eq15_Pkpg: Equation 15: Proportion in of pairsin sink habitat which are...

View source: R/eq15_Pkpg.R

eq15_PkpgR Documentation

Equation 15: Proportion in of pairsin sink habitat which are between poor males and good females (P.kpg)


Equation 15: Proportion in of pairsin sink habitat which are between poor males and good females (P.kpg)


eq15_Pkpg(W2, K.bc, K.bk, B.mk, B.fk)



Population vector


carrying capacity


carrying capacity


males allocated to sink


females allocated to sink


P.kpg Proportion of pairs in sink (k) habitat where male originates from poor (p) and female originated from good (g) winter habitat


# Standard example
## Set population vector and carrying capacities
W2. <- c(10, 10,10, 10)
W2. <- setNames(W2., c("mg","fg","mp","fp"))
K.bc. <- 10
K.bk. <- 10

## Assign birds from populatin vector to source or sink habitat using "Bxx" equation
B.fc.  <- eq04_Bfc(W2 = W2., K.bc.)
B.fk.  <- eq05_Bfk(W2 = W2., K.bc = K.bc., K.bk = K.bk.)
B.mc.  <- eq06_Bmc(W2 = W2., K.bc = K.bc.)
B.mk.  <- eq07_Bmk(W2 = W2., K.bc = K.bc., B.fk = B.fk.)

## Set up pairings between poor and good using equation 15
eq15_Pkpg(W2 = W2., K.bc = K.bc., K.bk = K.bk., B.mk = B.mk., B.fk =B.fk.)

# Use the test_P_df_maker() function to generate data
## This isn't very efficient but gets the job done of making test data with less code.
## Note that all classes have the same number of birds
td <- test_P_df_maker(wmin=10, wmax=10, wstep=1, kmin = 10, kmax=10, kstep=1)
W2. <- setNames(td[1:4], c("mg","fg","mp","fp"))
eq15_Pkpg(W2 = W2., K.bc = td$K.bc, K.bk = td$K.bk, B.mk = td$B.mk, B.fk = td$B.fk)

brouwern/FACavian documentation built on June 1, 2024, 10:32 p.m.