#' Estimate the effective reproduction number with the next generation matrix approach
#' @param object An object of class \code{stanigbm}. See \code{\link[Bernadette]{stan_igbm}}.
#' @param y_data data.frame;
#' age-specific mortality counts in time. See \code{data(age_specific_mortality_counts)}.
#' @param age_distribution_population data.frame;
#' the age distribution of a given population. See \code{aggregate_age_distribution}.
#' @param infectious_period integer;
#' length of infectious period in days. Must be >=1.
#' @return A data.frame which can be visualised using \code{\link[Bernadette]{plot_posterior_rt}}.
#' @references
#' Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J., and Roberts, M. (2010). The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models. \emph{J. R. Soc. Interface}, 7, 873–-885.
#' Bouranis, L., Demiris, N. Kalogeropoulos, K. and Ntzoufras, I. (2022). Bayesian analysis of diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models with application to COVID-19. arXiv: \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.15229}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Age-specific mortality/incidence count time series:
#' data(age_specific_mortality_counts)
#' data(age_specific_cusum_infection_counts)
#' # Import the age distribution for Greece in 2020:
#' age_distr <- age_distribution(country = "Greece", year = 2020)
#' # Lookup table:
#' lookup_table <- data.frame(Initial = age_distr$AgeGrp,
#' Mapping = c(rep("0-39", 8),
#' rep("40-64", 5),
#' rep("65+" , 3)))
#' # Aggregate the age distribution table:
#' aggr_age <- aggregate_age_distribution(age_distr, lookup_table)
#' # Import the projected contact matrix for Greece:
#' conmat <- contact_matrix(country = "GRC")
#' # Aggregate the contact matrix:
#' aggr_cm <- aggregate_contact_matrix(conmat, lookup_table, aggr_age)
#' # Aggregate the IFR:
#' ifr_mapping <- c(rep("0-39", 8), rep("40-64", 5), rep("65+", 3))
#' aggr_age_ifr <- aggregate_ifr_react(age_distr, ifr_mapping, age_specific_cusum_infection_counts)
#' # Infection-to-death distribution:
#' ditd <- itd_distribution(ts_length = nrow(age_specific_mortality_counts),
#' gamma_mean = 24.19231,
#' gamma_cv = 0.3987261)
#' # Posterior sampling:
#' rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
#' chains <- 1
#' options(mc.cores = chains)
#' igbm_fit <- stan_igbm(y_data = age_specific_mortality_counts,
#' contact_matrix = aggr_cm,
#' age_distribution_population = aggr_age,
#' age_specific_ifr = aggr_age_ifr[[3]],
#' itd_distr = ditd,
#' incubation_period = 3,
#' infectious_period = 4,
#' likelihood_variance_type = "linear",
#' ecr_changes = 7,
#' prior_scale_x0 = 1,
#' prior_scale_x1 = 1,
#' prior_scale_contactmatrix = 0.05,
#' pi_perc = 0.1,
#' prior_volatility = normal(location = 0, scale = 1),
#' prior_nb_dispersion = exponential(rate = 1/5),
#' algorithm_inference = "sampling",
#' nBurn = 10,
#' nPost = 30,
#' nThin = 1,
#' chains = chains,
#' adapt_delta = 0.6,
#' max_treedepth = 14,
#' seed = 1)
#' post_rt_summary <- posterior_rt(object = igbm_fit,
#' y_data = age_specific_mortality_counts,
#' age_distribution_population = aggr_age,
#' infectious_period = 4)
#' # Visualise the posterior distribution of the effective reproduction number:
#' plot_posterior_rt(post_rt_summary)
#' @export
posterior_rt <- function(object,
check <- check_stanfit(object)
if (!isTRUE(check)) stop("Provide an object of class 'stanfit' using rstan::sampling() or rstan::vb()")
if("theta_tilde" %in% names(object) ) stop("Perform MCMC sampling using rstan::sampling() or rstan::vb()")
posterior_draws <- rstan::extract(object)
cov_data <- list()
cov_data$y_data <- y_data[,-c(1:5)]
cov_data$dates <- y_data$Date
cov_data$pop_diag <- 1/(age_distribution_population$PopTotal)
cov_data$infectious_period <- infectious_period
age_grps <- ncol(y_data[,-c(1:5)])
if(ncol(posterior_draws$cm_sample) != age_grps) stop( paste0("The number of rows in the age distribution table must be equal to ", age_grps) )
zero_mat <- matrix(0L, nrow = age_grps, ncol = age_grps)
identity_mat <- diag(age_grps)
reciprocal_age_distr <- matrix(rep(cov_data$pop_diag, age_grps), ncol = age_grps, nrow = age_grps, byrow = TRUE)
age_distr <- matrix(rep(1/cov_data$pop_diag, age_grps), ncol = age_grps, nrow = age_grps, byrow = FALSE)
Q_inverse <- cov_data$infectious_period * identity_mat
beta_draws <- posterior_draws$beta_trajectory
chain_length <- nrow(beta_draws)
ts_length <- dim(beta_draws)[2]
R_eff_mat <- matrix(0L, nrow = chain_length, ncol = ts_length)
for (i in 1:chain_length) {
for (j in 1:ts_length){
B_eff_tmp <- matrix( rep(beta_draws[i,,][j,], age_grps),
ncol = age_grps,
nrow = age_grps,
byrow = FALSE) *
matrix( posterior_draws$cm_sample[i,,],
nrow = age_grps,
ncol = age_grps) *
matrix(rep( posterior_draws$Susceptibles[i,,][j,], age_grps),
ncol = age_grps,
nrow = age_grps,
byrow = FALSE) *
BQinv_eff_tmp <- B_eff_tmp %*% Q_inverse
R_eff_mat[i,j] <- eigen_mat(BQinv_eff_tmp)
data_eff_repnumber <- data.frame(Date = cov_data$dates)
data_eff_repnumber$median <- apply(R_eff_mat, 2, median)
data_eff_repnumber$low0025 <- apply(R_eff_mat, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.025)) # c(0.025)
data_eff_repnumber$low25 <- apply(R_eff_mat, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.25)) # c(0.025)
data_eff_repnumber$high75 <- apply(R_eff_mat, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.75)) # c(0.975)
data_eff_repnumber$high975 <- apply(R_eff_mat, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.975)) # c(0.975)
#' Plot the estimated effective reproduction number trajectory
#' @param object A data frame from \code{\link[Bernadette]{posterior_rt}}.
#' @param xlab character;
#' Title of x-axis.
#' @param ylab character;
#' Title of y-axis.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_x_date}} and \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}.
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object which can be further customised using the \pkg{ggplot2} package.
#' @seealso \code{\link{posterior_rt}}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Age-specific mortality/incidence count time series:
#' data(age_specific_mortality_counts)
#' data(age_specific_cusum_infection_counts)
#' # Import the age distribution for Greece in 2020:
#' age_distr <- age_distribution(country = "Greece", year = 2020)
#' # Lookup table:
#' lookup_table <- data.frame(Initial = age_distr$AgeGrp,
#' Mapping = c(rep("0-39", 8),
#' rep("40-64", 5),
#' rep("65+" , 3)))
#' # Aggregate the age distribution table:
#' aggr_age <- aggregate_age_distribution(age_distr, lookup_table)
#' # Import the projected contact matrix for Greece:
#' conmat <- contact_matrix(country = "GRC")
#' # Aggregate the contact matrix:
#' aggr_cm <- aggregate_contact_matrix(conmat, lookup_table, aggr_age)
#' # Aggregate the IFR:
#' ifr_mapping <- c(rep("0-39", 8), rep("40-64", 5), rep("65+", 3))
#' aggr_age_ifr <- aggregate_ifr_react(age_distr, ifr_mapping, age_specific_cusum_infection_counts)
#' # Infection-to-death distribution:
#' ditd <- itd_distribution(ts_length = nrow(age_specific_mortality_counts),
#' gamma_mean = 24.19231,
#' gamma_cv = 0.3987261)
#' # Posterior sampling:
#' rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
#' chains <- 1
#' options(mc.cores = chains)
#' igbm_fit <- stan_igbm(y_data = age_specific_mortality_counts,
#' contact_matrix = aggr_cm,
#' age_distribution_population = aggr_age,
#' age_specific_ifr = aggr_age_ifr[[3]],
#' itd_distr = ditd,
#' incubation_period = 3,
#' infectious_period = 4,
#' likelihood_variance_type = "linear",
#' ecr_changes = 7,
#' prior_scale_x0 = 1,
#' prior_scale_x1 = 1,
#' prior_scale_contactmatrix = 0.05,
#' pi_perc = 0.1,
#' prior_volatility = normal(location = 0, scale = 1),
#' prior_nb_dispersion = exponential(rate = 1/5),
#' algorithm_inference = "sampling",
#' nBurn = 10,
#' nPost = 30,
#' nThin = 1,
#' chains = chains,
#' adapt_delta = 0.6,
#' max_treedepth = 14,
#' seed = 1)
#' post_rt_summary <- posterior_rt(object = igbm_fit,
#' y_data = age_specific_mortality_counts,
#' age_distribution_population = aggr_age,
#' infectious_period = 4)
#' # Visualise the posterior distribution of the effective reproduction number:
#' plot_posterior_rt(post_rt_summary)
#' @export
plot_posterior_rt <- function(object,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Epidemiological Date"
if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Effective reproduction number"
ret <-
ggplot2::ggplot(object) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = Date,
y = median,
color = "Median"),
size = 1.3) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(aes(x = Date,
ymin = low25,
ymax = high75,
fill = "50% CrI"),
alpha = 0.6) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 1, color = "black") +
ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab) +
ggplot2::scale_x_date(...) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(object$high75)*1.1),
breaks = c(seq(0, max(object$high75)*1.1, 0.2)) ) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("50% CrI" = "gray40") ) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(name = '', values = c('Median' = "black")) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
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