mclust.lm.X: dispatch to one of the implemented cluster methods....

Description Usage Arguments Details


This method implements a sorted of methyl-eQTL with a formula specified as:


mclust.lm.X(formula, covs, meth, X, gee.corstr = NULL, ..., mc.cores = 4)



covariate data.frame containing the terms in formula except "methylation" which is added automatically


a list of matrices of correlated data or a single methylation matrix


an R formula containing "methylation"


a matrix with columns matching those in meth. n_probes X n_samples. Each row is tested by modifying formula so that it becomes the independent variable in the model and tested against methylation.


if specified, the the corstr arg to geeglm.


the number of processors to use if meths is a list of matrices to test.


arguments sent to clust.lm


methylation ~ disease + age

each row in X is inserted into the model and tested so the model would be:

methylation ~ X[irow,] + disease + age

and the reported coefficent and p-value are from the X[irow,] covariate. This allows one to test a number of expression probes against a (number of) cluster of correlated methylation probes. Though we could also use this to test, for example a set of methylation probes against every OTU in a microbiome study. In this way, we could find DMRs related to the microbiome.

See clust.lm

brentp/clustermodelr documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:11 a.m.