simCatSPIM: Simulate data from the categorical spatial partial identity...

View source: R/simCatSPIM.R

simCatSPIMR Documentation

Simulate data from the categorical spatial partial identity model (SPIM)


Will document after I defend. Should be able to get the idea in the example found in the mcmc.CatSPIM help file.


simCatSPIM(N = 120, lam0 = 0.1, sigma = 0.5, K = 10, X = X,
  buff = 3, obstype = "bernoulli", ncat = ncat, pID = pID,
  gamma = gamma, IDcovs = IDcovs)


Ben Augustine

benaug/SPIM documentation built on April 28, 2024, 7:27 a.m.