Man pages for brandonsie/phipcc
Generate Case-Control Reports from PhIP-seq Data

annotate_cc_listCall AnnotationGenerator on a list of data
AnnotationGeneratorgenerate case control annotations for hit data based on...
AVARDA_RCPGeneratorcalculate RCP for AVARDA data
compute_rcp_listCalculate relative control percentile statistic for a list of...
compute_stats_listcalculate statistics for list of data
config_case_controlsetup configurations for this case control study
define_plan_case_controlSetup drake plan for case control report targetse.
filter_hitsfilter hits data to prepare for RCPGenerator
filter_hits_listfilter hits for data list.
gather_sample_listReturn a list of subsetinput data based on specified data...
generate_clustergramgenerates clustergram of hits
phipccphipcc: case control reports for PhIP-Seq.
plot1_hitfreqPlot hit frequency vs median hit score of cases
plot2_hitscoresecond plot
plot3_pvalthird plot
prepare_candidate_tablecandidate antigen generator script
prepare_candidate_table_htmlAdd kable html stying to candidate table.
prepare_clustergram_dataProcess hit data for hierarchical clustering.
prepare_epitope_clustergram_dataCollapse hit clustergram based on cross-reactive peptide...
RCPGeneratorRCPGenerator calculates RCP, Relative Control Percentile, a...
render_from_templatePass parameters to R markdown case control template and knit...
StatsGeneratorperforms a first round of calculations on the data such as...
StatsGenerator_AVARDAgenerate statistics from AVARDA output
subset_datasubset data to only contain rows that match a template.
brandonsie/phipcc documentation built on June 2, 2020, 6:19 a.m.