
Defines functions PHFCalculator

Documented in PHFCalculator

#' Calculate tree per ha factor for both fix and variable area plot
#' @description Calculates tree per ha factor for both fix and variable area plots.
#' @param sampleType character, Specifies how the plot is sampled among fixed area plot or variable area plot,
#'                               must be either V for variable area plot or F for fixed area plot.
#' @param blowUp numeric, Specifies the blowup factor. For fixed area plot, it is calculated as 1/plotarea.
#'                         For variable area plot, it is basal area factor (BAF).
#' @param treeWeight numeric, Specifies whether a tree is zero counted (tree is out),
#'                             one time counted (regular count) or two times counted (double counted)
#'                             in the walk through sampling protocal.
#' @param plotWeight numeric, Specifies how a plot is measured, i.e., full plot measured (valued as 1),
#'                             half plot measured (valued as 2) or quarter plot measured (valued as 4).
#' @param treeBasalArea numeric, When plot is measured using variable area plot, this value must be given,
#'                                otherwise, can be missing
#' @return Tree per ha factor
#' @importFrom data.table ':=' data.table
#' @author Yong Luo
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname PHFCalculator
PHFCalculator <- function(sampleType,
  Data <- data.table(obsindex = 1:length(blowUp),
                     SAMP_TYP = sampleType, BLOWUP = blowUp,
                     PLOT_WT = plotWeight, TREE_WT = treeWeight,
                     BA_TREE = treeBasalArea)
  if(nrow(Data[!(SAMP_TYP %in% c("V", "F"))])){
    stop("sampleType must be either V or F. Please check your input.")
  for(i in c("blowUp", "treeWeight", "plotWeight")){
    if(length(get(i)[is.na(get(i))]) > 0){
      stop("Input ", i, " has NA value. Please check your input")
  if(nrow(Data[SAMP_TYP == "V" & is.na(BA_TREE),]) > 0){
    stop("Non-NA TreeBasalArea values must be provided for variable area plot. Please check your input")
bcgov/FAIBBase documentation built on June 19, 2024, 11:57 p.m.