
Defines functions segmentation epochs

#' Split signals into consecutive, non-overlaping epochs according to an events dataframe or an epoch duration.
#' @description Split long signals into a list of consecutive epochs according to an events dataframe or an epoch duration.
#' @param signals A list of numeric vectors containing signals, or a single vector containing one signal.
#' @param sRates A vector or list of integer values of the signals sample rates.
#' @param resample The sample rate to resample all signals. Defaults to to the max of the provided sample rates.
#' @param epoch Epochs reference. Can be an events dataframe or the number of seconds of each epoc Defaults to 30.
#' @param startTime The start timestamp of the signal, used to join events to epoch.
#' @param padding Number of previous and next epochs to pad the current epoch with. This functionnality is mostly used to enrich deep learning datasets. Defaults to 0.
#' @return A list of signal chunks
#' @examples
#' epochs(list(rep(c(1,2,3,4),100),rep(c(5,6,7,8),100)),4,4,1,padding = 2)
#' @export
epochs <- function(signals,
                   resample = max(sRates),
                   epoch = 30,
                   startTime = 0,
                   padding = 0){
    signals <- list(signals)
  resampled_signals <- mapply(function(x,y){
    if(y != resample){
    } else{
  }, x = signals,
  y = sRates)
  # Min norm, when sRtes 1
    max_length <- max(unlist(lapply(resampled_signals,function(x){length(x)})))
    resampled_signals <- lapply(resampled_signals, function(x){
      l <- length(x)
      if(l < max_length){
      } else x
    resampled_signals <- matrix(
      ncol = length(resampled_signals),
      byrow = TRUE)
    epochs <- lapply(
      ncol = dim(resampled_signals)[2])
  } else if(is.data.frame(epoch)){
    epoch$begin <- as.numeric(epoch$begin)
    epoch$end <- as.numeric(epoch$end)
    epochs <- lapply(c(1:nrow(epoch)), function(x){
      sidx <- (epoch$begin[x] - startTime)*resample
      eidx <- (epoch$end[x] - startTime)*resample-1
      max <- dim(resampled_signals)[1]
      if((sidx <=  max) & (eidx <= max)){
    # epochs[sapply(epochs, is.null)] <- NULL
  } else {
    stop("`epoch` parameter must be a numeric or a dataframe of events.")
  # Apply padding
  if(padding > 0){
    epochs <- lapply(c(1:length(epochs)), function(i){
      epoch <-  epochs[[i]]
      for(j in c(1:padding)){
        if((i-j) %in% c(1:length(epochs))){
          prev <- epochs[[i-j]]
        } else {
          m = matrix(nrow = nrow(epochs[[i]]), ncol = ncol(epochs[[i]]))
          m[is.na(m)] <- 0
          prev <- m
        if((i+j) %in%  c(1:length(epochs))){
          last <- epochs[[i+j]]
        } else {
          m = matrix(nrow = nrow(epochs[[i]]), ncol = ncol(epochs[[i]]))
          m[is.na(m)] <- 0
          last <- m
        epoch <-  abind::abind(prev, epoch, last, along = 1)

#' Split signals into consecutive, overlapping segments.
#' @param signals A list of numeric vectors containing signals, or a single vector containing one signal.
#' @param sRates A vector or list of integer values of the signals sample rates.
#' @param resample The sample rate to resample all signals. Defaults to to the max of the provided sample rates.
#' @param segments_size The size of segments, in seconds.
#' @param step The step between segments, in seconds.
#' @param padding umber of previous and next epochs to pad the current epoch with. Defaults to 0.
#' @param return_index If TRUE, the index of segments is returned instead of the segments. 
#' @references Choi SH, Yoon H, Kim HS, et al. Real-time apnea-hypopnea event detection during sleep by convolutional neural networks. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2018;100:123-131. 
#' @return A matrix of segments.
#' @examples
#' computed_segments = segmentation(
#'   signals = list(c(sin(1:1000)),c(cos(1:1000))),
#'   sRates = c(1, 1),
#'   segments_size = 5,
#'   resample = 1)
#' dim(computed_segments)
#' plot(computed_segments[1,,1], type = "l")
#' plot(computed_segments[2,,1], type = "l")
#' @export
segmentation <- function(
    segments_size = 10,
    step = 1,
    padding = 0,
    resample = max(sRates),
    return_index = FALSE) {
  resampled_signals = mapply(function(x, y) {
    if (y != resample) {
      x = signal::resample(x, resample, y)
      rep(0, padding * resample * segments_size),
      rep(0, padding * resample * segments_size)
  }, x = signals, y = sRates)
      from = 1,
      to = dim(resampled_signals)[1] -
        (resample * segments_size),
      by = resample * step
  segments_idx_start = seq(
    from = 1 + (padding * resample * segments_size),
    to = dim(resampled_signals)[1] - (padding * resample * segments_size) -
      (resample * segments_size),
    by = resample * step
  segments = lapply(
    FUN = function(x) {
      resampled_signals[(x - (padding * resample * segments_size)):(x + (resample *
                                                                           segments_size) - 1 + (padding * resample * segments_size)), ]
  segments = abind::abind(segments, along = 0)
boupetch/rsleep documentation built on March 15, 2024, 5:44 p.m.