
####--- All "Math" and "Math2" group methods for all Matrix classes (incl sparseVector) ------
####	     ====	=====  but diagonalMatrix  -> ./diagMatrix.R and abIndex.R
####							~~~~~~~~~~~~	 ~~~~~~~~~

###--------- Csparse

Math.vecGenerics <- grep("^cum", getGroupMembers("Math"), value=TRUE)
## "cummax" .. "cumsum" : work on full *vector* and return vector also for matrix input
	  signature(x = "CsparseMatrix"),
	  function(x) {
	      if(.Generic %nin% Math.vecGenerics && is0(callGeneric(0.))) {
		  ## sparseness, symm., triang.,... preserved
                  cl <- class(x)
                  has.x <- !extends(cl, "nsparseMatrix")
                  ## has.x  <==> *not* nonzero-pattern == "nMatrix"
                  if(has.x) {
                      type <- storage.mode(x@x)
                      r <- callGeneric(x@x)
                  } else { ## nsparseMatrix
                      type <- ""
		      r <- rep.int(as.double(callGeneric(TRUE)),
					  CsparseMatrix = length(x@i),
					  TsparseMatrix = length(x@i),
					  RsparseMatrix = length(x@j)))
		  if(type == storage.mode(r)) {
		      x@x <- r
		  } else { ## e.g. abs( <lgC> ) --> integer Csparse
		      ## FIXME: when we have 'i*' classes, use them here:
		      rx <- new(sub("^.", "d", MatrixClass(cl)))
		      rx@x <- as.double(r)
		      ## result is "same"
		      sNams <- slotNames(cl)
		      for(nm in sNams[sNams != "x"])
			  slot(rx, nm) <- slot(x, nm)
	      } else { ## no sparseness (or no matrix!); C2dense() returns *numeric*
	  }) ## {Math}

###--------- ddenseMatrix

##' Used for  dt[rp]Matrix, ds[yp]Matrix (and subclasses, e.g. dpo*(), cor*() !):
##' as dgeMatrix has direct method:
setMethod("Math", "ddenseMatrix", function(x)
	if(.Generic %in% Math.vecGenerics) # vector result
	else if(is(x, "symmetricMatrix")) { ## -> result symmetric: keeps class
	    cl <- .class0(x)
	    if(cl %in% (scl <- c("dsyMatrix","dspMatrix"))) {
		x@x <- callGeneric(x@x)
	    } else { ## *sub*class of dsy/dsp: e.g., dpoMatrix
		## -> "[dsy/dsp]Matrix":
		x <- as(x, scl[match(scl, names(getClass(cl)@contains), nomatch=0L)])
		x@x <- callGeneric(x@x)
	else { ## triangularMatrix (no need for testing), includes, e.g. "corMatrix"!
	    ## if(is0(f0 <- callGeneric(0.))) { ## -> result remains triangular
	    if(is0(callGeneric(0.))) { ## -> result remains triangular
		cl <- .class0(x)
		if(cl %in% (scl <- c("dtrMatrix","dtpMatrix"))) {
		    x@x <- callGeneric(x@x)
		} else { ## *sub*class of dtr/dtp: e.g., corMatrix
		    ## -> "[dtr/dtp]Matrix":
		    x <- as(x, scl[match(scl, names(getClass(cl)@contains), nomatch=0L)])
		    x@x <- callGeneric(x@x)
	    else { ## result is general: *could* use f0 for the whole 0-triangle,
		## but this is much easier:

###--------- denseMatrix

## FIXME: Once we have integer (idense..),  sign(), abs(.) may need different:
setMethod("Math", signature(x = "denseMatrix"),
	  function(x) callGeneric(as(x, "dMatrix")))
                                        # -> ./ddenseMatrix.R has next method

###--------- dgeMatrix

setMethod("Math", signature(x = "dgeMatrix"),
	  function(x) {
	      if(.Generic %in% Math.vecGenerics)
	      else {
		  x@x <- callGeneric(x@x)

###--------- diagMatrix

## Till 2014-08-04, went via "dtC" (triangular) -- "Math" method in ./Math.R
setMethod("Math", signature(x = "diagonalMatrix"),
	  function(x) {
	      if(.Generic %in% Math.vecGenerics) # vector result
	      ## else if(is0(f0 <- callGeneric(0.))) { ## result remains diagonal
	      else if(is0(callGeneric(0.))) { ## result remains diagonal
		  cl <- class(x)
		  if(!extends(cl, "ddiMatrix"))
		      cl <- class(x <- as(x, "dMatrix"))
		  ##d type <- storage.mode(x@x)
                  if(x@diag == "U") {
		      ##d if((f1 <- callGeneric(as1(mod=type))) == 1 && type == "double")
		      if((f1 <- callGeneric(1.)) == 1)
			  return(x) # [ddi] as f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1
		      else {
			  n <- x@Dim[1]
			  return( Diagonal(n=n, x = rep.int(f1, n)) )
                  r <- callGeneric(x@x)
		  ##d if(type == storage.mode(r)) {
		      x@x <- r
		  ##d } else { ## e.g. abs( <lgC> ) --> integer Csparse
		  ##d     ## FIXME: when we have 'i*' classes, use them here:
		  ##d     rx <- new(sub("^.", "d", cl))
		  ##d     rx@x <- as.double(r)
		  ##d     ## result is "same"
		  ##d     sNams <- slotNames(cl)
		  ##d     for(nm in sNams[sNams != "x"])
		  ##d         slot(rx, nm) <- slot(x, nm)
		  ##d     rx
		  ##d }
	      } else { ## no sparseness, i.e., no diagonal, but still symmetric:
		  ## FIXME: gain efficiency by reusing f0  for *all* off-diagonal entries!
		  callGeneric(as(as(as(.diag2sT(x), "dMatrix"), "denseMatrix"), "dspMatrix"))
	  }) ## {Math}

## NB: "Math2" (round, signif) for diagMatrix is perfectly via "dMatrix"

###--------- dMatrix

## Use these as "catch-all" -- more specific methods are for sub-classes (sparse)

setMethod("Math2", signature(x = "dMatrix"),
          ## Assume that  Generic(u, k) |--> u for u in {0,1}
          ## which is true for round(), signif() ==> all structure maintained
	  function(x, digits) {
              x@x <- callGeneric(x@x, digits = digits)
## the same, first coercing to "dMatrix":
setMethod("Math2", signature(x = "Matrix"),
	  function(x, digits) {
	      x <- as(x, "dMatrix")
	      x@x <- callGeneric(x@x, digits = digits)

###--------- sparseMatrix

setMethod("Math", signature(x = "sparseMatrix"),
	  function(x) callGeneric(as(x, "CsparseMatrix")))

###--------- sparseVector

setMethod("Math", signature(x = "sparseVector"),
	  function(x) {
	      if(.Generic %nin% Math.vecGenerics && is0(callGeneric(0.))) {
		  ## sparseness preserved
		  cld <- getClassDef(class(x))
		  kind <- .M.kindC(cld)# "d", "n", "l", "i", "z", ...
		  has.x <- kind != "n"
		  if(has.x) {
		      rx <- callGeneric(x@x)
		      if(kind == "d") {
			  x@x <- rx
		      else {
			  new("dsparseVector", x = rx, i = x@i, length = x@length)
		  } else { ## kind == "n"
		      new("dsparseVector", x = rep.int(callGeneric(1), length(x@i)),
			  i = x@i, length = x@length)
	      } else { ## dense

setMethod("Math2", signature(x = "dsparseVector"),
          ## Assume that  Generic(u, k) |--> u for u in {0,1}
          ## which is true for round(), signif() ==> all structure maintained
	  function(x, digits) {
              x@x <- callGeneric(x@x, digits = digits)
## the same, first coercing to "dsparseVector":
setMethod("Math2", signature(x = "sparseVector"),
	  function(x, digits) {
	      x <- as(x, "dsparseVector")
	      x@x <- callGeneric(x@x, digits = digits)
bedatadriven/renjin-matrix documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:05 a.m.