
Defines functions targetQg

Documented in targetQg

#' targetQg
#' Function that targets estimates of Q and g to solve the EIF + remainder 
#' approximations that result from misspecification. Fits a single logistic 
#' fluctuation regression of c(A0, A1, Q2n, L2) on relevant offsets and so-called
#' clever covariates. 
#' @param A0 A \code{vector} treatment delivered at baseline.
#' @param A1 A \code{vector} treatment deliver after \code{L1} is measured.
#' @param L2 A \code{vector} outcome of interest. 
#' @param Q2n A \code{vector} of estimates of Q_{2,0}
#' @param Q1n A \code{vector} of estimates of Q_{1,0}
#' @param g1n A \code{vector} of estimates of g_{1,0}
#' @param g0n A \code{vector} of estimates of g_{0,0}
#' @param Q2nr.obsa A \code{vector} of estimates of Q_{2,0}^r evaluated at observed A0 value
#' @param Q2nr.seta A \code{vector} of estimates of Q_{2,0}^r evaluated at A0 = abar[1]
#' @param Q1nr A \code{vector} of estimates of Q_{1,0}^r
#' @param g0nr A \code{vector} of estimates of g_{0,0}^r
#' @param g1nr A \code{vector} of estimates of g_{0,0}^r
#' @param h0nr A \code{vector} of estimates of h_{0,0}^r
#' @param h1nr A \code{vector} of estimates of h_{1,0}^r
#' @param hbarnr A \code{vector} of estimates of h^r, the iterated reduced
#' dimension regression.
#' @param abar A \code{vector} of length 2 indicating the treatment assignment 
#' that is of interest. 
#' @param tolg A \code{numeric} indicating the truncation level for conditional treatment probabilities. 
#' @param tolQ A \code{numeric}
#' @param return.models  A \code{boolean} indicating whether the fluctuation model should be 
#' returned with the output.  
#' @param offset.model A \code{boolean} indicating whether to fit a fluctuation model
#' with an offset term (if \code{TRUE}) or intercept-only with weights (if \code{FALSE})
#' @param allatonce Do all the targeting with a single fit; if \code{FALSE}, then target g, followed by Q
#' @importFrom SuperLearner trimLogit
#' @return A list with named entries corresponding to the estimators of the 
#' fluctuated nuisance parameters evaluated at the observed data values. If 
#' \code{return.models = TRUE} output also includes the fitted fluctuation model. 
targetQg <- function(
    A0, A1, L2, Qn, gn, Qnr.gnr, 
    # Q2n, Q1n, g1n, g0n, Q2nr.obsa, Q2nr.seta, Q1nr, g0nr, g1nr, h0nr, h1nr, hbarnr, 
    abar, tolg, tolQ, return.models,offset.model = TRUE, allatonce = FALSE, 
    # making outcomes for logistic fluctuation
    # length of output
    n <- length(gn$g0n)
    # scale L2, Q2n, Q1n to be in (0,1)
    L2.min <- min(L2); L2.max <- max(L2)

    # scale L2
    L2s <- (L2 - L2.min)/(L2.max - L2.min)
    # scale Q2n,Q1n
    Q2ns <- (Qn$Q2n - L2.min)/(L2.max - L2.min)
    Q1ns <- (Qn$Q1n - L2.min)/(L2.max - L2.min)
    flucOut <- c(A0, A1, Q2ns, L2s)
    # making offsets for logistic fluctuation
    flucOff <- c(
        SuperLearner::trimLogit(gn$g0n, trim = tolg),
        SuperLearner::trimLogit(gn$g1n, trim = tolg),
        SuperLearner::trimLogit(Q1ns, trim = tolQ),
        SuperLearner::trimLogit(Q2ns, trim = tolQ)
    # making covariates for fluctuation
    # the original "clever covariates"
    flucCov1 <- c(
        # (L2.max - L2.min) * as.numeric(A0 == abar[1])/gn$g0n, # the usual guy
        as.numeric(A0 == abar[1])/gn$g0n, # the usual guy
        # (L2.max - L2.min) * as.numeric(A0==abar[1] & A1==abar[2])/(gn$g0n * gn$g1n) # the usual guy
        as.numeric(A0==abar[1] & A1==abar[2])/(gn$g0n * gn$g1n) # the usual guy
    # the new "clever covariates" for Q
    flucCov2 <- c(
        rep(0, n), # not needed for A0
        rep(0, n), # not needed for A1    
        # the extra term for targeting Q1n
        # (L2.max - L2.min) * as.numeric(A0 == abar[1]) * (Qnr.gnr$gnr$h0nr/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g0nr),
        as.numeric(A0 == abar[1]) * (Qnr.gnr$gnr$h0nr/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g0nr),
        # the sum of the extra two terms for targeting Q2n
        # (L2.max - L2.min) * as.numeric(A0==abar[1] & A1==abar[2]) *  
            # ((Qnr.gnr$gnr$hbarnr + Qnr.gnr$gnr$h1nr)/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g1nr)
        as.numeric(A0==abar[1] & A1==abar[2]) *  
            ((Qnr.gnr$gnr$hbarnr + Qnr.gnr$gnr$h1nr)/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g1nr)
    # the new "clever covariates" for g
    flucCov3 <- c(
        # the term for targeting g0n
        (Qnr.gnr$Qnr$Q1nr1 + Qnr.gnr$Qnr$Q1nr2) / gn$g0n^2,
        # the term for targeting g1n 
        Qnr.gnr$Qnr$Q2nr.obsa / gn$g1n^2, 
    # making covariates for prediction
    # getting the values of the clever covariates evaluated at 
    # \bar{A} = abar
    predCov1 <- c(
        rep(0,n), rep(0,n),
        # (L2.max - L2.min)/gn$g0n, # all A0 == abar[1]
        1/gn$g0n, # all A0 == abar[1]
        # (L2.max - L2.min)/(gn$g0n * gn$g1n)  # all c(A0,A1) = abar
        1/(gn$g0n * gn$g1n)  # all c(A0,A1) = abar
    predCov2 <- c(
        rep(0,n), rep(0,n),
        # (L2.max - L2.min) * Qnr.gnr$gnr$h0nr/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g0nr, # all A0 == abar[1]
        Qnr.gnr$gnr$h0nr/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g0nr, # all A0 == abar[1]
        # (L2.max - L2.min) * (Qnr.gnr$gnr$hbarnr + Qnr.gnr$gnr$h1nr)/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g1nr  # all c(A0,A1) = abar
        (Qnr.gnr$gnr$hbarnr + Qnr.gnr$gnr$h1nr)/Qnr.gnr$gnr$g1nr  # all c(A0,A1) = abar
    predCov3 <- c(
        (Qnr.gnr$Qnr$Q1nr1 + Qnr.gnr$Qnr$Q1nr2) / gn$g0n^2, # no need to change this one
        Qnr.gnr$Qnr$Q2nr.seta / gn$g1n^2, # this one is set to Q2nr(abar[1], \bar{L}_1)
        rep(0,n), rep(0,n)
    # fitting fluctuation submodel
            flucmod <- suppressWarnings(glm(
                formula = "out ~ -1 + offset(fo) + fc1 + fc2 + fc3",
                data = data.frame(out = flucOut, fo = flucOff, 
                                  fc1 = flucCov1, fc2 = flucCov2, fc3 = flucCov3),
                family = binomial(), start = rep(0,3)
            # get predictions back using predCov
            # vector of nuisance parameters
            # just set out = 0 in newdata so predict.glm does not complain
            etastar <- predict(
                newdata = data.frame(out = 0, fo = flucOff,
                                     fc1 = predCov1, fc2 = predCov2, 
                                     fc3 = predCov3),
                type = "response"
            flucCov <- c(flucCov1, flucCov2, flucCov3)
            predCov <- c(predCov1, predCov2, predCov3)
            # first do g's
            flucmodg <- suppressWarnings(glm(
                formula = "out ~ -1 + offset(fo) + fc",
                data = data.frame(out = flucOut, fo = flucOff, fc = flucCov)[1:(2*n),],
                family = binomial(), start = 0
            flucmodQ <- suppressWarnings(glm(
                formula = "out ~ -1 + offset(fo) + fc",
                data = data.frame(out = flucOut, fo = flucOff, fc = flucCov)[(2*n+1):(4*n),],
                family = binomial(), start = 0
            flucmod <- list(Q = flucmodQ, g = flucmodg)
            # get predictions back using predCov
            # vector of nuisance parameters
            # just set out = 0 in newdata so predict.glm does not complain
            etastar <- c(
                predict(flucmodg, newdata = data.frame(out = 0, fo = flucOff[1:(2*n)], fc = predCov[1:(2*n)]),
                        type = "response"),
                predict(flucmodQ, newdata = data.frame(out = 0, fo = flucOff[(2*n+1):(4*n)], fc = predCov[(2*n+1):(4*n)]),
                        type = "response")
        stop("optim code not written yet")
        # flucmod <- glm(
        #     formula = "out ~ offset(fo)", 
        #     weights = fc, 
        #     data = data.frame(out = flucOut, fo = flucOff, fc = flucCov),
        #     family = binomial()
        # )

    # assign etastar values to corresponding nuisance parameters 
    # first n entries are g0nstar
    g0nstar <- etastar[1:n]
    g0nstar[g0nstar < tolg] <- tolg
    # next n entries are g1nstar
    g1nstar <- etastar[(n+1):(2*n)]
    g1nstar[g1nstar < tolg] <- tolg

    # next n entries are Q1nstar, transform back to original scale
    Q1nstar <- etastar[(2*n+1):(3*n)]*(L2.max - L2.min) + L2.min
    # next n entries are Q2nstar, transform back to original scale
    Q2nstar <- etastar[(3*n+1):(4*n)]*(L2.max - L2.min) + L2.min
    # return
    out <- list(
        g0nstar = g0nstar, g1nstar = g1nstar, Q1nstar = Q1nstar, Q2nstar = Q2nstar,
        flucmod = NULL
        out$flucmod = flucmod
benkeser/drinf documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 9:50 a.m.