After running mapexr, as shown below, there a number of things a user can do to investigate the results.

### not run
## file paths and variables
bam <- "/path/to/tumor.bam"
bamidx <- "/path/to/tumor.bai"
variants <- "/path/to/variants.vcf"
blastout <- "/path/to/blastoutput.txt" # Read level blast results, not required
blastpath <- "/path/to/blastn" # if blast is in the users path, just "blastn" here
blastdb <- "/path/to/combined_db"
threads <- 1 # number of threads consumed by blastn
mapq <- 1 # this is the default for minimum mapq score

scores <- run_mapex(bam_file=bam,

The package includes Mutect1 output, Oncotator output, and mapexr output from Chomosome 12 of single PDX sample for illustration

# load data

These data have been cleaned, and the scripts and raw data used to prepare them can be found at The first step in most analyses is to merge variant calls, annotations, and scores.

merged <- variants %>% left_join(annotations,by=c('chrom','loc','ref','alt')) %>%
  left_join(scores,by=c('chrom','loc')) %>% dplyr::select(-variant_classification)
merged %>% print(n=5)

We now have the data in a form that is easy to work with. One question of interest is the distribution of variant scores from this sample. Because this is a sample with fairly large mouse contamination, we see that the vast majority of scores are 0, indicating that the best alignment for supporting reads is to the mouse chromosome.

ggplot(merged %>% dplyr::filter(judgement=="KEEP"),aes(variant_score)) + 
  geom_density() + theme_classic()

We can ask what is the allele frequency distribution of variants rejected by mapexr. This sample has approximately 40\% mouse contamination, so we see peaks around 0.2 and 0.4, as we would expect.

fr <- merged %>% dplyr::filter(judgement=="KEEP" & variant_score < 0.5)
ggplot(fr,aes(vaf)) + geom_histogram() + theme_classic()

The distribution of allele frequencies of variants accepted by mapexr shows that there are only three variants the passed both MuTect and mapexr.

fr <- merged %>% dplyr::filter(judgement=="KEEP" & variant_score >= 0.5)
ggplot(fr,aes(vaf)) + geom_histogram() + theme_classic()

We can look at these variants in detail.

merged %>% dplyr::filter(judgement=="KEEP" & variant_score >= 0.5)

It is also interesting to check what variants were kept by MuTect but rejected by mapexr, which in this example is 1,101 variants.

merged %>% dplyr::filter(judgement=="KEEP" & variant_score < 0.5) %>% print(n=5)

This sample happens to have a KRAS mutation which is accepted by MuTect but rejected by mapexr, as well as a mutation that was rejected by MuTect.

merged %>% dplyr::filter(gene=="KRAS")

The C>T mutation at chr12:25398284 is a G12D mutation commonly found in pancreatic cancer, while the other two mutations represent mouse reads.

bmannakee/mapexr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:27 p.m.