
#' Convert column names to proper case and convert underscore to spaces
#' @param df a dataframe with column names
#' @param underscore_to_spaces boolean on whether to convert underscore to space in column names
#' @return dataframe with adjusted column names
#' @export
#' @examples proper_names(mtcars)
proper_names <- function(df, underscore_to_spaces = TRUE){
    proper <- function(x){
        paste0(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)), tolower(substring(x, 2)))
    nms <- proper(names(df))
    if (underscore_to_spaces) nms = gsub("_"," ", nms)
    nms <- gsub("(^|[[:space:]])([[:alpha:]])", "\\1\\U\\2", nms, perl=TRUE)

    setNames(df, nms)
brianwonch/mediamunger documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:42 a.m.