
Defines functions .time .f_time bigo

Documented in bigo bigo

### time ###

.time <- function(.expr) {
  elapsed <- system.time(.expr)

### .f_time ###

.f_time <- function(..., .fun) {

### bigo ###

#' Big-O
#' Analyze the algorithmic complexity of a function with respect to arguments.
#' This function returns an object of class \code{bigo}, which contains a
#' tibble of runtime results, the name of the function being measured, and
#' the number of runs over which the results are averaged.
#' @param f The function to be investigated.
#' @param ... One or more numeric or integer vectors, passed as named
#'   arguments, where the names are arguments of \code{f}.
#' @param num_runs The number of experiments over which to average results.
#'   Currently only 1 is supported.
#' @return An object of class \code{bigo} containing the results of the
#'   runtime experiments: a tibble of runtimes, the function name, and the
#'   number of runs that the results are averaged over.
#' @examples
#' bigo(f = function(n) if (n < 3) 1 else { Recall(n - 1) + Recall(n - 2) },
#'      n = 1:15)
#' @export
bigo <- function(f, ..., num_runs = 1) {

  ### num_runs WARNING ###

  if (num_runs != 1) {

    warning("Non-unit values of `num_runs` are not supported until version 0.0.2;",
            " setting `num_runs` to 1.", call. = FALSE)
    num_runs <- 1


  ### FUNCTION ###

  f <- match.fun(f)
  f_args <- names(formals(f))

  this_call <- match.call()
  f_char <- deparse(this_call[["f"]])
  if (length(f_char) > 1) f_char <- "anonymous"

  ### ARGUMENTS ###

  arg_ranges <- list(...)
  if (! length(arg_ranges)) {

    stop("Must pass at least one named argument for complexity evaluation.",
         call. = FALSE)


  passed_args <- names(arg_ranges)
  if (any(passed_args == "") || is.null(passed_args)) {

    stop("All arguments for complexity evaluation must be named.",
         call. = FALSE)



  invalid_args <- setdiff(passed_args, f_args)

  if (length(invalid_args)) {

    stop("Passed ", paste(invalid_args, collapse = ", "),
         " to be evaluated for complexity, but ",
         if (length(invalid_args) > 1) "they are " else "it is ",
         "not an argument of `", f_char, "`.", call. = FALSE)



  runtime_results <- arg_ranges %>%
                       purrr::map(floor) %>%
                       expand.grid() %>%
                       dplyr::mutate(elapsed = purrr::pmap_dbl(., .f_time, .fun = f))

  results <- list(runtimes = runtime_results,
                  function_name = f_char,
                  num_runs = num_runs)

  class(results) <- c("bigo")



bfgray3/bigo documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:27 p.m.