
Defines functions multiOptimaIntrinsic

Documented in multiOptimaIntrinsic

#' Single Evolutionary Regime Model with Multiple Optima
#' This model describes an evolutionary process where multiple optima exist. Lineages are attracted
#' to an optima in their vicinity (this is handled as a stochastic process where which attract affects
#' which population at a given point in time is weighted with respect to the proximity of a given
#' population's trait value to the given optima), but as a lineage approaches the attractor that
#' controls it, it may experience less directional evolution in the direction of the optima,
#' and overall show more variation. This framework allows for the model to describe the evolution
#' with respect to multiple optima simultaneously, without needing to treat individual transitions
#' between optima (or macroevolutionary 'regimes') as a separate parameter. Thus, the optima exist
#' within a single evolutionary regime, with only a scaling parameter present that allows more
#' or less frequent transitions between optima by altering the impact of proximity to optima.

#' @details
#' \code{multiOptimaIntrinsic} describes a model of intrinsic character evolution with
#' multiple regimes. New character values are generated after one time step via a discrete-time OU
#' process with a particular optima assigned to a particular regime, and each time-step 
#' a lineage has some finite probability of switching to a new regime, and being drawn to that regime's optima.
#' The chance of a lineage being drawn to a particular optima is based on proximity to
#' that optima, but the chance of switching to another regime is never completely negligible.
#' The strength of the draw to the optima, the attraction strength, 'alpha', is the same for all regimes (all optima).
#' This model has \emph{n} input parameters:
#' \code{multiOptimaIntrinsic} with \code{params = sigma} (rate of dispersion), 
#' \code{alpha} (strength of attraction to an optima),
#' \code{rho} (an exponent scaling the weighting of distance to optima --
#' this parameter will control the probability of a lineage switching optima),
#' and, finally, \emph{n} (two or more) \code{theta} values, which are the
#' optima for the different macroevolutionary adaptive regimes. 
#' Our biological interpretation for this model is a scenario in which optima
#' represent fixed phenotypic trait values, conveying maximum adaptive benefit
#' relative to neighboring values in trait space. The proximity of a population
#' to an optima makes it more likely to fall under the influence of that regime,
#' and thus experience directional selection in the direction of that optima. However,
#' as there are multiple optima, a lineage might be influenced by multiple nearby
#' optima over its evolutionary history, rather than simply the closest trait optimum.
#' Lineages equidistant between multiple optima should be equally likely to be drawn
#' to any specific optima, and populations in general should experience the influence
#' of nearby optima inversely relative to their distance from the optima. Thus, a
#' lineage very close to an optimum would show a large variance in its trait values
#' as it circles the adaptive plateau, with infrequent but sudden, far-spanning
#' movements toward a different optimum.

#' @inheritParams intrinsicModels

#' @return
#' A vector of values representing character displacement of that lineage over a single time step.

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @seealso
#' An alternative approach in \code{TreEvo} to estimating a macroevolutionary landscape with multiple optima
#' is the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) model, which can be fit with \code{landscapeFPK_Intrinsic}.
#' This model does not assume a set number of optima nor that they have similar attractor strength, but
#' parameters may be difficult to interpret in isolation, and fitting this model may be slower with \code{TreEvo}
#' due to necessary linear algebra transformations. 
#' Other intrinsic models are described at \code{\link{intrinsicModels}}.

#' @examples
#' # three optima model, with strong attraction	
#' set.seed(1)
#' params<-c(
#' 	sigma=0.1,
#' 	alpha=0.7,
#' 	rho=1,
#' 	theta=c(-20,20,50)
#' 	)	
#' multiOptimaIntrinsic(params=params, states=0, timefrompresent=NA)
#' # simulate n time-steps, repeat many times, plot results
#' repeatSimSteps<-function(params,trait=0,nSteps){
#' 	for(i in 1:nSteps){
#' 	# add to original trait value to get new trait value
#' 		trait<-trait+multiOptimaIntrinsic(
#' 			params=params, states=trait, timefrompresent=NA)
#' 		}
#' 	trait
#' 	}
#' repSim<-replicate(300,repeatSimSteps(params,trait=0,100))
#' hist(repSim,main="Simulated Trait Values",breaks=20)
#' # same model above, with more switching between optima
#' set.seed(1)
#' params<-c(
#' 	sigma=0.1,
#' 	alpha=0.7,
#' 	rho=0.5,
#' 	theta=c(-20,20,50)
#' 	)	
#' multiOptimaIntrinsic(params=params, states=0, timefrompresent=NA)
#' # simulate n time-steps, repeat many times, plot results
#' repeatSimSteps<-function(params,trait=0,nSteps){
#' 	for(i in 1:nSteps){
#' 	# add to original trait value to get new trait value
#' 		trait<-trait+multiOptimaIntrinsic(
#' 			params=params, states=trait, timefrompresent=NA)
#' 		}
#' 	trait
#' 	}
#' repSim<-replicate(300,repeatSimSteps(params,trait=0,100))
#' hist(repSim,main="Simulated Trait Values",breaks=20)

# 08-06-18 moser_multi-optima-single evolutionary-regime-model.R 
# multi optima single evolutionary regime model

#' @name multiOptimaIntrinsic
#' @rdname multiOptimaIntrinsic
#' @export
multiOptimaIntrinsic <- function(params, states, timefrompresent) {
    #a discrete time OU with multiple optima in the same regime 
		# with equal attraction (alpha) to all optima (theta 1:N)
	# breakdown of params:
		# params[1] is dispersion (sigma)
		# params[2] is alpha (strength of attraction to an optima)
		# params[3] is rho, an exponent scaling the weighting of distance to optima
			# this parameter will control switching optima
		# params[4:n] describes theta values
			# n-2 = N # of optima describe by this model
	# In this model, optima represent fixed trait values conveying adaptive benefit
		# the proximity of a population to an optima makes it more likely to be under that regime
		# a point equidistant between multiple regimes may be drawn to any
	# the draw to any specific optima is inverse to distance from optima
	# thus a lineage at an optima may show large variance as it circles the plateau
		# then suddenly feel drawn to another optima, and show sudden, giant shifts toward that optima
	# this all seems realistic...
	rho <- params[3]
	# measure distances to theta
	# convert to probabilistic weights
		# raised to the power of rho - scaling parameter
	# rescale so sum to 1, as probabilities
	# sample a theta
	# now 
	#subtract current states because we want displacement ? 
		# we don't seem to be doing that here ? 05/02/19
    newdisplacement <- rnormFastZig(
		nZig = length(states), 
		meanZig = (theta-states)*alpha, 
		sdZig = sigma) 
bomeara/treevo documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 6:52 p.m.