#' The function is to generate stem mapping using random spatial distribution of
#' stratified size group for non-stem-mapped trees.
#' @param objectID character, The unique object identifier. Must be unique.
#' @param size numeric, The size that used for compute competition index.
#' @param noofGroup numeric, Defines how many groups to distribute objects.
#' Default is 5.
#' @param plotSize numeric, The plot size for the objects.
#' @param mapSize numeric, The map size to distribute the objects.
#' Default is 10000 m2.
#' @return a data table that has five columns, plotNumber, treeNumber, Year, IntraH and InterH
#' @importFrom data.table data.table ':='
#' @note no note
#' @seealso no
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname randomStemMapping
#' @author Yong Luo
randomStemMapping <- function(objectID,
noofGroup = 5,
mapSize = 10000){
onePlotoneCensusdata <- data.table(objectID, size)
if(nrow(onePlotoneCensusdata) < noofGroup){
warning(paste0("The number of objects is less than number of group ", noofGroup, ". 1 is used for noofGroup."))
noofGroup <- 1
onePlotoneCensusdata <- onePlotoneCensusdata[order(size),]
if(noofGroup != 1){
onePlotoneCensusdata[, SizeClass:=cut(SizeRank, seq(min(SizeRank), max(SizeRank),
length = (noofGroup+1)),
labels = paste("Size",
1:noofGroup, sep = ""),
include.lowest = TRUE)]
} else {
onePlotoneCensusdata[, SizeClass := "Size1"]
for(i in 1:noofGroup){
indisizeclass <- onePlotoneCensusdata[SizeClass == paste("Size", i, sep = "")]
NofTree <- round(nrow(indisizeclass)*mapSize/plotSize)
pts <- data.table(data.frame(rpoint(NofTree), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
pts[,':='(x = sqrt(mapSize)*x - sqrt(mapSize)/2, y = sqrt(mapSize)*y - sqrt(mapSize)/2,
objectID = sample(unique(indisizeclass$objectID),
size = length(x),
replace = TRUE))]
if(i == 1){
alltreemapping <- pts
} else {
alltreemapping <- rbind(alltreemapping, pts)
rm(indisizeclass, NofTree, pts)
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