Man pages for bhklab/CoreGx
Classes and Functions to Serve as the Basis for Other 'Gx' Packages

aggregate2Functional API for data.table aggregation which allows...
aggregate-data.table-methodFunctional S4 API for aggregation over a 'data.table' object.
aggregate-LongTable-methodFunctional API for aggregation over a 'LongTable' or...
amccCalculate an Adaptive Matthews Correlation Coefficient
asCoerce a 'LongTable' to a 'TreatmentResponseExperiment'
as.long.tableCoerce from data.table to LongTable
assayColsGeneric to access the assay columns of a rectangular object.
assayIndexRetrieve and assayIndex
assayKeysRetrieve a set of assayKeys
assay-LongTableDataMapper-ANY-methodExtract the data for an assay from a 'LongTableDataMapper'
assays-LongTableDataMapper-methodExtract the data for all assays from a 'LongTableDataMapper'
assays-TREDataMapper-methodExtract the data for all assays from a 'TREDataMapper'
assay-TREDataMapper-ANY-methodExtract the data for an assay from a 'TREDataMapper'
assignment-immutableIntercept assignment operations for "immutable" S3 objects.
buildComboProfilesBuild an assay table with an 'S4' object.
buildComboProfiles-LongTable-methodBuild an assay table with selected assay profiles for drug...
buildLongTableBuild a LongTable object
buildLongTable-character-methodLongTable build method from character
buildLongTable-data.frame-methodLongTable build method
buildLongTable-list-methodLongTable build method from list
callingWaterfallDrug sensitivity calling using waterfall plots
cash-LongTable-methodSelect an assay from a LongTable object
cash-set-LongTable-methodUpdate an assay from a LongTable object
checkColumnCardinalitySearch a data.frame for 1:'cardinality' relationships between...
checkCsetStructureA function to verify the structure of a CoreSet
c.immutableIntercept concatenation for "immutable" class objects to...
clevelandSmall_cSetCleaveland_mut RadioSet subsetted and cast as CoreSet
colData-LongTableDataMapper-methodConvenience method to subset the 'colData' out of the...
colData-TREDataMapper-methodConvenience method to subset the 'colData' out of the...
colIDsGeneric to access the row identifiers for an object.
collect_fn_paramsCollects all function arguments other than the first into a...
colMetaGeneric to access the column identifiers for a rectangular...
connectivityScoreFunction computing connectivity scores between two signatures
CoreGx-deprecatedList of 'deprecated' or 'defunct' methods in the 'CoreGx' R...
CoreSetCoreSet constructor
CoreSet2Make a CoreSet with the updated class structure
CoreSet-accessorsAccessing and modifying information in a 'CoreSet'
CoreSet-classCoreSet - A generic data container for molecular profiles and...
CoreSet-utilsUtility methods for a 'CoreSet' object.
cosinePermCosine Permutations
DataMapper-accessorsAccessing and modifying data in a 'DataMapper' object.
DataMapper-classAn S4 Class For Mapping from Raw Experimental Data to a...
dot-Convenience function for converting R code to a call
dot-assayToBumpyMatrixConvert a LongTable assay into a BumpyMatrix object
dot-convertCSetMolecularProfilesToSECSet molecularProfiles from ESets to SEs
dot-distancePointLineCalculate shortest distance between point and line
dot-distancePointSegmentCalculate shortest distance between point and line segment
dot-fitCurve2Curve fitting via 'stats::optim' L-BFGS-B with fall-back...
dot-intersectListIntersect A List of More Than Two Vectors
dot-longTableToSummarizedExperimentConvert LongTable to gDR Style SummarizedExperiment
dot-symSetDiffListUtility to find the symmetric set difference of a list of two...
dot-unionListUtility to find the union between a list of more than two...
drop_fn_paramsDrop parameters from a function and replace them with...
drugSensitivitySigCompute the correlation between a molecular feature and...
endoaggregatePerform aggregation over an S4 object, but return an object...
endoaggregate-LongTable-methodFunctional API for endomorphic aggregation over a 'LongTable'...
exampleDataMapperExample LongTableDataMapper
getInternRetrieve the specified item from object internal metadata.
getIntern-setSet the internal structural metadata for an S4 class
getIntern-set-LongTable-immutable_list-methodSet the .intern slot of a LongTable
guessMappingGeneric for Guessing the Mapping Between Some Raw Data and an...
guessMapping-LongTableDataMapper-methodGuess which columns in raw experiment data map to which...
gwcGWC Score
idColsGeneric to access the unique id columns in an S4 object used...
immutableConstructor for "immutable" S3-class property
is.itemsGet the types of all items in a list
is_optim_compatibleCheck whether a function signature is amenable to...
lapply-MultiAssayExperiment-methodlapply lapply method for 'MultiAssayExperiment'
list_OR_LongTable-classA class union to allow multiple types in a CoreSet slot
LongTableLongTable constructor method
LongTable-accessorsAccessing and modifying information in a 'LongTable'
LongTable-classLongTable class definition
LongTableDataMapperConstructor for the 'LongTableDataMapper' class, which maps...
LongTableDataMapper-accessorsAccessing and modifying data in a 'LongTableDataMapper'...
LongTableDataMapper-classA Class for Mapping Between Raw Data and an 'LongTable'...
make_optim_functionTakes a non-primitive R function and refactors it to be...
mccCompute a Mathews Correlation Coefficient
merckLongTableMerck Drug Combination Data LongTable
mergeAssaysMerge assays with an 'S4' object.
mergeAssays-LongTable-methodEndomorphically merge assays within a 'LongTable' or...
metaConstructGeneric for preprocessing complex data before being used in...
metadata-LongTable-methodGetter method for the metadata slot of a 'LongTable' object
metadata-set-LongTable-methodSetter method for the metadata slot of a 'LongTable' object
mutableRemove the "immutable" S3-class from an R object, allowing it...
nci_TRE_smallNCI-ALMANAC Drug Combination Data TreatmentResponseExperiment...
optimizeCoreGxA helper method to find the best multithreading configuration...
printSlotHelper function to print slot information
reindexGeneric method for resetting indexing in an S4 object
reindex-LongTable-methodRedo indexing for a LongTable object to remove any gaps in...
rowData-LongTableDataMapper-methodConvenience method to subset the 'rowData' out of the...
rowData-TREDataMapper-methodConvenience method to subset the 'rowData' out of the...
rowIDsGeneric to access the row identifiers from
rowMetaGeneric to access the row identifiers from
sensitivityInfoGeneric function to get the annotations for a treatment...
sensitivityInfo-setsensitivityInfo<- Generic Method
sensitivityMeasuressensitivityMeasures Generic
sensitivityMeasures-setsensitivityMeasures<- Generic
sensitivityProfilessensitivityProfiles Generic
sensitivityProfiles-setsensitivityProfiles<- Generic
sensitivityRawsensitivityRaw Generic Method
sensitivityRaw-setsensitivityRaw<- Generic
sensitivitySlotToLongTablesensitivitySlotToLongTable Generic
setOps-immutableSubset an immutable object, returning another immutable...
show-CoreSet-methodShow a CoreSet
show-LongTable-methodShow method for the LongTable class
showSigAnnotGet the annotations for a 'Signature' class object, as...
sub-LongTable-ANY-ANY-ANY-method[ LongTable Method
subset-LongTable-methodSubset method for a LongTable object.
subsetToSubset a CoreSet object based on various parameters, such as...
sub-subset-LongTable-ANY-ANY-method[[<- Method for LongTable Class
summarizeMolecularProfilesSummarize molecular profile data such that there is a single...
summarizeSensitivityProfilesSummarize across replicates for a sensitivity dose-response...
TreatmentResponseExperimentTreatmentResponseExperiment constructor method
TreatmentResponseExperiment-classTreatmentResponseExperiment class definition
TREDataMapperConstructor for the 'TREDataMapper' class, which maps from...
TREDataMapper-accessorsAccessing and modifying data in a 'TREDataMapper' object.
TREDataMapper-classA Class for Mapping Between Raw Data and an...
updateObject-CoreSet-methodUpdate the 'CoreSet' class after changes in it struture or...
updateObject-LongTable-methodUpdate the 'LongTable' class after changes in it struture or...
updateSampleIdUpdate the sample ids in a cSet object
updateTreatmentIdUpdate the treatment ids in a cSet object
bhklab/CoreGx documentation built on March 14, 2024, 3:04 a.m.