
Defines functions hy_check hy_remote hy_base_url download_hydat

Documented in download_hydat hy_remote

# Copyright 2017 Province of British Columbia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

#' Download and set the path to HYDAT
#' Download the HYDAT sqlite database. This database contains all the historical hydrometric data for Canada's integrated hydrometric network.
#' The function will check for a existing sqlite file and won't download the file if the same version is already present.

#' @param dl_hydat_here Directory to the HYDAT database. The path is chosen by the `rappdirs` package and is OS specific and can be view by [hy_dir()].
#' This path is also supplied automatically to any function that uses the HYDAT database. A user specified path can be set though this is not the advised approach.
#' It also downloads the database to a directory specified by [hy_dir()].
#' @param ask Whether to ask (as \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}) if HYDAT should be downloaded. If \code{FALSE} the keypress question is skipped.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' download_hydat()
#' }
download_hydat <- function(dl_hydat_here = NULL, ask = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(dl_hydat_here)) {
    dl_hydat_here <- hy_dir()
    dir.create(dl_hydat_here, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  } else {
    if (!dir.exists(dl_hydat_here)) {
      message(crayon::blue("You have downloaded hydat to", dl_hydat_here))
      message(crayon::blue("See ?hy_set_default_db to change where tidyhydat looks for HYDAT"))

  if (!is.logical(ask)) stop("Parameter ask must be a logical")

  ## Create actual hydat_path
  hydat_path <- file.path(dl_hydat_here, "Hydat.sqlite3")

  ## If there is an existing hydat file get the date of release
  if (file.exists(hydat_path)) {
    existing_hydat <- as.Date(hy_version(hydat_path)$Date)
    existing_hydat <- gsub("-", "", as.character(existing_hydat))
  } else {
    existing_hydat <- "HYDAT not present"

  new_hydat <- hy_remote()
  # Make the download URL
  url <- paste0(hy_base_url(), "Hydat_sqlite3_", new_hydat, ".zip")
  response <- httr::HEAD(url)
  size <- round(as.numeric(httr::headers(response)[["Content-Length"]]) / 1000000, 0)

  ## Do we need to download a new version?
  if (new_hydat == existing_hydat & ask) { # DB exists and no new version
    msg <- paste0(
      "The existing local version of HYDAT, published on ",
      ", is the most recent version available. \nDo you wish to overwrite it? \nDownloading HYDAT could take up to 10 minutes (",
      size, " MB)."
    dl_overwrite <- ask(msg)
  } else {
    dl_overwrite <- TRUE

  if (!dl_overwrite) {
    info("HYDAT is updated on a quarterly basis, check again soon for an updated version.")

  if (new_hydat != existing_hydat & ask) { # New DB available or no local DB at all
    msg <- paste0(
      "Downloading HYDAT will take up to 10 minutes (",
      size, " MB).  \nThis will remove any older versions of HYDAT, if applicable.  \nIs that okay?"
    ans <- ask(msg)
  } else {
    ans <- TRUE

  if (!ans) {
    stop("Maybe another day...", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (dl_overwrite) {
    green_message(paste0("Downloading HYDAT to ", dl_hydat_here))

  if (dl_overwrite) {
    if (new_hydat == existing_hydat) {
      info(paste0("Your local copy of HYDAT published on ", crayon::blue(lubridate::ymd(new_hydat)), " will be overwritten."))
    } else {
      info(paste0("Downloading new version of HYDAT created on ", crayon::blue(lubridate::ymd(new_hydat))))

    ## temporary path to save
    tmp <- tempfile("hydat_", fileext = ".zip")

    ## Download the zip file
    res <- httr::GET(
      url, httr::write_disk(tmp), httr::progress("down"),
    on.exit(file.remove(tmp), add = TRUE)

    ## Extract the file to a temporary dir
    if (file.exists(tmp)) info("Extracting HYDAT")
    tempdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "extracted")
    utils::unzip(tmp, exdir = tempdir, overwrite = TRUE)
    on.exit(unlink(tempdir, recursive = TRUE))

    ## Move to final resting place and rename to consistent name
      list.files(tempdir, pattern = "\\.sqlite3$", full.names = TRUE),

    if (file.exists(hydat_path)) {
      congrats("HYDAT successfully downloaded")
    } else {
      not_done("HYDAT not successfully downloaded")


  } # End of DL and overwrite if statement

hy_base_url <- function() {

#' Get the version date of HYDAT that is current on the ECCC website
#' Retrieve the date of the HYDAT version available for download.
#' @export
hy_remote <- function() {
  # Run network check

  x <- httr::GET(hy_base_url())
  raw_date <- substr(
    gsub("^.*\\Hydat_sqlite3_", "", httr::content(x, "text")),
    1, 8


hy_check <- function(hydat_path = NULL) {
  con <- hy_src(hydat_path)
  on.exit(hy_src_disconnect(con), add = TRUE)

  have_tbls <- dplyr::src_tbls(con)

  tbl_diff <- setdiff(hy_expected_tbls(), have_tbls)
  if (!rlang::is_empty(tbl_diff)) {
    red_message("The following tables are missing from HYDAT")
    red_message(paste0(tbl_diff, "\n"))

  invisible(lapply(have_tbls, function(x) {
    tbl_rows <- dplyr::tbl(con, x) %>%
      utils::head(1) %>%
      dplyr::collect() %>%

    if (tbl_rows == 0) {
      red_message(paste0(x, " table has no data."))
bcgov/tidyhydat documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 4:03 a.m.