This is a quick demo of rbiips main functions.

Disclaimer: for speed of execution, we use very few particles and MCMC iterations in this vignette. As such, the results are not representative of the perforance of SMC and particle MCMC methods.


Add custom functions and distributions to BUGS language

Add custom function f

f_dim <- function(x_dim, t_dim) {
  # Check dimensions of the input and return dimension of the output of function f
  stopifnot(prod(x_dim) == 1, prod(t_dim) == 1)
f_eval <- function(x, t) {
  # Evaluate function f
  0.5 * x + 25 * x/(1 + x^2) + 8 * cos(1.2 * t)
biips_add_function('f', 2, f_dim, f_eval)

Add custom sampling distribution dMN

dMN_dim <- function(mu_dim, Sig_dim) {
  # Check dimensions of the input and return dimension of the output of
  # distribution dMN
  stopifnot(prod(mu_dim) == mu_dim[1], length(Sig_dim) == 2, mu_dim[1] == Sig_dim)
dMN_sample <- function(mu, Sig) {
  # Draw a sample of distribution dMN
  mu + t(chol(Sig)) %*% rnorm(length(mu))
biips_add_distribution('dMN', 2, dMN_dim, dMN_sample)

Compile model

modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm_f.bug', package = 'rbiips')
stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0)
cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')

tmax <- 10
data_ <- list(tmax = tmax, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1), logtau = log(1))
model <- biips_model(modelfile, data_, sample_data = TRUE)
data_ = model$data()

SMC algorithm

n_part <- 100
out_smc <- biips_smc_samples(model, c('x', 'c[2:10]', 'x[5]', 'c[5]'), 
                             n_part, type = 'fs',
                             rs_thres = 0.5, rs_type = 'stratified')

summ_smc <- biips_summary(out_smc, probs=c(0.025, 0.975))

par(mfrow = c(2, 2), bty='l')

matplot(, summ_smc$x$f$quant), 
        type='n', xlab='t', ylab='x[t]')
matlines(, summ_smc$x$f$quant), col=1, lty=2)
lines(summ_smc$x$s$mean, col=2)
matlines(, summ_smc$x$s$quant), col=2, lty=2)
lines(data_$x_true, col=3)
       leg=c('SMC filtering estimate',
             'SMC smoothing estimate', 'true'),
       col=1:3, lty=1, bty='n')

matplot(c(1,tmax), c(0,4), type='n', xlab='t', ylab='c[t]==1', yaxt='n')
lines(2:tmax, 2+summ_smc[['c[2:10]']]$f$mode, type='S')
lines(2:tmax, .5+summ_smc[['c[2:10]']]$s$mode, type='S', col=2)
lines(-1+data_$c_true, type='S', col=3)
       leg=c('SMC filtering mode',
             'SMC smoothing mode', 'true'),
       col=1:3, lty=1, bty='n')

abline(v=data_$x_true[5], col=3)

points(data_$c_true[5], 0, col=3, pch=17)

PIMH algorithm

n_part <- 50
obj_pimh <- biips_pimh_init(model, c('x', 'c[2:10]', 'x[5]', 'c[5]'))  # Initialize
out_pimh_burn <- biips_pimh_update(obj_pimh, 100, n_part)  # Burn-in
out_pimh <- biips_pimh_samples(obj_pimh, 100, n_part)  # Samples

summ_pimh <- biips_summary(out_pimh, probs=c(0.025, 0.975))

par(mfrow = c(2, 1), bty='l')

plot(c(out_pimh_burn$log_marg_like, out_pimh$log_marg_like),
     type = 'l', xlab = 'PIMH iteration', ylab = 'log p(y)')

plot(101:200, c(out_pimh[['x[5]']]),
     type = 'l', xlab = 'PIMH iteration', ylab = 'x[5]')
abline(h=data_$x_true[5], col = 3)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2), bty='l')

matplot(, summ_pimh$x$quant), 
        type='n', xlab='t', ylab='x[t]')
matlines(, summ_pimh$x$quant), col=1, lty=2)
lines(data_$x_true, col=3)
       leg=c('PIMH estimate', 'true'),
       col=c(1,3), lty=1, bty='n')

matplot(c(1,tmax), c(0,2.5), type='n', xlab='t', ylab='c[t]==1', yaxt='n')
lines(2:tmax, .5+summ_pimh[['c[2:10]']]$mode, type='S')
lines(-1+data_$c_true, type='S', col=3)
       leg=c('PIMH mode', 'true'),
       col=c(1,3), lty=1, bty='n')

abline(v=data_$x_true[5], col=3)

points(data_$c_true[5], 0, col=3, pch=17)

SMC sensitivity analysis

n_part <- 50
logtau_val <- -10:10
out_sens <- biips_smc_sensitivity(model, list(logtau = logtau_val), n_part)

par(mfrow = c(2,1), bty='l')
plot(logtau_val, out_sens$log_marg_like, type='l',
     xlab = 'logtau', ylab = 'log p(y | logtau)')
abline(v=data_$logtau_true, col=3)

plot(logtau_val, out_sens$log_marg_like_pen, type='l',
     xlab = 'logtau', ylab = 'log p(y, logtau)')
abline(v=data_$logtau_true, col=3)

PMMH algorithm

data_ <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1))
model <- biips_model(modelfile, data_)
data_ <- model$data()

n_part <- 50
n_burn <- 100
n_iter <- 100
obj_pmmh <- biips_pmmh_init(model, 'logtau', 
                            latent_names = c('x', 'c[2:10]', 'x[5]', 'c[5]'),
                            inits = list(logtau = -1))  # Initialize
out_pmmh_burn <- biips_pmmh_update(obj_pmmh, n_burn, n_part)  # Burn-in
out_pmmh <- biips_pmmh_samples(obj_pmmh, n_iter, n_part, thin = 1)  # Samples

summ_pmmh <- biips_summary(out_pmmh, probs=c(.025, 0.975))

par(mfrow = c(2, 2), bty='l')

plot(c(out_pmmh_burn$log_marg_like_pen, out_pimh$log_marg_like_pen),
     type = 'l', xlab = 'PMMH iteration', ylab = 'log p(y, logtau)')

plot(n_burn+(1:n_iter), c(out_pmmh$logtau),
     type = 'l', xlab = 'PMMH iteration', ylab = 'logtau')
abline(h=data_$logtau_true, col = 3)

abline(v=data_$logtau_true, col=3)

abline(v=data_$logtau_true, col=3)

matplot(, summ_pmmh$x$quant), 
        type='n', xlab='t', ylab='x[t]')
matlines(, summ_pmmh$x$quant), lty=2, col=1)
lines(data_$x_true, col=3)
       leg=c('PMMH estimate', 'true'),
       col=c(1,3), lty=1, bty='n')

matplot(c(1,tmax), c(0,2.5), type='n', xlab='t', ylab='c[t]==1', yaxt='n')
lines(2:tmax, .5+summ_pmmh[['c[2:10]']]$mode, type='S')
lines(-1+data_$c_true, type='S', col=3)
       leg=c('PMMH mode', 'true'),
       col=c(1,3), lty=1, bty='n')

abline(v=data_$x_true[5], col=3)

points(data_$c_true[5], 0, col=3, pch=17)

biips/rbiips documentation built on Nov. 28, 2020, 2:12 p.m.