster[RATIO_WSV %<<% RATIO_NET,]) > 0){
    stop("RATIO_WSV must be bigger than or equal to RATIO_NET.")
  for(i in 3:6){ ## for ratio_wsv, ratio_mer, ratio_netm, ratio_ntw2 and ratio_ntwb check
    if(i == 3){
      outputMaster[, ':='(checkvalue1 = RATIO_WSV,
                          checkvalue2 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i], with = FALSE]))]
    } else {
      outputMaster[, ':='(checkvalue1 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i-1], with = FALSE]),
                          checkvalue2 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i], with = FALSE]))]
    if(nrow(outputMaster[checkvalue2 %>>% checkvalue1]) > 0){
      if(i == 3){
        stop("Must be RATIO_WSV >= RATIO_MER.")
      } else {
        stop(paste("Must be ", ratioVariables[i-1], " >= ", ratioVariables[i], ".", sep = ""))
  for(i in 7:9){ ## for ratio_mer, ratio_d, ratio_dw and ratio_dwb check
    if(i == 7){
      outputMaster[, ':='(checkvalue1 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[3], with = FALSE]), # ratio_mer
                          checkvalue2 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i], with = FALSE]))]
    } else {
      outputMaster[, ':='(checkvalue1 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i-1], with = FALSE]),
                          checkvalue2 = unlist(outputMaster[, ratioVariables[i], with = FALSE]))]
    if(nrow(outputMaster[checkvalue2 %>>% checkvalue1]) > 0){
      if(i == 7){
        stop("Must be RATIO_MER >= RATIO_D.")

      } else {
        stop(paste("Must be ", ratioVariables[i-1], " >= ", ratioVariables[i], ".", sep = ""))
  # outputMaster[]
  # outputMaster[RATIO_NTW2 %>>% RATIO_NETM, RATIO_NTW2 := RATIO_NETM]
  return(outputMaster[,c("PRJ_GRP", "LV_D",  "SP0",
                         "TYPE", "COUNT", "SOURCE", ratioVariables),
                      with = FALSE])
bcgov/BCForestGroundSample documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:21 p.m.