
#' Plot the frequency of one bigram against bigram over time in a JSTOR DfR dataset
#' @description Function to plot changes in the relative frequency of two bigrams over time. The relative frequency is the frequency of the bigram in a document divided by the total number of bigrams in a document. For use with JSTOR's Data for Research datasets (http://dfr.jstor.org/).
#' @param unpack2grams object returned by the function JSTOR_unpack2grams.
#' @param bigram1 two words, surrounded by standard quote marks, or a vector of bigrams.
#' @param bigram2 two words, surrounded by standard quote marks, or a vector of bigrams.
#' @param span span of the lowess line (controls the degree of smoothing). Default is 0.4
#' @return Returns a ggplot object with publication year on the horizontal axis and log relative frequency on the vertical axis. Each point represents a single document.
#' @examples 
#' ## JSTOR_2bigrams(unpack2grams, "pirate booty", "treasure chest")
#' ## JSTOR_2bigrams(unpack2grams, c("treasure chest", "musket balls"), c("jolly roger"), span = 0.2)
#' @import slam data.table ggplot2 scales 
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt

JSTOR_2bigrams <- function(unpack2grams, bigram1, bigram2, span = 0.4){
  #### investigate change in use of certain bigrams of interest over time
  # set working directory to where the bigrams are
  # (within working directory) with lots of CSV files
  y <- unpack2grams$bigrams
  bibliodata <- unpack2grams$bibliodata
  # using dtm
  # y <- as.matrix(bigrams)
  # Get total number of word in the article to standarise for different article lengths
  leng <- row_sums(y)
  # now get total number of word of interest (always lower case)
  bigram1a <- as.matrix(y[,dimnames(y)$Terms %in% bigram1])
  bigram2a <- as.matrix(y[,dimnames(y)$Terms %in% bigram2])

#   # full text method
#   # Get total number of word in the article to standarise for different article lengths
#   leng <- sapply(1:length(bigrams), function(i) length(bigrams[[i]]))
#   # now word of interest (always lower case)
#   bigram1a <- sapply(1:length(bigrams), function(i) sum(bigrams[[i]] %in% bigram1 ))
#   bigram2a <- sapply(1:length(bigrams), function(i) sum(bigrams[[i]] %in% bigram2 ))
  # calculate ratio
  bigram1_ratio <- bigram1a/leng
  bigram2_ratio <- bigram2a/leng
  # get years for each article
  two_bigrams_by_year <- data.table(bigram1_ratio, bigram2_ratio,  year = as.numeric(as.character(bibliodata$year)))
  # reshape into a long table to make it easier to work with in ggplt
  two_bigrams_by_year_melt <- reshape2::melt(two_bigrams_by_year, id.vars = "year")
  lim_min <- as.numeric(as.character(min(bibliodata$year)))
  lim_max <- as.numeric(as.character(max(bibliodata$year)))
  # vizualise one word over time
  two_bigrams_by_year_melt <- two_bigrams_by_year_melt[two_bigrams_by_year_melt$value > 0, ]
                          aes(year, log(value))) +
                     geom_point(aes(colour = variable)) +
                     geom_smooth( aes(colour = variable), 
                                  method = "loess", span = span) +
                     theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
                     ylab(paste0("log of frequency of bigrams")) +
                     scale_x_continuous(limits=c(lim_min, lim_max), 
                                        breaks = seq(lim_min-1, lim_max+1, 2)) +
                     scale_colour_discrete(labels = c(paste(bigram1, 
                                                            collapse = ", "),
                                                            collapse = ", "))) )
benmarwick/JSTORr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 12:59 p.m.