
Defines functions is_monotone

Documented in is_monotone

#' Check if polynomial is monotone over desired region.
#' @param p polynomial
#' @param region numeric is polynomial monotone over this region.
#' @param EPS numerical precision
#' @return TRUE if polynomial is monotone within region, FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pol <- polynomial(c(1,4,5,2))
#' is_monotone(pol, region = c(1,5))

is_monotone <- function(p, region = c(-Inf,Inf), EPS = 1e-05){
  # Checks
  pl <- polynom::as.polynomial(p)
  if(length(region) != 2 | ! is.numeric(region)){
    r <- dput(region)
    stop("Argument in wrong format. region = c(-1,1) for example.")
  if(EPS <= 0) {
    stop("Argument in wrong format. EPS should be a small positive number.")

  a <- min(region)
  b <- max(region)
  D_pl <- deriv(pl) # polynom:::deriv.polynomial()
  # roots of derivative of pl
  roots <- polyroot(D_pl)
  roots_re <- Re(roots)
  roots_im <- Im(roots)
  # critical roots are those that are real and within the regions (within numerical precision)
  crit_roots <- roots_re[abs(roots_im) < EPS & a + EPS < roots_re & roots_re < b - EPS]
  # check multiplicity of critical roots
  crit_roots_mltp <- rowSums( outer(crit_roots, crit_roots, function(x, y) abs(x - y) < EPS) )
  # test for derivative roots having multiplicity 2
  mono <- all(crit_roots_mltp %% 2 == 0)
  attr(mono,"region") <- region

bonStats/gcreg documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:44 p.m.