is_two_sided <- function(formula){
attr(terms(formula), 'response') == 1
# easy lists of things
# @param things vector containing things to list
list_things <- function(things){
glue_collapse(things, sep = ', ', last = ' and ')
check_strat <- function(string, data){
pattern <- "[?><!@#$%^&()+-]"
any_bad_symbols <- any(grepl(pattern, string))
if(any_bad_symbols) stop(
"Only a star symbol (*) can be used after |, e.g. ~ x | y*z ",
call. = FALSE
is_fctr <- map_lgl(set_names(string, string), ~is.factor(data[[.x]]))
bad_strat_vars <- names(is_fctr)[-which(is_fctr)]
"Stratification variables must be factors. \\
check the following variables: {list_things(bad_strat_vars)}"
check_row_vars <- function(string){
any_interactions <- any(grepl(string, pattern="\\:"))
if(any_interactions) stop(
"Interactions cannot be processed as row variables.",
call. = FALSE
# tibbleOne formula handler
# @description [tibble_one()] accepts formula input.
# This function translates a formula input value into three
# types of table one variables (e.g., row, stratification, and by).
# It is unlikely that you will want to use this function directly,
# but may wish to use it to debug a formula object that is not
# providing the tibble one results you were expecting.
# @param formula a one sided `formula` object with row variables
# to the left and stratification variables to the right of a
# | symbol. For example, formula = ~ x + y | z.
# @param data a data frame to evaluate formula terms in.
# @examples
# df = data.frame(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
# get_tb1_vars(~ a + b | c, df)
# # identical to
# get_tb1_vars(~ . | c, df)
# # specify a by variable using *
# get_tb1_vars(~ . | b*c, df)
parse_tb1_formula <- function(formula, data){
if(is_two_sided(formula)) stop(
"formula should only have variables on the right hand side of ~",
call. = FALSE
formula_rhs <- deparse(formula) %>%
trimws(which = 'both') %>%
paste(collapse = ' ') %>%
str_split_trim(pattern = '|')
if(length(formula_rhs) > 2) stop(
"Multiple | symbols in formula. Only one is allowed",
call. = FALSE
if(length(formula_rhs) < 2){
strat <- NULL
} else {
strat <- str_split_trim(formula_rhs[2], pattern = "*") %>%
check_strat(data = data)
if(!all(strat %in% names(data))) stop(
'stratification variable is not in data',
if(length(strat) > 2) stop(
"You have specified {length(strat)} stratifying variables. \\",
"The maximum number of stratifying variables currently \\
allowed is 2"
call. = FALSE
by = strat[2]
strat = strat[1]
} else {
by = NULL
row_vars <- as.formula(formula_rhs) %>%
terms(data = data) %>%
attr('term.labels') %>%
setdiff(strat) %>%
setdiff(by) %>%
row_vars = row_vars,
strat = strat,
by = by
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