
Defines functions getWhite getOU getDelta getLambda getBM

# internal functions for fitting models of trait evolution using ML functions in other packages for use as summary statistics
# 01-11-18: now centralizing all calls to geiger::fitContinuous so that we can replace with usage from phylolm::phylolm

# models available in phylolm    
# "BM", "OUrandomRoot", "OUfixedRoot", "lambda", "kappa", "delta", "EB", "trend"
# "OUfixedRoot" gives same answer as geiger::fitContinuous("OU") for both ultrametric and non-ultrametric trees
# will have to build a star tree and fit BM to do White Noise with phylolm

#White noise with phylolm, compared to fitCotinuous:
#tree <- rtree(100)
#trait <- rTraitCont(tree)
#fitCont_WN <- geiger::fitContinuous(phy = tree, dat = trait, model = "white")
#star <- stree(Ntip(tree))
#star$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(star$edge))
#phylolm::phylolm(trait~1, phy = star, model = "BM")

getBM <- function(phy, dat){            #, niterN, niter.goal = NA
    res <- list()
    #fit <- makeQuiet(geiger::fitContinuous(phy = phy, dat = dat, 
    #    model = "BM", ncores = 1, control = list(niter = niterN)))
    #res$lnl <- as.numeric(fit$logLik)
    #res$beta  <- as.numeric(fit$opt$sigsq)
    #res$aic  <- as.numeric(fit$aic)
    fit <- phylolm::phylolm(formula = dat~1, phy = phy, model = "BM")
    res$lnl <- as.numeric(fit$logLik)
    res$beta  <- as.numeric(fit$sigma2)
    res$aic  <- as.numeric(fit$aic)
    #    res$niter.g <- round(max(10, min(niter.goal/solnfreq(fit), 100)))
    #    }
getLambda <- function(phy, dat){            #, niterN, niter.goal = NA
    res <- list()
    #fit <- makeQuiet(geiger::fitContinuous(phy = phy, dat = dat, 
    #    model = "lambda", ncores = 1, control = list(niter = niterN)))
    fit <- makeQuiet(phylolm::phylolm(formula = dat~1, phy = phy, model = "lambda"))
    res$lnl <- as.numeric(fit$logLik)
    res$beta  <- as.numeric(fit$sigma2)
    res$lambda <- as.numeric(fit$optpar)
    res$aic  <- as.numeric(fit$aic)
    #    res$niter.g <- round(max(10, min(niter.goal/solnfreq(fit), 100)))
    #    }

getDelta <- function(phy, dat){            #, niterN, niter.goal = NA
    res <- list()
    #fit <- makeQuiet(geiger::fitContinuous(phy = phy, dat = dat, 
    #    model = "delta", ncores = 1, control = list(niter = niterN)))
    fit <- makeQuiet(phylolm::phylolm(formula = dat~1, phy = phy, model = "delta"))
    res$lnl <- as.numeric(fit$logLik)
    res$beta  <- as.numeric(fit$sigma2)
    res$delta <- as.numeric(fit$optpar)
    res$aic  <- as.numeric(fit$aic)
    #    res$niter.g <- round(max(10, min(niter.goal/solnfreq(fit), 100)))
    #    }

getOU <- function(phy, dat){            #, niterN, niter.goal = NA
    res <- list()
    #fit <- makeQuiet(geiger::fitContinuous(phy = phy, dat = dat, 
    #    model = "OU", ncores = 1, control = list(niter = niterN)))
    fit <- makeQuiet(phylolm::phylolm(formula = dat~1, phy = phy, model = "OUfixedRoot"))
    res$lnl <- as.numeric(fit$logLik)
    res$beta  <- as.numeric(fit$sigma2)
    res$alpha <- as.numeric(fit$optpar)
    res$aic  <- as.numeric(fit$aic)
    #    res$niter.g <- round(max(10, min(niter.goal/solnfreq(fit), 100)))
    #    }

getWhite <- function(phy, dat){        #, niterN, niter.goal = NA
    res <- list()
    #fit <- makeQuiet(geiger::fitContinuous(phy = phy, dat = dat, 
    #    model = "white", ncores = 1, control = list(niter = niterN)))
    # will have to build a star tree and fit BM to do White Noise with phylolm
    star <- stree(Ntip(phy))
    star$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(star$edge))
    star$tip.label <- phy$tip.label
    fit <- phylolm::phylolm(formula = dat~1, phy = star, model = "BM")    
    res$lnl <- as.numeric(fit$logLik)
    res$beta  <- as.numeric(fit$sigma2)
    res$aic  <- as.numeric(fit$aic)
    #    res$niter.g <- round(max(10, min(niter.goal/solnfreq(fit), 100)))
    #    }
bomeara/treevo documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 6:52 p.m.