eq01buildW0vect: Equation 1: Set up current population vector (W0)

View source: R/eq01buildW0vect.R

eq01buildW0vectR Documentation

Equation 1: Set up current population vector (W0)


Create a vector representing population structure at the beginning of winter (W0) after competition for territories has occured but before winter mortality.


eq01buildW0vect(W.mg, W.mp, W.fg, W.fp)



Number of males (.m_) wintering in good (._g) habitat. Scalar


Number of males (.m_) wintering in poor (._p) habitat. Scalar


Number of females (.f_) wintering in good (._g) habitat. Scalar


Number of males (.f_) wintering in poor (._p) habitat. Scalar


During 1st iteration (i=1) the population status is taken from the runFAC() function call as it was set by the user. W0 is then updated during every iteration by taking values of W.mg, W.mp, etc that were calculated in Equation 27 at the end of the last iteration (i-1)

Formalizing this into an equation may not be strictly necessary but helps with aliginging how the model is implemented in redstart how it is described in the original Runge and Marra (2004) paper.


W0 A vector containing the status of the population at the beginning of winter: W.mg , W.mp , W.fg , and W.fp


Runge, MC and PP Marra. 2004. Modeling seasonal interactions in the population dynamics of migratory birds. In Greenberg, R and PP Marra, eds. Birds of two worlds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.


eq01buildW0vect(W.mg = 10, W.mp = 10, W.fg = 10, W.fp = 10)

brouwern/FACavian documentation built on June 1, 2024, 10:32 p.m.