
#' Generate a forest plot from an `S4` object
#' @param object An `S4` object to create a forest plot of.
#' @param ... Allow new parameters to this generic.
#' @return None, draws a forest plot.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleValPCOSPmodel)
#' # Plot
#' dIndexForestPlot <- forestPlot(sampleValPCOSPmodel, stat='log_D_index')
#' @export
setGeneric('forestPlot', function(object, ...)
#' Render a forest plot from the `validationStats` slot of a `PCOSP` model object.
#' @param object A `PCOSP` model which has been validated with `validateModel`
#'   and therefore has data in the `validationStats` slot.
#' @param stat A `character` vector specifying a statistic to plot.
#' @param groupBy A `character` vector with one or more columns in
#'   `validationStats` to group by. These will be the facets in your forestplot.
#' @param colourBy A `character` vector specifying the columns in
#'   `validationStats` to colour by.
#' @param ... Force subsequent parameters to be named, not used.
#' @param xlab A `character` vector specifying the desired x label.
#'   Automatically guesses based on the `stat` argument.
#' @param ylab A `character` vector specifying the desired y label.
#'   Defaults to 'Cohort (P-value)'.
#' @param colours A `character` vector of colours to pass into
#'   `ggplot2::scale_fill_manual`, which modify the colourBy argument.
#' @param title A `character` vector with a title to add to the plot.
#' @param vline An `integer` value on the x-axis to place a dotted vertical
#'   line.
#' @param transform The name of a numeric function to transform the statistic
#'   before making the forest plot.
#' @return A `ggplot2` object.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleValPCOSPmodel)
#' # Plot
#' dIndexForestPlot <- forestPlot(sampleValPCOSPmodel, stat='log_D_index')
#' @md
#' @importFrom data.table data.table as.data.table merge.data.table rbindlist
#'   `:=` copy .N .SD fifelse merge.data.table transpose setcolorder
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_pointrange theme_bw facet_grid theme
#'   geom_vline vars xlab ylab scale_colour_manual ggtitle element_text
#'   element_blank
#' @importFrom stats reformulate reorder
#' @importFrom scales scientific
#' @export
setMethod('forestPlot', signature('PCOSP_or_ClinicalModel'),
    function(object, stat, groupBy='mDataType', colourBy='isSummary',
        vline, ..., xlab, ylab, transform, colours, title)
    funContext <- .context(1)

    if (!is.character(stat)) stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'The stat parameter ',
        'must be a character vector present in the statistics column of the ',
        class(object), ' models validationStats slot!'))

    stats <- copy(validationStats(object))[statistic == stat
        ][order(-mDataType, isSummary)]
    # Add p-value to the cohort labels
    stats[, cohort_formatted := paste0(cohort, ' (', scientific(p_value,  2), ')')]

    ## FIXME:: Corect these issues in the validateModel method
    if ('subtype' %in% colnames(stats)) {
        stats[is.na(subtype), subtype := 'all']
        stats[is.na(isSummary), isSummary := FALSE]
        if ('subtype' %in% c(groupBy, colourBy)) {
                cohort_formatted := paste0(cohort, ': ', subtype, ' (p=',
                    scientific(p_value, 2), '; n=', n,')')
            if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- 'Cohort: subtype (p-value; N)'
        } else {
            stats <- stats[subtype == 'all', ]
        stats <- stats[order(isSummary, -cohort, -subtype)]
    } else {
        stats <- stats[order(isSummary, -cohort)]

    stats[, cohort_formatted := factor(cohort_formatted,
    stats[[groupBy]] <- factor(stats[[groupBy]], levels=unique(stats[[groupBy]]))
    stats[[colourBy]] <- factor(stats[[colourBy]], levels=unique(stats[[colourBy]]))

    if (missing(vline)) {
        vline <- switch(stat,
            'log_D_index' = 0,
            'concordance_index' = 0.5,
            stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'Unkown statistic specified, please ',
                'manually set the vline location with the vline argument!')))

    if (missing(xlab)) {
        xlab <- switch(stat,
            'log_D_index' = 'log D Index',
            'concordance_index' = 'Concordance Index',
            stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'Unkown statistic specified, please ',
                'manually set the x label with the xlab argument!')))

    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- 'Cohort (P-value)'

    if (!missing(transform)) {
        stats[, `:=`(estimate=get(transform)(estimate),
            lower=get(transform)(lower), upper=get(transform)(upper))]
        if (transform == 'exp' && stat=='log_D_index') {
            xlab <- 'D index'
        } else {
            xlab <- paste(transform, xlab)
        vline <- get(transform)(vline)

    plot <- ggplot(stats, aes(y=cohort_formatted,
                x=estimate, xmin=lower, xmax=upper, shape=isSummary)) +
        geom_pointrange(aes_string(colour=colourBy, group=groupBy)) +
        theme_bw() +
        facet_grid(reformulate('.', groupBy), scales='free_y',
            space='free', switch='x') +
        theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
            plot.title=element_text(hjust = 0.5),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank()) +
        geom_vline(xintercept=vline, linetype=3) +
        xlab(xlab) +

    if (!missing(colours))
        plot <- plot + scale_colour_manual(values=colours)

    if (!missing(title))
        plot <- plot + ggtitle(title)


## TODO:: Refactor to use hook for minimal difference in behavoir
#' @inherit forestPlot,PCOSP_or_ClinicalModel-method
#' @param object A `ModelComparison` object to forest plot.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleValPCOSPmodel)
#' data(sampleClinicalModel)
#' data(sampleCohortList)
#' # Set parallelization settings
#' BiocParallel::register(BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#' # Train the models
#' trainedClinicalModel <- trainModel(sampleClinicalModel)
#' # Predict risk/risk-class
#' ClinicalPredCohortL <- predictClasses(sampleCohortList[c('PCSI', 'TCGA')],
#'   model=trainedClinicalModel)
#' # Validate the models
#' validatedClinicalModel <- validateModel(trainedClinicalModel,
#'   valData=ClinicalPredCohortL)
#' # Compare the models
#' modelComp <- compareModels(sampleValPCOSPmodel, validatedClinicalModel)
#' # Make the forest plot
#' modelComp <- modelComp[modelComp$isSummary == TRUE, ]
#' modelCindexCompForestPlot <- forestPlot(modelComp, stat='concordance_index')
#' @md
#' @importFrom data.table data.table as.data.table merge.data.table rbindlist
#'   `:=` copy .N .SD fifelse merge.data.table transpose setcolorder
#' @importFrom CoreGx .errorMsg .warnMsg
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_pointrange theme_bw facet_grid theme
#'   geom_vline vars xlab ylab scale_colour_manual ggtitle element_text
#'   element_blank aes aes_string
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData colData<-
#' @export
setMethod('forestPlot', signature(object='ModelComparison'),
    function(object, stat, groupBy='cohort', colourBy='model',
        vline, ..., xlab, ylab, transform, colours, title)
    funContext <- .context(1)
    if (!is.character(stat)) stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'The stat parameter',
        'must be a character vector present in the statistics column of the ',
        'PCOSP models validationStats slot!'))

    statsDT <- as.data.table(object)[statistic == stat, ]
    statsDT[, model_pvalue :=
        paste0(model_name, ' (', scientific(p_value,  2), ')')]
    # deal with duplicated factor levels
    statsDT[duplicated(model_pvalue), model_pvalue := paste0(model_pvalue, ' ')]
    statsDT[, model_pvalue := factor(model_pvalue,

    # fix facet ording by converting grouping columns to factors
    for (group in groupBy) statsDT[[groupBy]] <- 
        factor(statsDT[[groupBy]], levels=unique(statsDT[[groupBy]]))

    if (missing(vline)) {
        vline <- switch(stat,
            'log_D_index' = 0,
            'concordance_index' = 0.5,
            stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'Unkown statistic specified, please ',
                'manually set the vline location with the vline argument!')))

    if (missing(xlab)) {
        xlab <- switch(stat,
            'log_D_index' = 'log D Index',
            'concordance_index' = 'Concordance Index',
            stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'Unkown statistic specified, please ',
                'manually set the x label with the xlab argument!')))

    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- 'Cohort (P-value)'

    if (!missing(transform)) {
        statsDT[, `:=`(estimate=get(transform)(estimate),
            lower=get(transform)(lower), upper=get(transform)(upper))]
        if (transform == 'exp' && stat=='log_D_index') {
            xlab <- 'D index'
        } else {
            xlab <- paste(transform, xlab)
        vline <- get(transform)(vline)

    plot <-
            aes(y=model_pvalue, x=estimate,
            xmin=lower, xmax=upper, shape=isSummary)) +
            group=groupBy)) +
        theme_bw() +
        facet_grid(reformulate('.', groupBy),
            scales='free_y', space='free', switch='y') +
        theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
            plot.title=element_text(hjust = 0.5),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank()) +
        geom_vline(xintercept=vline, linetype=3) +
        xlab(xlab) +

    if (!missing(colours))
        plot <- plot + scale_colour_manual(values=colours)

    if (!missing(title))
        plot <- plot + ggtitle(title)


bhklab/PDATK documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 7:46 a.m.