eq07_Bmk: Equation 7: Allocate breeding males to sink habitat (B.mk)

View source: R/eq07_Bmk.R

eq07_BmkR Documentation

Equation 7: Allocate breeding males to sink habitat (B.mk)


This function outputs B.mk, the number of breeding (B.) males (.m) in sink habitat (.k).


eq07_Bmk(W2, K.bc, B.fk)



population vector


source carrying capacity


females allocated to sink


The Runge and Marra (2004) indicate that "the number of males in sink habitat is limited by being able to find a mate, hence B.fk rather than K.bk." (pg TODO()). That is, if the female population is less than K.bk for some reason then males remain unpaired; it is therefore better to be a floater in the drain than an unpaired male. TODO() Check the implications of this

How the function works:

  1. IF W2.mg + W2.mp < K.bc THEN 0 males go to sink That is, if the total number of males is less than source size then all avaiable males can go to source; it appears as if these males will go there even if they remain unpaired.

  2. IF K.bc <= (W2.mg + W2.mp) AND IF W2.mg + W2.mp < K.bc+B.fk THEN W2.mg + W2.mp - K.bc males go to sink (That is, IF total males greater than or equal to source carrying capacity AND total males are less than source K and number of females in sin.k. ) THEN the number of males that go to sin.k. equals total males minus those that went to source.

  3. IF total males is GREATER than the number of females (K.bc + B.fk) THEN the number of males that go to the sink is equal to the number of females in the sink, B.fk. The total number of females = K.bc + B.fk because ... TOD():...


B.mk, the number of breeding males in sink (.k) habitat


Runge, MC and PP Marra. 2004. Modeling seasonal interactions in the population dynamics of migratory birds. In Greenberg, R and PP Marra, eds. Birds of two worlds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.


W2. <- c(10,10,10,10)
names(W2.) <- c("mg","fg","mp","fp")
eq07_Bmk(W2 = W2., K.bc = 0, B.fk =5)

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