Man pages for brgordon17/coralclass
Metabolomics Classification of Stressed Coral From Heron Island 2011

coralclasscoralclass: A package style research compendium for the coral...
create_mzdataCreate mzdata.
create_nmrdatacreate nmrdata.
create_pamdataCreate pamdata.
figure_cell_densityBoxplots of cell density.
figure_fvfmPlot of Photosynthetic Yield (FvFm).
figure_misclass_temporalTemporal misclassifications figure.
figure_pcaPCA compound figure.
figure_tuningModel tuning figure.
figure_vipImportant variables figure.
mzdataPreprocessed LCMS data
mzdata_rawFeature detection using xcms.
mzplsPLS-DA analysis of LCMS data.
mzrfRandom Forests Analysis of LCMS data.
nmrdataPreprocessed NMR data
nmrplsPLS-DA analysis of NMR data.
nmrrfRandom Forests Analysis of 1H-NMR data.
pamdataMean daily PAM data
table_annotateAnnotate LCMS features
table_cv_conmatCross validation confusion matrices.
table_cv_performanceCross validation performance table.
table_model_testModel testing performance table.
brgordon17/coralclass documentation built on June 15, 2020, 9:21 p.m.