sample.clade: General rate species sampling

View source: R/sample.clade.R

sample.cladeR Documentation

General rate species sampling


Generates occurrence times or time ranges (as most empirical fossil occurrences) for each of the desired species using a Poisson process. Allows for the Poisson rate to be (1) a constant, (2) a function of time, (3) a function of time and a time-series (usually environmental) variable, or (4) a vector of numbers (rates in a step function). Allows for age-dependent sampling with a parameter for a distribution representing the expected occurrence number over a species duration. Allows for further flexibility in rates by a shift times vector and environmental matrix parameters. Optionally takes a vector of time bins representing geologic periods, if the user wishes occurrence times to be represented as a range instead of true points.


  S = NULL,
  envR = NULL,
  rShifts = NULL,
  returnTrue = TRUE,
  returnAll = FALSE,
  bins = NULL,
  adFun = NULL,



A sim object, containing extinction times, speciation times, parent, and status information (extant or extinct) for each species in the simulation. See ?sim.


Sampling rate (per species per million years) over time. It can be a numeric describing a constant rate, a function(t) describing the variation in sampling over time t, a function(t, env) describing the variation in sampling over time following both time AND a time-series, usually an environmental variable (see envR), or a vector containing rates that correspond to each rate between sampling rate shift times times (see rShifts). If adFun is supplied, it will be used to find the number of occurrences during the species duration, and a normalized rho*adFun will determine their distribution along the species duration. Note that rho should always be greater than or equal to zero.


The maximum simulation time, used by rexp.var. A sampling time greater than tMax would mean the occurrence is sampled after the present, so for consistency we require this argument. This is also required to ensure time follows the correct direction both in the Poisson process and in the output.


A vector of species numbers to be sampled. The default is all species in sim. Species not included in S will not be sampled by the function.


A data frame containing time points and values of an environmental variable, like temperature, for each time point. This will be used to create a sampling rate, so rho must be a function of time and said variable if envR is not NULL. Note paleobuddy has two environmental data frames, temp and co2. See RPANDA for more examples.


Vector of rate shifts. First element must be the starting time for the simulation (0 or tMax). It must have the same length as lambda. c(0, x, tMax) is equivalent to c(tMax, tMax - x, 0) for the purposes of make.rate.


If set to FALSE, it will contain the occurrence times as ranges. In this way, we simulate the granularity presented by empirical fossil records. If returnTrue is TRUE, this is ignored.


If set to TRUE, returns both the true sampling time and age ranges. Default is FALSE.


A vector of time intervals corresponding to geological time ranges. It must be supplied if returnTrue or returnAll is TRUE.


A density function representing the age-dependent preservation model. It must be a density function, and consequently integrate to 1 (though this condition is not verified by the function). If not provided, a uniform distribution will be used by default. The function must also have the following properties:

  • Return a vector of preservation densities for each time in a given vector t in geological time.

  • Be parameterized in the absolute geological time associated to each moment in age (i.e. age works relative to absolute geological time, in Mya - in other words, the convention is TS > 0). The function does not directly use the lineage's age (which would mean that TS = 0 for all species whenever they are born). Because of this, it is assumed to go from tMax to 0, as opposed to most functions in the package.

  • Should be limited between s (i.e. the lineage's speciation/birth) and e (i.e. the lineage's extinction/death), with s > e. It is possible to assign parameters in absolute geological time (see third example) and relative to age as long as this follows the convention of age expressed in absolute geological time (see fourth example).

  • Include the arguments t, s, e and sp. The argument sp is used to pass species-specific parameters (see examples), allowing for dFun to be species-inhomogeneous.


Additional parameters used by adFun. See examples.


A data.frame containing species names/numbers, whether each species is extant or extinct, and the true occurrence times of each fossil, a range of occurrence times based on bins, or both.


Matheus Januario and Bruno do Rosario Petrucci.


# vector of times
time <- seq(10, 0, -0.1)

# we can start with a constant case

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# sampling rate
rho <- 2

# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, 
                        bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# sampling can be any function of time 

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# sampling rate
rho <- function(t) {
  return(2 - 0.15*t)

# plot sampling function
plot(x = time, y = rho(time), type = "l", 
     ylab = "Preservation rate", 
     xlab = "Time since the start of the simulation (My)")
# note for these examples we do not reverse time in the plot
# see other functions in the package for examples where we do

# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, 
                        bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# now we can try a step function rate

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# we will use the less efficient method of creating a step function
# one could instead use ifelse()

# rates vector
rList <- c(2, 5, 0.5)

# rate shifts vector
rShifts <- c(0, 4, 8)

# make it a function so we can plot it
rho <- make.rate(rList, 10, rateShifts = rShifts)

# plot sampling function
plot(x = time, y = rho(time), type = "l", 
     ylab = "Preservation rate", 
     xlab = "Time since the start of the simulation (My)")

# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho = rList, rShifts = rShifts, tMax = 10, 
                        bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# finally, sample.clade also accepts an environmental variable

# get temperature data

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# rho will be temperature dependent
envR <- temp

# function describing environmental dependence
r_t <- function(t, env) {
  return(((env) / 12) ^ 6)

# make it a function so we can plot it
rho <- make.rate(r_t, tMax = tMax, envRate = envR)

# plot sampling function
plot(x = time, y = rho(time), type = "l", 
     ylab = "Preservation rate", 
     xlab = "Time since the start of the simulation (My)")

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho = r_t, envR = envR, tMax = 10, bins = bins)
# now we record the true time of fossil occurrences 

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# note that any techniques used in examples for ?bd.sim to create more
# complex mixed scenarios can be used here as well

# sampling can also be age-dependent

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# sampling rate
rho <- 3

# here we will use the PERT function. It is described in:
# Silvestro et al 2014

# age-dependence distribution
# note that a and b define the beta distribution used, and can be modified
dPERT <- function(t, s, e, sp, a = 3, b = 3, log = FALSE) {
  # check if it is a valid PERT
  if (e >= s) {
   message("There is no PERT with e >= s")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # find the valid and invalid times
  id1 <- which(t <= e | t >= s)
  id2 <- which(!(t <= e | t >= s))
  t <- t[id2]
  # initialize result vector
  res <- vector()
  # if user wants a log function
  if (log) {
   # invalid times get -Inf
   res[id1] <- -Inf
   # valid times calculated with log
   res[id2] <- log(((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) / 
                 ((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b)))
  # otherwise
   res[id1] <- 0
   res[id2] <- ((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) / ((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b))

# plot it for an example species who lived from 10 to 5 million years ago
plot(time, rev(dPERT(t = time, s = 10, e = 5, a = 1)), 
     main = "Age-dependence distribution",
     xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
     xlim = c(0, 5), type = "l")

# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dPERT, bins = bins, 
                        returnAll = TRUE)
# can use returnAll to get occurrences as both time points and ranges

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# the warning is to let you know the ranges won't be used

# and also as ranges - we take out the column with true time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils[, -3])

# we can have more parameters on adFun

# sampling rate
rho <- function(t) {
 return(1 + 0.5*t)
# since here rho is time-dependent, the function finds the
# number of occurrences using rho, and their distribution
# using a normalized rho * adFun

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# here we will use the triangular distribution

# age-dependence distribution
dTRI <- function(t, s, e, sp, md) {
  # make sure it is a valid TRI
  if (e >= s) {
   message("There is no TRI with e >= s")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # another condition we must check
  if (md < e | md > s) {
   message("There is no TRI with md outside [s, e] interval")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # needed to vectorize the function:
  id1 <- which(t >= e & t < md)
  id2 <- which(t == md)
  id3 <- which(t > md & t <= s)
  id4 <- which( !(1:length(t) %in% c(id1,id2,id3)))
  # actually vetorizing function
  res <- vector()
  # (t >= e & t < md)
  res[id1] <- (2*(t[id1] - e)) / ((s - e) * (md - e))
  # (t == md)
  res[id2] <- 2 / (s - e)
  # (md < t & t <= s)
  res[id3] <- (2*(s - t[id3])) / ((s - e) * (s - md))
  # outside function's limits
  res[id4] <- 0

# set mode at 8
md <- 8
# plot it for an example species who lived from 10mya to the present
plot(time, rev(dTRI(time, 10, 5, 1, md)),
     main = "Age-dependence distribution",
     xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
     xlim = c(0, 5), type = "l")

# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)

# simulate fossil occurrences for the first species
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, S = 1, adFun = dTRI, 
                        bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE, md = md)
# note we provide the peak for the triangular sampling as an argument
# here that peak is assigned in absolute geological, but
# it usually makes more sense to express this in terms
# of age (a given percentile of the age, for instance) - see below

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# we can also have a hat-shaped increase through the duration of a species
# with more parameters than TS and TE, but with the parameters relating to
# the relative age of each lineage

# sampling rate
rho <- function(t) {
 return(1 + 0.1*t)

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# age-dependence distribution, with the "mde" of the triangle
# being exactly at the last quarter of the duration of EACH lineage
dTRImod1 <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
  # note that now we don't have the "md" parameter here,
  # but it is calculated inside the function
  # check if it is a valid TRI
  if (e >= s) {
   message("There is no TRI with e >= s")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # calculate md
  md <- ((s - e) / 4) + e
  # md is at the last quarter of the duration of the lineage
  # please note that the same logic can be used to sample parameters
  # internally in the function, running for instance:
  # md <- runif (n = 1, min = e, max = s)
  # check it is a valid md
  if (md < e | md > s) {
   message("There is no TRI with md outside [s, e] interval")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # needed to vectorize function
  id1 <- which(t >= e & t < md)
  id2 <- which(t == md)
  id3 <- which(t>md & t <= s)
  id4 <- which( !(1:length(t) %in% c(id1,id2,id3)))
  # vectorize the function
  res[id1] <- (2 * (t[id1] - e)) / ((s - e) * (md - e))
  res[id2] <- 2 / (s - e)
  res[id3] <- (2 * (s - t[id3])) / ((s - e) * (s - md))
  res[id4] <- 0

# plot for a species living between 10 and 0 mya
plot(time, rev(dTRImod1(time, 10, 0, 1)),
    main = "Age-dependence distribution",
    xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
    xlim = c(0, 10), type = "l")

# sample first two species
fossils <- sample.clade(sim = sim, rho = rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dTRImod1)

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# here, we fix md at the last quarter
# of the duration of the lineage

# the parameters of adFun can also relate to each specific lineage,
# which is useful when using variable parameters for each species
# to keep track of those parameters after the sampling is over

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)

# sampling rate
rho <- 3

# get the par and par1 vectors

# get mins vector
minsPar <- ifelse($TE), 0, sim$TE)

# a random time inside each species' duration
par <- runif(n = length(sim$TE), min = minsPar, max = sim$TS)
# its complement to the middle of the lineage's age.
par1 <- (((sim$TS - minsPar) / 2) + minsPar) - par
# note that the interaction between these two parameters creates a
# deterministic parameter, but inside the function one of them ("par")
# is a random parameter

dTRImod2 <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
  # make sure it is a valid TRI
  if (e >= s) {
   message("There is no TRI with e >= s")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # md depends on parameters
  md <- par[sp] + par1[sp]
  # check that md is valid
  if (md < e | md > s) {
   message("There is no TRI with md outside [s, e] interval")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  id1 <- which(t >= e & t < md)
  id2 <- which(t == md)
  id3 <- which(t > md & t <= s)
  id4 <- which(!(1:length(t) %in% c(id1,id2,id3)))
  res <- vector()
  res[id1] <- (2*(t[id1] - e)) / ((s - e) * (md - e))
  res[id2] <- 2 / (s - e)
  res[id3] <- (2*(s - t[id3])) / ((s - e) * (s - md))
  res[id4] <- 0

# plot for a species living between 10 and 0 mya
plot(time, rev(dTRImod2(time, 10, 0, 1)),
    main = "Age-dependence distribution",
    xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
    xlim = c(0, 10), type = "l")

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dTRImod2, bins = bins, 
                        returnTrue = FALSE)

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# we can also have a mix of age-independent and age-dependent
# sampling in the same simulation

# set seed

# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# sampling rate
rho <- 7

# define a uniform to represente age-independence

# age-dependence distribution (a uniform density distribution in age) 
# in the format that the function needs
custom.uniform <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
  # make sure it is a valid uniform
  if (e >= s) {
   message("There is no uniform function with e >= s")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  res <- dunif(x = t, min = e, max = s)

# PERT as above
dPERT <- function(t, s, e, sp, a = 3, b = 3, log = FALSE) {
  # check if it is a valid PERT
  if (e >= s) {
   message("There is no PERT with e >= s")
   return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
  # find the valid and invalid times
  id1 <- which(t <= e | t >= s)
  id2 <- which(!(t <= e | t >= s))
  t <- t[id2]
  # initialize result vector
  res <- vector()
  # if user wants a log function
  if (log) {
   # invalid times get -Inf
   res[id1] <- -Inf
   # valid times calculated with log
   res[id2] <- log(((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) / 
                 ((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b)))
  # otherwise
   res[id1] <- 0
   res[id2] <- ((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) / ((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b))

# actual age-dependency defined by a mix
dPERTAndUniform <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
    ifelse(t > 5, custom.uniform(t, s, e, sp),
           dPERT(t, s, e, sp))
# starts out uniform, then becomes PERT 
# after 5my (in absolute geological time)

# plot it for an example species who lived from 10 to 0 million years ago
plot(time, rev(dPERTAndUniform(time, 10, 0, 1)),
    main = "Age-dependence distribution",
    xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
    xlim = c(0, 10), type = "l")

# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)

# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dPERTAndUniform,
                        bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)

# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)

# note how occurrences cluster close to the speciation time of
# species 1, but not its extinction time, since around 5mya
# the PERT becomes the effective age-dependence distribution

brpetrucci/paleobuddy documentation built on July 26, 2023, 8:15 p.m.