
Defines functions VecDecomRem

Documented in VecDecomRem

#' Vector decomposition and remainder fields
#' This function calculates the remainder field.
#' @param surface matrix output from \code{\link{QPGlobal}} or \code{\link{QPotential}}.
#' @param x.rhs a string containing the right hand side of the equation for x.
#' @param y.rhs a string containing the right hand side of the equation for y.
#' @param x.bound the x boundaries denoted at c(minimum, maximum).
#' @param y.bound the y boundaries denoted at c(minimum, maximum).
#' @keywords vector field decomposition remainder field
#' @return returns an array of the remainder vector field.  The array has three dimensions with the respective lengths of the columns of the surface, the rows of the sruface, and the number of variables (always 2).  The two variables are the x-remainder and y-remainder.
#' @examples
#' # First, the system of equations
#' 	equationx <- "1.54*x*(1.0-(x/10.14)) - (y*x*x)/(1.0+x*x)"
#' 	equationy <- "((0.476*x*x*y)/(1+x*x)) - 0.112590*y*y"
#' # Second, shared parameters for each quasi-potential run
#' 	xbounds <- c(-0.5, 10.0)
#' 	ybounds <- c(-0.5, 10.0)
#' 	xstepnumber <- 150
#' 	ystepnumber <- 150
#' # Third, first local quasi-potential run
#' 	xinit1 <- 1.40491
#' 	yinit1 <- 2.80808
#' 	storage.eq1 <- QPotential(x.rhs = equationx, x.start = xinit1, 
#'		x.bound = xbounds, x.num.steps = xstepnumber, y.rhs = equationy, 
#'		y.start = yinit1, y.bound = ybounds, y.num.steps = ystepnumber)
#' # Fourth, second local quasi-potential run
#' 	xinit2 <- 4.9040
#' 	yinit2 <- 4.06187
#' 	storage.eq2 <- QPotential(x.rhs = equationx, x.start = xinit2, 
#'		x.bound = xbounds, x.num.steps = xstepnumber, y.rhs = equationy, 
#'		y.start = yinit2, y.bound = ybounds, y.num.steps = ystepnumber)
#' # Fifth, determine global quasi-potential 
#' 	unst.x <- c(0, 4.2008)
#' 	unst.y <- c(0, 4.0039)
#' 	ex1.global <- QPGlobal(local.surfaces = list(storage.eq1, storage.eq2), 
#'		unstable.eq.x = unst.x, unstable.eq.y = unst.y, x.bound = xbounds, 
#'		y.bound = ybounds)
#' # Sixth, create remainder field
#' VDR <- VecDecomRem(surface = ex1.global, x.rhs = equationx, y.rhs = equationy, 
#'		x.bound = xbounds, y.bound = ybounds)	

VecDecomRem <- function(surface,x.rhs,y.rhs,x.bound,y.bound){
	qpr <- nrow(surface)
	qpc <- ncol(surface)
	equations <- list(x.rhs,y.rhs)

	# column derivative
	r.dc <- (surface[,qpc] - surface[,(qpc-1)])
	l.dc <- (surface[,2] - surface[,1])
	int.dc <- matrix(data = NA , nrow = qpr , ncol = qpc)
	for (i in (qpc-1):2){
		int.dc[,i] <- (surface[,(i+1)]-surface[,(i-1)])/2
	int.dc[,1] <- l.dc
	int.dc[,qpc] <- r.dc
	dc <- -int.dc

	# row derivative
	t.dr <- (surface[1,] - surface[2,])
	b.dr <- (surface[(qpr-1),] - surface[qpr,])
	int.dr <- matrix(data = NA , nrow = qpr , ncol = qpc)
	for (i in 2:(qpr-1)){
		int.dr[i,] <- (surface[(i-1),]-surface[(i+1),])/2
	int.dr[1,] <- t.dr
	int.dr[qpr,] <- b.dr
	dr <- int.dr

	#remainder fields
	x.val <- seq(min(x.bound),max(x.bound),length.out=qpr)
	y.val <- seq(min(y.bound),max(y.bound),length.out=qpc)
	n.eq <- length(equations)
	z.list <- vector(mode="list" , length = n.eq)
	for(i in 1:n.eq){
		z.list[[i]] <- 

	#remainder field
	rx <- z.list[[1]]+dr
	ry <- z.list[[2]]+dc

bmarkslash7/QPot documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 11:11 a.m.