
# I dont geht this to work, in the case for 2 numeric classes. For multiclass this seems to work
# I dont have time to check the inner problems in the underlying code now
# removed for later

#' @export
makeRLearner.classif.plsDA = function() {
    cl = "classif.plsDA",
    package = "DiscriMiner",
    par.set = makeParamSet(
      makeLogicalLearnerParam(id = "autosel", default = TRUE),
      makeIntegerLearnerParam(id = "comps", lower = 1L, default = 2L, requires = expression(autosel == TRUE)),
      makeLogicalLearnerParam(id = "retain.models", default = FALSE)
    properties = c("twoclass", "multiclass", "numerics"),
    name = "Partial Least Squares (PLS) Discriminant Analysis", = "plsda",
    note = ""

#' @export
trainLearner.classif.plsDA = function(.learner, .task, .subset, .weights = NULL, ...) {
  d = getTaskData(.task, .subset, target.extra = TRUE)
  DiscriMiner::plsDA(variables = d$data, group = d$target, ...)

#' @export
predictLearner.classif.plsDA = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...) {
  m = .model$learner.model
  p = DiscriMiner::classify(m, newdata = .newdata)
  # p$scores #we loose this information
berndbischl/mlr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 4:20 p.m.