
### Note that "in theory" even base::as.vector() should be overloaded.
### In practice that could be too much of a performance penalty in some cases.

.MatrixEnv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
## as long as it's small, no 'hash = TRUE'

.chm_common <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
## environment in which to store some settings from cholmod_common

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
    .Call(CHM_set_common_env, .chm_common)

## Instead, simply re-assign the [cr]bind()s which are recursively
## based on [cr]bind2 :
## save to cBind / rBind  ("rename")
if(getRversion() >= "3.2.0") {
    ## New (2015-02)  base :: cbind(), rbind() which dispatch on S4 "when needed":
    cBind <- function (..., deparse.level = 1) {
	## not yet by default: (TODO: Once per session from ~ Oct.2015)
	if(isTRUE(getOption("Matrix.warn")) ||
	.Deprecated(msg = "'cBind' is deprecated.
 Since R version 3.2.0, base's cbind() should work fine with S4 objects")
	base::cbind(..., deparse.level=deparse.level)
    rBind <- function (..., deparse.level = 1) {
	## not yet by default: (TODO: ...)
	if(isTRUE(getOption("Matrix.warn")) ||
	.Deprecated(msg = "'rBind' is deprecated.
 Since R version 3.2.0, base's rbind() should work fine with S4 objects")
	base::rbind(..., deparse.level=deparse.level)

} else {
    cBind <- methods:::cbind
    rBind <- methods:::rbind
    lengths <- function (x, use.names = TRUE) vapply(x, length, 1L, USE.NAMES = use.names)

.onUnload <- function(libpath)
    library.dynam.unload("Matrix", libpath)

.SuiteSparse_version <- function() {
    ssv <- .Call(get_SuiteSparse_version)
    package_version(list(major = ssv[1], minor = paste(ssv[2:3], collapse=".")))

if(getRversion() < "3.1.0") {
    if(getRversion() < "3.0.0") {
        rep_len <- function(x, length.out) rep(x, length.out=length.out)
    anyNA <- function(x) any(is.na(x))
bedatadriven/renjin-matrix documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:05 a.m.