
Analytical R Tools for Mass Spectrometry

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artMS ( is an R package that provides a set of tools for the analysis and integration of large-scale proteomics (mass-spectrometry-based) datasets obtained using the popular proteomics software package MaxQuant. The functions available in artMS can be grouped into 4 major categories:

artMS performs the different analyses taking as input the following files:

How to install


artMS version >= 1.10.1 had many changes to adjust for changes in MSstats. This version requires:

# From bioconductor:
BiocManager::install(c("ComplexHeatmap", ""))

# From CRAN:
install.packages(c("factoextra", "FactoMineR", "gProfileR", "PerformanceAnalytics"))

Extra: Why Bioconductor? Here you can find a nice summary of many good reasons).

Development version from Github (unstable)

Assuming that you have an R (>= 4.1) version running on your system, follow these steps:


Once installed, the package can be loaded and attached to your current workspace as follows:

```{r, eval=TRUE} library(artMS)

Once installed, we suggest you to do a quick test by running the quality control functions using the "evidence" (`artms_data_ph_evidence`) and "keys" (`artms_data_ph_keys`) files included in `artMS` as test datasets.

First go to a local working directory: several pdfs will be generated


And run:

artmsQualityControlEvidenceBasic(evidence_file = artms_data_ph_evidence, keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys, prot_exp = "PH") ```

(To learn more about these testing datasets, check the documentation by running ?artms_data_ph_keys or ?artms_data_ph_evidence on the R console)

Once the QC is done, go to the folder "/path/to/your/working/directory/" and check out all the generated QC (pdf) files available in the qc_basic folder

How to Contribute to artMS

artMS is an open source project, therefore you are more than welcome to contribute and make the analysis of Mass Spectrometry data easier and better using this fantastic language and environment for statistical computing and graphics (i.e. R).

There are multiple options:

Tips: Do you need to remember the basics of markdown? Check out this fantastic link.

artMS Help available online

biodavidjm/artMS documentation built on July 7, 2023, 12:24 p.m.