
Defines functions .calcCIP summary.bootReg

Documented in summary.bootReg

### summary.bootReg.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: nov 21 2017 (17:49) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jan 13 2020 (14:48) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 340
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * summary.bootReg
#' @title Display the result fo the bootstrap computation
#' @description Display the result fo the bootstrap computation
#' @param object object obtained with the function \code{bootReg}
#' @param p.value should the p.value be computed? Can be time consuming.
#' @param conf the confidence level of the confidence intervals.
#' @param type the method used to compute the confidence intervals.
#' See the documentation of \code{boot::boot.ci}.
#' @param index for which parameters confidence intervals/p.values should be computed? Default is for all parameters.
#' @param print should the summary be displayed in the terminal?
#' @param n.subset if not \code{NULL} display in addition intervals/p.values for subset of the bootstrap samples.
#' @param ... not used
#' @details This function calls the \code{boot.ci} from the boot package
#' to compute the confidence intervals.
#' P.value are computed by finding the confidence level
#' for which one bound of the confidence interval touches 0.
#' When the number of bootstrap sample is too low, the function (in fact \code{boot.ci}) will return warnings like
#' "extreme order statistics used as endpoints".
#' @method summary bootReg
#' @export
summary.bootReg <- function(object, p.value = TRUE,
                            conf = 0.95, type = NULL, index = NULL,
                            print = TRUE, n.subset = NULL, ...){

        index <- 1:length(object$estimate)
    }else if(is.character(index)){
        index <- match(index,object$estimate)

            type <- "stud"
        }else if(!is.null(object$FCT.iid)){
            type <- "bca"
            type <- "perc"
    ### ** Convert to boot
    boot.object <- as.boot(object, index = index)

    ## ** Compute confidence intervals and p.values
    resStat.full <- .calcCIP(boot.object, conf = conf, type = type, index = 1:length(index),
                             p.value = p.value,
                             stdError = object$stdError[index],
                             iid = object$iid[,index,drop=FALSE],
                             boot.stdError = object$boot.stdError[,index,drop=FALSE])

    ## ** Display results
    rowM <- cbind(estimate = object$estimate[index],
                  estimate.boot = apply(object$boot.estimate[,index,drop=FALSE],2,mean,na.rm = TRUE),
                  se = apply(object$boot.estimate[,index,drop=FALSE],2,sd,na.rm = TRUE),
                  nBoot.effective = colSums(!is.na(object$boot.estimate[,index,drop=FALSE])))
    rowM <- as.data.frame(rowM)

    if("p.value" %in% rowM){
        rowM$p.value <- format.pval(rowM$p.value, eps = 1/object$n.boot) 
            cat("Non-parametric bootstrap with ",as.double(object$n.boot)," replications \n", sep = "")
        }else if(object$FUN.resample %in% c("simulate","sim")){
            cat("Parametric bootstrap with ",as.double(object$n.boot)," replications \n", sep = "")            
        } else{
            cat("bootstrap with ",as.double(object$n.boot)," replications \n", sep = "")

        label.type <- switch(type,
                             "norm" = "Normal bootstrap",
                             "basic" = "Basic bootstrap",
                             "stud" = "Studentized bootstrap",
                             "perc" = "Percentile bootstrap",
                             "bca" = "BCa bootstrap")
        cat(label.type," confidence intervals - see help(boot.ci) \n", sep = "")        

    ## ** By subset
    if(!is.null(n.subset)){ # seq.length.out <- 5
        seqIndex <- round(seq(1,boot.object$R+1, length.out = n.subset+1))
        M.index <- cbind(seqIndex[-length(seqIndex)],(seqIndex-1)[-1])
        n.Index <- NROW(M.index)
        resSubset <- lapply(1:n.Index, function(iSub){ # iSub <- 1
            iIndex <- M.index[iSub,1]:M.index[iSub,2]
            iBoot.object <- boot.object
            iBoot.object$t <- iBoot.object$t[iIndex,,drop=FALSE]
            iBoot.object$strata <- iBoot.object$strata[iIndex]
            iBoot.object$weights <- iBoot.object$weight[iIndex]
            iBoot.object$R <- NROW(iBoot.object$t)
            resStat.full <- .calcCIP(iBoot.object, conf = conf, type = type, index = index,
                                     stdError = object$stdError,
                                     iid = object$iid[iIndex,,drop=FALSE],
                                     boot.stdError = object$boot.stdError[iIndex,,drop=FALSE])
        cat("for subsets \n")

### ** export

## * .calcCIP
.calcCIP <- function(boot.object, conf, type, index,
                     stdError, boot.stdError, iid,

    type <- match.arg(type, c("norm","basic","stud","perc","bca"))
    slot.boot.ci <- switch(type,
                           "norm" = "normal",
                           "basic" = "basic",
                           "stud" = "student",
                           "perc" = "percent",
                           "bca" = "bca")
    n.boot <- boot.object$R
    grid <- seq(0,by=1/n.boot,length.out=n.boot)
    name.estimate <- names(boot.object$t0)
    n.estimate <- length(name.estimate)

    index.lowerCI <- switch(type,
                            "norm" = 2,
                            "basic" = 4,
                            "stud" = 4,
                            "perc" = 4,
                            "bca" = 4)
    index.upperCI <- switch(type,
                            "norm" = 3,
                            "basic" = 5,
                            "stud" = 5,
                            "perc" = 5,
                            "bca" = 5)
        index.index <- 1:2
        index.index <- 1
### ** compute CI for each subset
    ls.out <- lapply(index, function(iP){ # iP <- 1

        resBoot.ci <- boot::boot.ci(boot.object,
                                    index = index.index,
                                    conf = conf,
                                    type = type,
                                    var.t0 = boot.object$var.t0[iP],
                                    var.t = boot.object$var.t[,iP],
                                    t0 = boot.object$t0[iP],
                                    t = boot.object$t[,iP],
                                    L = iid[,iP])[[slot.boot.ci]][index.lowerCI:index.upperCI]


    resCI <- do.call(rbind,ls.out)
    rownames(resCI) <- name.estimate[index]

### ** compute p.value for each subset
        resP <- sapply(index, function(iP){ # iP <- 1
            ## search confidence level such that quantile of CI which is close to 0
            p.value <- boot2pvalue(x = boot.object$t[,iP],
                                   null = 0,
                                   estimate = boot.object$t0[iP],
                                   alternative = "two.sided",
                                   FUN.ci = function(x, p.value, sign.estimate, ...){ ## iP <- 2 ## p.value <- 0.5
                                       side.CI <- c(index.lowerCI,index.upperCI)[2-sign.estimate]

                                       ## the p-value is obtained when iRoot = 0
                                       iRoot <- boot::boot.ci(boot.object,
                                                              index = index.index,
                                                              conf = 1-p.value,
                                                              type = type,
                                                              var.t0 = boot.object$var.t0[iP],
                                                              var.t = boot.object$var.t[,iP],
                                                              t0 = boot.object$t0[iP],
                                                              t = boot.object$t[,iP],
                                                              L = iid[,iP])[[slot.boot.ci]][side.CI]

        resCI <- cbind(resCI,p.value = resP)

### ** export

### summary.bootReg.R ends here
bozenne/butils documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 6:19 a.m.