#' Group BEC zones into interior and coastal region
#' @description It groups the BC BEC zone into two regions: coastal region \code{C} and interior region \code{I}.
#' @param BEC character, BC BEC zone(s)
#' @return grouped region by bec zone, in which \code{C} stands for coastal region, \code{I} stands for interior region and 
#'         \code{?} stands for unknown region. 
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname BEC2IC
#' @author Yong Luo
           function(BEC) {

#' @rdname BEC2IC
  signature = c(BEC = "character"),
  definition = function(BEC){
    BEC_I_C <- rep("?", length(BEC))
    BEC_I_C[BEC %in% c("CDF", "CWH", "MH", "CMA")] <- "C"
    ## add IMA and BAFA to I based on Rene's suggestion
    # Both ‘IMA’ and ‘BAFA’ were previously classes in the ‘AT’ (alpine tundra) BEC zone, as part of the BEC classification update.
    # So it makes sense to assign these missing values to ‘I’ (interior)
    BEC_I_C[BEC %in% c("AT" , "PP", "BWBS", "ESSF" , "ICH", "BG",
                       "IDF", "MS", "SBPS", "SBS"  , "SWB", "IMA", "BAFA")] <- "I"
bcgov/FAIBBase documentation built on June 19, 2024, 11:57 p.m.