Man pages for boyinggong/methcp
Differential methylation anlsysis for bisulfite sequencing data

calcLociStatCalculate the per-cytosine statistics for simple two-group...
calcLociStatTimeCourseCalculate the per-cytosine statistics for time-course data.
createBsseqObjectHelper function to read text files and create a bsseq object.
getSigRegionObtain the significant DMRs.
MethCP-classClass 'MethCP'
methcpFromStatCreate a 'MethCP' object given the per-cytosine based tests.
segmentMethCPPerform segmentation on a 'MethCP' object.
show-MethCP-methodThe show method
boyinggong/methcp documentation built on April 25, 2021, 9 a.m.