npsv2: Changes in NPS 2.x

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NPS version 2.x makes substantial changes, some of which may disrupt or alter the interpretation of existing code based on NPS. Most prominently:

Updated Interval Estimation Procedures

Intervals for the Net Promoter Score are calculated using a new method, with superior performance. See ?nps_test for details.

Function names are now in snake_case

No more dots. For example, is now nps_se. For the first 2.x release, these will be depricated (they will work for now, but with a warning). It is strongly suggested that you move to using the new function names as soon as possible.

Global options

Are now available, meaning that you can set options for how NPS should work once, and it will stick with them for the rest of the session. For example, suppose that your Net Promoter study uses a 5pt Likert scale, with 1-3 coded as Detractors, 4 as Passives, and 5 as Detractors. Instead of having to supply an argument to the breaks parameter each time you wish to use an NPS function, you can now set options(nps.breaks = c(1,3,4,5)) at the start of your session, and all calculations and tests will now be based on your category defintions.

NA no longer always omitted by default

While certain parts of R return NA if there's an NA in the input, others (such as tests) tend to use na.omit by default. v2.x of NPS now follows this convention; nps will return NA if there's any NAs in the input, whereas nps_test will perform na.omit and emit a warning.

Distinction between aggegate and non-aggregate functions

The two most common ways to describe 'Net Promoter responses' are as vectors of either Likert responses, e.g.:

c(0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 10))

or as aggregate counts of the categories, e.g., for the same distribution:

c(Detractors = 3, Passives = 2, Promoters = 1))

NPS v2.x delineates functions for these data types more clearly, with those for the latter style always ending in _. All v1.x functions have equivalents, but those with the old naming convention have been deprecated.


Brendan Rocks

brendan-r/NPS documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:08 a.m.