#' @title **PWHL Play-by-play**
#' @description PWHL Play-by-play
#' @param game_id Game ID that you want play-by-play for
#' @return A data frame with play-by-play data from the PWHL
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import dplyr
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' try(pwhl_pbp(game_id = 27))
#' }
pwhl_pbp <- function(game_id) {
URL <- glue::glue("https://lscluster.hockeytech.com/feed/index.php?feed=statviewfeed&view=gameCenterPlayByPlay&game_id={game_id}&key=694cfeed58c932ee&client_code=pwhl&lang=en&league_id=&callback=angular.callbacks._8")
res <- httr::RETRY("GET", URL)
res <- res %>%
httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "utf-8")
callback_pattern <- "angular.callbacks._\\d+\\("
res <- gsub(callback_pattern, "", res)
res <- gsub("}}])", "}}]", res)
r <- res %>% jsonlite::parse_json()
events <- c("goalie_change", "faceoff", "shot", "penalty", "goal")
goalie_events <- data.frame()
game_events <- data.frame()
expr = {
for (y in 1:length(r)) {
event <- coalesce(r[[y]]$event, NA)
team_id <- as.numeric(coalesce(r[[y]]$details$team_id, NA))
period_of_game <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$period$id, NA)
time_of_period <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$time, NA)
if (event == "goalie_change") {
player_out <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieGoingOut, NA)
player_in <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieComingIn, NA)
if (! is.null(player_in)) {
player_in_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieComingIn$id, NA)
player_in_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieComingIn$firstName, NA)
player_in_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieComingIn$lastName, NA)
goalie <- data.frame(
substitution = c("in"),
goalie_id = c(player_in_id),
goalie_name_first = c(player_in_first),
goalie_name_last = c(player_in_last)
} else {
player_in_id <- coalesce(NULL, NA)
player_in_first <- coalesce(NULL, NA)
player_in_last <- coalesce(NULL, NA)
if (! is.null(player_out)) {
player_out_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieGoingOut$id, NA)
player_out_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieGoingOut$firstName, NA)
player_out_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalieGoingOut$lastName, NA)
goalie <- data.frame(
substitution = c("in"),
goalie_id = c(player_in_id),
goalie_name_first = c(player_in_first),
goalie_name_last = c(player_in_last)
} else {
player_out_id <- NA
player_out_first <- NA
player_out_last <- NA
goalie$event <- event
goalie$team_id <- team_id
goalie$period_of_game <- period_of_game
goalie$time_of_period <- time_of_period
goalie_events <- bind_rows(goalie_events, goalie)
} else if (event == "shot") {
shooter_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shooter$id, NA)
shooter_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shooter$firstName, NA)
shooter_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shooter$lastName, NA)
shooter_jersey <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shooter$jerseyNumber, NA)
shooter_position <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shooter$position, NA)
goal <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$isGoal, NA)
goalie_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalie$id, NA)
goalie_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalie$firstName, NA)
goalie_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$goalie$lastName, NA)
team_id <- as.numeric(coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shooterTeamId), NA)
shot_quality <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shotQuality, NA)
shot_type <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$shotType, NA)
x_loc <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$xLocation, NA)
y_loc <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$yLocation, NA)
shot_info <- data.frame(
event = c(event),
team_id = c(team_id),
period_of_game = c(period_of_game),
time_of_period = c(time_of_period),
player_id = c(shooter_id),
player_name_first = c(shooter_first),
player_name_last = c(shooter_last),
player_position = c(shooter_position),
player_team_id = c(team_id),
event_type = c(shot_type),
shot_quality = c(shot_quality),
goal = c(goal),
x_coord = c(x_loc),
y_coord = c(y_loc),
goalie_id = c(goalie_id),
goalie_first = c(goalie_first),
goalie_last = c(goalie_last)
game_events <- bind_rows(game_events, shot_info)
} else if (event == "goal") {
scorer_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$scoredBy$id, NA)
scorer_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$scoredBy$firstName, NA)
scorer_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$scoredBy$lastName, NA)
scorer_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$scoredBy$position, NA)
team_id <- as.numeric(coalesce(r[[y]]$details$team$id), NA)
assist <- r[[y]]$details$assists
primary_assist_id <- if (length(assist) > 0) assist[[1]]$id else NA
primary_assist_first <- if (length(assist) > 0) assist[[1]]$firstName else NA
primary_assist_last <- if (length(assist) > 0) assist[[1]]$lastName else NA
primary_assist_pos <- if (length(assist) > 0) assist[[1]]$position else NA
sec_assist_id <- if (length(assist) > 1) assist[[2]]$id else NA
sec_assist_first <- if (length(assist) > 1) assist[[2]]$firstName else NA
sec_assist_last <- if (length(assist) > 1) assist[[2]]$lastName else NA
sec_assist_pos <- if (length(assist) > 1) assist[[2]]$position else NA
empty_net <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$properties$isEmptyNet, NA)
game_winner <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$properties$isGameWinningGoal, NA)
insurance <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$properties$isInsuranceGoal, NA)
penalty_shot <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$properties$isPenaltyShot, NA)
power_play <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$properties$isPowerPlay, NA)
short_handed <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$properties$isShortHanded, NA)
x_loc <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$xLocation, NA)
y_loc <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$yLocation, NA)
minus <- r[[y]]$details$minus_players
plus <- r[[y]]$details$plus_players
plus_player_one_id = if (length(plus) > 0) plus[[1]]$id else NA
plus_player_one_first = if (length(plus) > 0) plus[[1]]$firstName else NA
plus_player_one_last = if (length(plus) > 0) plus[[1]]$lastName else NA
plus_player_one_position = if (length(plus) > 0) plus[[1]]$position else NA
plus_player_two_id = if (length(plus) > 1) plus[[2]]$id else NA
plus_player_two_first = if (length(plus) > 1) plus[[2]]$firstName else NA
plus_player_two_last = if (length(plus) > 1) plus[[2]]$lastName else NA
plus_player_two_position = if (length(plus) > 1) plus[[2]]$position else NA
plus_player_three_id = if (length(plus) > 2) plus[[3]]$id else NA
plus_player_three_first = if (length(plus) > 2) plus[[3]]$firstName else NA
plus_player_three_last = if (length(plus) > 2) plus[[3]]$lastName else NA
plus_player_three_position = if (length(plus) > 2) plus[[3]]$position else NA
plus_player_four_id = if (length(plus) > 3) plus[[4]]$id else NA
plus_player_four_first = if (length(plus) > 3) plus[[4]]$firstName else NA
plus_player_four_last = if (length(plus) > 3) plus[[4]]$lastName else NA
plus_player_four_position = if (length(plus) > 3) plus[[4]]$lastName else NA
plus_player_five_id = if (length(plus) > 4) plus[[5]]$id else NA
plus_player_five_first = if (length(plus) > 4) plus[[5]]$firstName else NA
plus_player_five_last = if (length(plus) > 4) plus[[5]]$lastName else NA
plus_player_five_position = if (length(plus) > 4) plus[[5]]$position else NA
minus_player_one_id = if (length(minus) > 0) minus[[1]]$id else NA
minus_player_one_first = if (length(minus) > 0) minus[[1]]$firstName else NA
minus_player_one_last = if (length(minus) > 0) minus[[1]]$lastName else NA
minus_player_one_position = if (length(minus) > 0) minus[[1]]$position else NA
minus_player_two_id = if (length(minus) > 1) minus[[2]]$id else NA
minus_player_two_first = if (length(minus) > 1) minus[[2]]$firstName else NA
minus_player_two_last = if (length(minus) > 1) minus[[2]]$lastName else NA
minus_player_two_position = if (length(minus) > 1) minus[[2]]$position else NA
minus_player_three_id = if (length(minus) > 2) minus[[3]]$id else NA
minus_player_three_first = if (length(minus) > 2) minus[[3]]$firstName else NA
minus_player_three_last = if (length(minus) > 2) minus[[3]]$lastName else NA
minus_player_three_position = if (length(minus) > 2) minus[[3]]$position else NA
minus_player_four_id = if (length(minus) > 3) minus[[4]]$id else NA
minus_player_four_first = if (length(minus) > 3) minus[[4]]$firstName else NA
minus_player_four_last = if (length(minus) > 3) minus[[4]]$lastName else NA
minus_player_four_position = if (length(minus) > 3) minus[[4]]$lastName else NA
minus_player_five_id = if (length(minus) > 4) minus[[5]]$id else NA
minus_player_five_first = if (length(minus) > 4) minus[[5]]$firstName else NA
minus_player_five_last = if (length(minus) > 4) minus[[5]]$lastName else NA
minus_player_five_position = if (length(minus) > 4) minus[[5]]$position else NA
goal <- data.frame(
event = c(event),
team_id = c(team_id),
period_of_game = c(period_of_game),
time_of_period = c(time_of_period),
player_id = c(scorer_id),
player_name_first = c(scorer_first),
player_name_last = c(scorer_last),
player_position = c(scorer_pos),
player_team_id = c(team_id),
player_two_id = c(primary_assist_id),
player_two_name_first = c(primary_assist_first),
player_two_name_last = c(primary_assist_last),
player_two_position = c(primary_assist_pos),
player_three_id = c(sec_assist_id),
player_three_name_first = c(sec_assist_first),
player_three_name_last = c(sec_assist_last),
player_three_position = c(sec_assist_pos),
x_coord = c(x_loc),
y_coord = c(y_loc),
empty_net = c(empty_net),
game_winner = c(game_winner),
penalty_shot = c(penalty_shot),
insurance = c(insurance),
power_play = c(power_play),
short_handed = c(short_handed),
plus_player_one_id = c(plus_player_one_id),
plus_player_one_first = c(plus_player_one_first),
plus_player_one_last = c(plus_player_one_last),
plus_player_one_position = c(plus_player_one_position),
plus_player_two_id = c(plus_player_two_id),
plus_player_two_first = c(plus_player_two_first),
plus_player_two_last = c(plus_player_two_last),
plus_player_two_position = c(plus_player_two_position),
plus_player_three_id = c(plus_player_three_id),
plus_player_three_first = c(plus_player_three_first),
plus_player_three_last = c(plus_player_three_last),
plus_player_three_position = c(plus_player_three_position),
plus_player_four_id = c(plus_player_four_id),
plus_player_four_first = c(plus_player_four_first),
plus_player_four_last = c(plus_player_four_last),
plus_player_four_position = c(plus_player_four_position),
plus_player_five_id = c(plus_player_five_id),
plus_player_five_first = c(plus_player_five_first),
plus_player_five_last = c(plus_player_five_last),
plus_player_five_position = c(plus_player_five_position),
minus_player_one_id = c(minus_player_one_id),
minus_player_one_first = c(minus_player_one_first),
minus_player_one_last = c(minus_player_one_last),
minus_player_one_position = c(minus_player_one_position),
minus_player_two_id = c(minus_player_two_id),
minus_player_two_first = c(minus_player_two_first),
minus_player_two_last = c(minus_player_two_last),
minus_player_two_position = c(minus_player_two_position),
minus_player_three_id = c(minus_player_three_id),
minus_player_three_first = c(minus_player_three_first),
minus_player_three_last = c(minus_player_three_last),
minus_player_three_position = c(minus_player_three_position),
minus_player_four_id = c(minus_player_four_id),
minus_player_four_first = c(minus_player_four_first),
minus_player_four_last = c(minus_player_four_last),
minus_player_four_position = c(minus_player_four_position),
minus_player_five_id = c(minus_player_five_id),
minus_player_five_first = c(minus_player_five_first),
minus_player_five_last = c(minus_player_five_last),
minus_player_five_position = c(minus_player_five_position)
game_events <- bind_rows(game_events, goal)
} else if (event == "faceoff") {
home_player_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$id, NA)
home_player_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$firstName, NA)
home_player_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$lastName, NA)
home_player_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$position, NA)
away_player_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$id, NA)
away_player_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$firstName, NA)
away_player_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$lastName, NA)
away_player_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$position, NA)
home_win <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homeWin, NA)
x_loc <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$xLocation, NA)
y_loc <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$yLocation, NA)
if (as.numeric(home_win) == 1) {
player_one_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$id, NA)
player_one_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$firstName, NA)
player_one_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$lastName, NA)
player_one_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$position, NA)
player_two_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$id, NA)
player_two_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$firstName, NA)
player_two_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$lastName, NA)
player_two_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$position, NA)
} else {
player_two_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$id, NA)
player_two_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$firstName, NA)
player_two_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$lastName, NA)
player_two_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$awayPlayer$position, NA)
player_one_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$id, NA)
player_one_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$firstName, NA)
player_one_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$lastName, NA)
player_one_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$homePlayer$position, NA)
faceoff <- data.frame(
event = c(event),
team_id = c(team_id),
period_of_game = c(period_of_game),
time_of_period = c(time_of_period),
player_id = c(player_one_id),
player_name_first = c(player_one_first),
player_name_last = c(player_one_last),
player_position = c(player_one_pos),
# player_team_id = c(team_id),
player_two_id = c(player_two_id),
player_two_name_first = c(player_two_first),
player_two_name_last = c(player_two_last),
player_two_position = c(player_two_pos),
x_coord = c(x_loc),
y_coord = c(y_loc),
home_win = c(as.numeric(home_win))
game_events <- bind_rows(game_events, faceoff)
} else if (event == "penalty") {
team_id <- as.numeric(coalesce(r[[y]]$details$againstTeam$id, NA))
penalty_type <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$description, NA)
penalty_length <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$minutes, NA)
starts_pp <- if(r[[y]]$details$isPowerPlay) "1" else "0"
taken_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$takenBy$id, NA)
taken_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$takenBy$firstName, NA)
taken_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$takenBy$lastName, NA)
taken_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$takenBy$position, NA)
served_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$servedBy$id, NA)
served_first <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$servedBy$firstName, NA)
served_last <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$servedBy$lastName, NA)
served_pos <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$servedBy$position, NA)
against_tm_id <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$againstTeam$id, NA)
against_tm_abbr <- coalesce(r[[y]]$details$againstTeam$abbreviation, NA)
penalty <- data.frame(
event = c(event),
team_id = c(team_id),
period_of_game = c(period_of_game),
time_of_period = c(time_of_period),
player_id = c(served_id),
player_name_first = c(served_first),
player_name_last = c(served_last),
player_position = c(served_pos),
# player_team_id = c(team_id),
player_two_id = c(taken_id),
player_two_name_first = c(taken_first),
player_two_name_last = c(taken_last),
player_two_position = c(taken_pos),
event_type = c(penalty_type),
penalty_length = c(penalty_length),
power_play = c(starts_pp)
if (! is.na(penalty$team_id)) {
game_events <- bind_rows(game_events, penalty)
# print(paste0(y))
id = game_id
games <- pwhl_schedule(season = 2023) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$game_id == id)
game_df <- game_events %>%
dplyr::select(-contains(".")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(game_id = as.numeric(game_id),
game_date = games$game_date,
power_play = as.numeric(power_play),
home_team_id = games$home_team_id,
home_team = games$home_team,
away_team_id = games$away_team_id,
away_team = games$away_team) %>%
dplyr::relocate(game_id, .before = c(1)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(x_coord_original = .data$x_coord,
y_coord_original = .data$y_coord,
x_coord = .data$x_coord / 3,
y_coord = 42.5 - (((.data$y_coord * 85) / 300) - 42.5),
x_coord_fixed = .data$x_coord / 3,
y_coord_fixed = 42.5 - (((.data$y_coord * 85) / 300) - 42.5),
x_coord_right = ifelse(.data$team_id == .data$home_team_id, 100 + (100 - .data$x_coord), .data$x_coord),
y_coord_right = ifelse(.data$team_id == .data$home_team_id, 42.5 - (.data$y_coord - 42.5), .data$y_coord),
x_coord_vertical = 42.5 - (.data$y_coord_right - 42.5),
y_coord_vertical = .data$x_coord_right) %>%
tidyr::separate("time_of_period", into = c("minute", "second"), sep = ":", remove = FALSE) %>%
minute_start = as.numeric(.data$minute),
second_start = as.numeric(.data$second),
minute = ifelse(19 - .data$minute_start == 19 &
60 - .data$second_start == 60, 20,
19 - .data$minute_start),
second = ifelse(60 - .data$second_start == 60, 0,
60 - .data$second_start),
second = ifelse(.data$second < 10, paste0("0", .data$second),
clock = paste0(.data$minute, ":", .data$second),
sec_from_start = (60 * .data$minute_start) + .data$second_start,
# adding time to the seconds_from_start variable to account for what period we're in
sec_from_start = dplyr::case_when(
.data$period_of_game == 2 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 1200,
.data$period_of_game == 3 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 2400,
.data$period_of_game == 4 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 3600,
.data$period_of_game == 5 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 4800,
TRUE ~ .data$sec_from_start),
start_power_play = ifelse(.data$event == "penalty" & .data$power_play == 1, .data$sec_from_start, NA_real_),
end_power_play = ifelse(.data$event == "penalty" & .data$power_play == 1, .data$sec_from_start + (60 * as.numeric(.data$penalty_length)), NA_real_)) %>%
dplyr::select(-"minute", -"second")
goals <- game_df %>%
dplyr::filter(event == "goal") %>%
dplyr::select(sec_from_start, team_id)
pens <- game_df %>%
dplyr::filter(event == "penalty") %>%
dplyr::mutate(advantage_team = ifelse(.data$team_id == home_team_id, away_team_id, home_team_id)) %>%
dplyr::select(power_play, sec_from_start, penalty_length, start_power_play, end_power_play, advantage_team, team_id)
for (i in 1:nrow(pens)) {
goal <- goals %>%
dplyr::filter(sec_from_start >= pens[i, ]$start_power_play & sec_from_start <= pens[i, ]$end_power_play)
if (nrow(goal) > 0) {
pens[i, ]$end_power_play <- goal$sec_from_start
for (i in 1:nrow(game_df)) {
play_pen <- pens %>% dplyr::filter(start_power_play <= game_df[i, ]$sec_from_start &
end_power_play >= game_df[i, ]$sec_from_start &
advantage_team == game_df[i, ]$team_id)
if (nrow(play_pen) > 0 & game_df[i,]$event %in% c("shot", "faceoff")) {
game_df[i, ]$power_play <- if (game_df[i, ]$team_id == play_pen$advantage_team) 1 else 0
game_df[i, ]$short_handed <- if (game_df[i, ]$team_id != play_pen$advantage_team) 1 else 0
game_df <- game_df %>%
dplyr::select(-c(start_power_play, end_power_play))
error = function(e) {
message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: Error encountered: {e$message}. Please verify the game_id and ensure it corresponds to a valid game in the PWHL."))
warning = function(w) {
finally = {
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