
Defines functions censor_worker mgsub_censor

Documented in censor_worker mgsub_censor

#' @export

mgsub_censor = function(string, pattern, censor="*", split=any(nchar(censor) > 1), seed=NULL, ...) {
  #' @title Safe, multiple censoring of text strings
  #' @description \code{mgsub_censor} - A safe, simultaneous, multiple global string censoring
  #'  (replace matches with a censoring character like '*')
  #' @param string a character vector to censor
  #' @param pattern regular expressions used to identify where to censor
  #' @param censor character to use in censoring - see details
  #' @param split if a multicharacter censor pattern is provided, should it be
  #' split to preserve original string length
  #' @param seed optional parameter to fix sampling of multicharacter censors
  #' @param \dots arguments to pass to \code{\link[base:grep]{regexpr}} /
  #' \code{\link[base:grep]{sub}}
  #' @rdname mgsub_censor
  #' @return Censored string.
  #' @details When censor is provided as a >1 length vector or as a multicharacter
  #' string with split = TRUE, it will be sampled to return random censoring patterns.
  #' This can be helpful if you want to create cartoonish swear censoring. If
  #' needed, the randomization can be controlled with the seed argument.
  #' @examples
  #' mgsub_censor("Flowers for a friend", pattern=c("low"), censor="*")

  if (all(is.na(string))) return(string)
  sna = !is.na(string)
  result = vapply(string[sna],
                  USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                  pattern = pattern,
                  censor = censor,
                  split = split,
                  seed = seed,
  string[sna] = result

censor_worker = function(string, pattern, censor, split=any(nchar(censor) > 1), seed=NULL, ...) {
  #' @title mgsub_censor worker
  #' @description The hard worker doing everything for mgsub_censor
  #' @param string a character vector where replacements are sought
  #' @param pattern Character string to be matched in the given character vector
  #' @param censor character to use in censoring - see details
  #' @param split if a multicharacter censor pattern is provided, should it be
  #' split to preserve original string length
  #' @param seed optional parameter to fix sampling of multicharacter censors
  #' @param \dots arguments to pass to regexpr family

  x0 = do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(pattern),
                             string = string,
                             pattern = pattern,
  x0 = matrix(x0[x0[, 2] != -1, ], ncol = 4)
  if (nrow(x0) == 0) return(string)
  if (nrow(x0) > 1) {
    x = x0[order(x0[, 3], decreasing = T), ]
    x = filter_overlap(x) #nolint
    x = x[order(x[, 2]), , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    x = x0
  for (i in rev(seq_len(nrow(x)))) {
    s = x[i, 2]
    e = x[i, 4]
    p = pattern[x[i, 1]]
    if (split) censor = unlist(strsplit(censor, ""))
    if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    r = if (length(censor) > 1) {
      paste(sample(censor, x[i, 3], replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
    } else {
      paste(rep(censor, x[i, 3]), collapse = "")
    pre = if (s > 1) substr(string, 1, s - 1) else ""
    r0 = sub(p, r, substr(string, s, e), ...)
    end = if (e < nchar(string)) substr(string, e + 1, nchar(string)) else ""
    string = paste0(pre, r0, end)
bmewing/mgsub documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 1:57 p.m.