
Defines functions eeg_downsample.eeg_lst eeg_downsample

Documented in eeg_downsample

#' Downsample EEG data
#' Downsample a signal_tbl by a factor `q`, using an FIR or IIR filter.
#' This is a wrapper for [`decimate`][gsignal::decimate] from the
#' `gsignal` package, see its documentation for details. 
#' A factor q larger than 13 can result in NAs. To avoid this,
#' the downsampling can be done in steps. For example, instead of setting
#' `q = 20`, it is possible to set `q = c(2,10)`.
#' @param .data An eeg_lst object.
#' @param .q integer factor(s) to downsample by.
#' @param .max_sample Optionally, the (approximated) maximum sample number can be defined here, which is at least half of the total number of samples
#' @param .multiple_times Indicates whether to factorize `q`` and apply the downsampling in steps.
#' @inheritParams gsignal::decimate
#' @param ... Not in use.
#' @family preprocessing functions
#' @family plotting functions
#' @export
eeg_downsample <- function(.data, .q = 2, .max_sample = NULL,
                           .n = if (.ftype == "iir") 8 else 30,
                           .ftype = "iir", .multiple_times = FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
eeg_downsample.eeg_lst <- function(.data, .q = 2, .max_sample = NULL,
                                   .n = if (.ftype == "iir") 8 else 30,
                                   .ftype = "iir", .multiple_times = FALSE, ...) {

  # if(tolower(.q) == "min") {
  #   .q <- mindiv(sampling_rate(.data), start = 2)
  #  message_verbose(paste0("Using .q = ", .q))
  # }

  if (any(.q < 2)) {
    stop("# The factor .q must be 2 or more.")

  if (any(round(.q) != .q)) {
    .q <- round(.q)
    warning(paste0("# The factor .q needs to be round number, using .q = ", .q))

  if (!is.null(.max_sample) && .ftype == "iir") {
    len_samples <- max(nsamples(.data))
    if (.max_sample > len_samples / 2) {
      stop("The maximum value for .max_sample allowed is half the number of samples.")
    approx_q <- len_samples / .max_sample
    .q <- factors(round(approx_q))
  # any signal or component in the signal table should be downampled
  channels_to_decimate <- colnames(.data$.signal[0,])[
    tidytable::map_lgl(.data$.signal, ~ is_channel_dbl(.x) || is_component_dbl(.x))] 

        ## add missing samples in case of a discontinuity
  .data$.signal <- add_missing_samples(.data$.signal)
  discontinuity <- .data$.signal %>%
    select.(tidyselect::all_of(channels_to_decimate)) %>%
  if (discontinuity) {
    warning("Some parts of the signal won't be filtered before the downsampling due to NA values or discontinuities")

  if (.multiple_times == TRUE) {
    .q <- factors(round(.q))

  .q <- as.integer(.q)
  factor <- prod(.q)
  new_sampling_rate <- sampling_rate(.data) / factor
    "# Downsampling from ", sampling_rate(.data), "Hz to ",
    round(new_sampling_rate, 2), "Hz."
  if (!is.null(.max_sample) || .multiple_times) {
    message_verbose("# Using the following factor(s) .q: ", paste0(.q, collapse = ", "))
#  channels_info <- channels_tbl(.data)

  .data$.signal <-  .data$.signal %>%
    split(by =".id") %>%
                    .sample = new_sample_int(seq.int(
                      from = ceiling(min(.x$.sample) / factor),
                      length.out = nrow(.x) / factor
                    ), .sampling_rate = new_sampling_rate),
                    decimate_chs(.x %>% select.(all_of(channels_to_decimate)),q = .q, n = .n, ftype = .ftype))) 
  .data$.signal <-as_signal_tbl.data.table(.data$.signal)
  # data.table::setkey(.data$.signal, .id, .sample)
  # data.table::setcolorder(.data$.signal, c(".id", ".sample"))

  # even table needs to be adapted, starts from 1,
  # and the size is divided by two with a min of 1
  # .data$.events <- data.table::copy(.data$.events)[, .initial :=
  #   sample_int(ceiling(.initial / factor), new_sampling_rate)][, .final := sample_int(ceiling(.final / factor), new_sampling_rate)][]
  .data$.events <- mutate.events_tbl(as_events_tbl.events_tbl(.data$.events, new_sampling_rate),
                           .initial = sample_int(ceiling(.initial / factor), new_sampling_rate), 
                           .final = sample_int(ceiling(.final / factor), new_sampling_rate))
  ## this shouldn't be needed:
  ## just in case I update the .id from segments table
  ## .data$.segments <- dplyr::mutate(.data$.segments, .id = seq_len(dplyr::.n()))


  .data %>% # update_channels_tbl(channels_info) %>%
bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.