rexp.var: General rate exponential and Weibull waiting times

View source: R/rexp.var.R

rexp.varR Documentation

General rate exponential and Weibull waiting times


Generates a waiting time following an exponential or Weibull distribution with constant or varying rates. Output can be used as the waiting time to an extinction, speciation, or fossil sampling event. Allows for an optional shape parameter, in which case rate will be taken as a Weibull scale. Allows for further customization by restricting possible waiting time outputs with arguments for (1) current time, to consider only the rates starting at that time, (2) maximum time, to bound the output and therefore allow for faster calculations if one only cares about waiting times lower than a given amount, and (3) speciation time, necessary to scale rates in the case where the output is to follow a Weibull distribution, i.e. for age-dependent processes. This function is used in birth-death and sampling functions, but can also be convenient for any user looking to write their own code requiring exponential or Weibull distributions with varying rates.


rexp.var(n, rate, now = 0, tMax = Inf, shape = NULL, TS = 0, fast = FALSE)



The number of waiting times to return. Usually 1, but we allow for a higher n to be consistent with the rexp function.


The rate parameter for the exponential distribution. If shape is not NULL, rate is a scale for a Weibull distribution. In both cases we allow for any time-varying function. Note rate can be constant.


The current time. Needed if one wants to consider only the interval between the current time and the maximum time for the time-varying rate. Note this does means the waiting time is >= now, so we also subtract now from the result before returning. The default is 0.


The simulation ending time. If the waiting time would be too high, we return tMax + 0.01 to signify the event never happens, if fast == TRUE. Otherwise we return the true waiting time. By default, tMax will be Inf, but if FAST == TRUE one must supply a finite value.


Shape of the Weibull distribution. Can be a numeric for constant shape or a function(t) for time-varying. When smaller than one, rate will decrease along species' age (negative age-dependency). When larger than one, rate will increase along each species' age (positive age-dependency). Default is NULL, so the function acts as an exponential distribution. For shape != NULL (including when equal to one), rate will be considered a scale (= 1/rate), and rexp.var will draw a Weibull distribution instead of an exponential. This means Weibull(rate, 1) = Exponential(1/rate). Notice even when Shape != NULL, rate may still be time-dependent.

Note: Time-varying shape is within expectations for most cases, but if it is lower than 1 and varies too much (e.g. 0.5 + 0.5*t), it can be slightly biased for higher waiting times due to computational error. Slopes (or equivalent, since it can be any function of time) of the order of 0.01 are advisable. It rarely also displays small biases for abrupt variations. In both cases, error is still quite low for the purposes of the package.

Note: We do not test for shape < 0 here since as we allow shape to be a function this would severely slow the rest of the package. It is tested on the birth-death functions, and the user should make sure not to use any functions that become negative eventually.


Speciation time, used to account for the scaling between simulation and species time. The default is 0. Supplying a TS > now will return an error.


If set to FALSE, waiting times larger than tMax will not be thrown away. This argument is needed so one can test the function without bias.


A vector of waiting times following the exponential or Weibull distribution with the given parameters.


Bruno do Rosario Petrucci.


# let us start by checking a simple exponential variable

# rate
rate <- 0.1

# set seed

# find the waiting time
t <- rexp.var(n = 1, rate)

# this is the same as t <- rexp(1, rate)

# now let us try a linear function for the rate

# rate
rate <- function(t) {
  return(0.01*t + 0.1)

# set seed

# find the waiting time
t <- rexp.var(n = 1, rate)

# what if rate is exponential?

# rate
rate <- function(t) {
  return(0.01 * exp(0.1*t) + 0.02)

# set seed

# find the waiting time
t <- rexp.var(n = 1, rate)

# if we give a shape argument, we have a Weibull distribution

# scale - note that this is equivalent to 1/rate if shape were NULL
rate <- 2

# shape
shape <- 1

# speciation time
TS <- 0

# set seed

# find the vector of waiting time
t <- rexp.var(n = 1, rate, shape = shape, TS = TS)

# when shape = 1, the Weibull is an exponential, we could do better

# scale
rate <- 10

# shape
shape <- 2

# speciation time
TS <- 0

# set seed

# find the vector of waiting times - it doesn't need to be just one
t <- rexp.var(n = 5, rate, shape = shape, TS = TS)

# shape can be less than one, of course

# scale
rate <- 10

# shape
shape <- 0.5

# note we can supply now (default 0) and tMax (default Inf)

# now matters when we wish to consider only waiting times
# after that time, important when using time-varying rates
now <- 3

# tMax matters when fast = TRUE, so that higher times will be
# thrown out and returned as tMax + 0.01
tMax <- 40

# speciation time - it will be greater than 0 frequently during a 
# simulation, as it is used to represent where in the species life we 
# currently are and rescale accordingly
TS <- 2.5

# set seed

# find the vector of waiting times
t <- rexp.var(n = 10, rate, now, tMax,
              shape = shape, TS = TS, fast = TRUE)

# note how some results are tMax + 0.01, since fast = TRUE

# both rate and shape can be time varying for a Weibull

# scale
rate <- function(t) {
  return(0.25*t + 5)

# shape
shape <- 3

# current time
now <- 0

# maximum time to check
tMax <- 40

# speciation time
TS <- 0

# set seed

# find the vector of waiting times
t <- rexp.var(n = 5, rate, now, tMax,
              shape = shape, TS = TS, fast = TRUE)

brpetrucci/paleobuddy documentation built on July 26, 2023, 8:15 p.m.