
Defines functions validate_channel_dbl new_channel_dbl validate_sample_int new_sample_int new_psd_lst new_eeg_lst

#' @noRd
new_eeg_lst <- function(.signal = NULL, .events = NULL, .segments = NULL) {
  x <- list(
    .signal = .signal,
    .events = .events,
    .segments = .segments
  x <- unclass(x)
    class = c("eeg_lst"),
    vars = character(0)

#' @noRd
new_psd_lst <- function(.psd = NULL, .segments = NULL) {
  x <- list(
    .psd = .psd,
    .segments = .segments
  x <- unclass(x)
            class = c("psd_lst"),
            vars = character(0)

#' @param values
#' @param .sampling_rate
#' @noRd
new_sample_int <- function(values, .sampling_rate) {
  if (!all(is_wholenumber(values))) {
    stop("Sample integer values should be round numbers.",
      call. = FALSE
  } else {
    values <- as_integer(values)
  values <- unclass(values)
    class = c("sample_int","integer"),
    sampling_rate = .sampling_rate

#' @param .sample
#' @noRd
validate_sample_int <- function(.sample) {
  if (!is.integer(.sample) &&
    ## I also want to accept one Inf number, for e.g., baseline
    !(length(.sample) == 1 && is.infinite(.sample))) {
    warning("Samples should be integers.",
      call. = FALSE
  if (length(.sample) > 0) {
    if (attributes(.sample)$sampling_rate <= 0) {
      warning("Attribute sampling_rate should be a positive value.",
        call. = FALSE

#' @noRd
new_channel_dbl <- function(values, channel_info = list()) {
  values <- unclass(values) %>% as.double()
  class(values) <- c("channel_dbl", "numeric")
  attributes(values) <- c(

#' @param channel
#' @noRd
validate_channel_dbl <- function(channel) {
  if (!is.double(channel)) {
    stop("Values should be double.",
      call. = FALSE
  purrr::walk(c(".x", ".y", ".z"), ~
  if (!is.numeric(attr(channel, .))) {
    warning(sprintf("Attribute %s should be a number.", .),
      call. = FALSE
  # if (is.null(attributes(channel)$.reference)) {
  #   warning("Attribute .reference is missing.",
  #     call. = FALSE
  #   )
  # }

#' @param channels
#' @param channels_tbl
#' @noRd
update_channel_meta_data <- function(channels, channels_tbl) {
  if (nrow(channels_tbl) == 0 || is.null(channels_tbl)) {
    channels <- purrr::map(
      function(sig) {
        .channel <- new_channel_dbl(
          values = sig,
          channel_info = list(
            .x = NA_real_,
            .y = NA_real_,
            .z = NA_real_,
            .reference = NA_real_
  } else {
    channels <- purrr::map2(
      channels %>% stats::setNames(make_names(channels_tbl$.channel)),
      purrr::transpose(dplyr::select(channels_tbl, -.channel)),
      function(sig, chan_info) {
        .channel <- new_channel_dbl(values = sig, as.list(chan_info))

#' Validates eeg_lst
#' @param x eeg_lst
#' @param recursive If TRUE validates that the interval tbls
#' @noRd
validate_eeg_lst <- function(x, recursive = TRUE) {
  if (!is_eeg_lst(x)) {
    warning("Class is not eeg_lst", call. = FALSE)

  if (recursive) {
    x$.signal <- validate_signal_tbl(x$.signal)
    x$.events <- validate_events_tbl(x$.events)
    x$.segments <- validate_segments(x$.segments)
  diff_channels <- setdiff(x$.events$.channel, channel_names(x))
  if (length(diff_channels) != 0 & any(!is.na(diff_channels))) {
    warning("Unknown channel in table of events",
      call. = FALSE
  idmatch <- all.equal(unique(x$.signal$.id), unique(x$.segments$.id))
  if (idmatch != TRUE) {
    warning("The values of .id mismatch between tables.",
            "Signal table contain: ", paste(unique(x$.signal$.id),collapse =", "),
            ". Segments table contain: ", paste(unique(x$.segments$.id),collapse =", "),
      call. = FALSE

  if (any(!dplyr::group_vars(x) %in% c(colnames(x$.signal), colnames(x$.segments)))) {
    warning("Grouping variables are missing.",
      call. = FALSE
  ## nulls should be caught by the recursive=TRUE
  if (!is.null(sampling_rate(x$.events)) && !is.null(sampling_rate(x$.signal)) &&
    sampling_rate(x$.events) != sampling_rate(x$.signal)) {
    warning("Sampling rates in events and signal table are different",
      call. = FALSE

#' Validates a psd_lst
#' @param x psd_lst
#' @param recursive If TRUE validates that the interval tbls
#' @noRd
validate_psd_lst <- function(x, recursive = TRUE) {
  if (!is_psd_lst(x)) {
    warning("Class is not eeg_lst", call. = FALSE)
  if (recursive) {
    x$.psd <- validate_psd_tbl(x$.psd)
    x$.segments <- validate_segments(x$.segments)
  diff_channels <- setdiff(x$.events$.channel, channel_names(x))
  if (length(diff_channels) != 0 & any(!is.na(diff_channels))) {
    warning("Unknown channel in table of events",
            call. = FALSE
  if (!all.equal(unique(x$.psd$.id), unique(x$.segments$.id))) {
    warning("The values of .id mismatch between tables.",
            call. = FALSE
  if (any(!dplyr::group_vars(x) %in% c(colnames(x$.psd), colnames(x$.segments)))) {
    warning("Grouping variables are missing.",
            call. = FALSE

#' @param segments
#' @noRd
validate_segments <- function(segments) {
  if (is.null(segments)) {
    segments <- dplyr::tibble(.id = integer(0), .recording = character(0))
  if (nrow(segments) > 0) {
    if (!is.integer(segments$.id) & all(is_wholenumber(segments$.id))) {
      segments <- data.table:::shallow(segments[, .id := as.integer(.id)])
    } else if (!is.integer(segments$.id)) {
      warning("Column .id of segments table is not an integer.")

    if (!".recording" %in% colnames(segments)) {
      warning("Column .recording of segments table is missing.")
    if (length(segments$.id) != length(unique(segments$.id))) {
      warning("Some .id are repeated in the segments table, there is something wrong going on. Please open an issue with a reproducible example in https://github.com/bnicenboim/eeguana/issues",
        call. = FALSE

#' @param values
#' @noRd
new_component_dbl <- function(values) {
  values <- unclass(values) %>% as.double()
  class(values) <- c("component_dbl", class(values))

#' @param component
#' @noRd
validate_component_dbl <- function(component) {
  if (!is.double(component)) {
    stop("Values should be double.",
      call. = FALSE
bnicenboim/eeguana documentation built on March 16, 2024, 7:21 a.m.