
Defines functions movAv

Documented in movAv

#' Moving average
#' Weighted moving average (running mean) with overlapping windows
#' @details Width has to be odd, so there is a defined middle point of each window.
#' Even inputs will be changed with a warning (unless quiet=TRUE).\cr
#' Weights doesn't have to be symmetrical, but is always mapped to the middle
#' of each window!\cr
#' If there are NAs in the window, the corresponding weight is distributed
#' evenly to the other weights.
#' @return Vector of the same length as the original input.
#'         Padded with NAs at width/2 margin elements
#' @note You can specify just one of weights or width.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, ca 2012
#' @seealso \code{\link{movAvLines}}, 
#'          \code{\link{filter}}, \code{\link{decompose}}, \code{\link{smooth}},
#'          \code{\link{loess}}, \code{\link[zoo]{rollapply}} (no overlapping!)
#' @keywords ts manip smooth
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # general usage -------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(29); a <- runif(40, 5,50)
#' data.frame(a, movAv(a))
#' # final and commencing NAs are kept, middle ones are filled:
#' a[c(1:10, 18:26, 32:40)] <- NA
#' data.frame(a, movAv(a))
#' set.seed(29); a <- runif(60, 5,50)
#' plot(a, type="o", pch=16, las=1)
#' lines(movAv(a), col=2, lwd=3) # shows trends, signal in the noise
#' lines(movAv(a,3), col=4, lwd=3)
#' lines(movAv(a,15), col=3, lwd=3) # degree of smoothing depends on window width
#' # Weights:
#' plot(a, type="o", pch=16, las=1)
#' lines(movAv(a), col=2, lwd=3) # uniform weight within running window
#' # Triangular weights react stronger to extrema:
#' lines(movAv(a, weights=c(1,2,4,6,4,2,1)), col=4, lwd=3)
#' plot(c(Nile), type="l")
#' lines(movAv(Nile,20), col=4, lwd=4)
#' lines(movAv(Nile,21), col=3) # even widths are changed to a higher value
#' # smoothing intenstiy -------------------------------------------------------
#' plot(1871:1970, Nile, type="l", col=8)
#' movAvLines(1871:1970, Nile, lwd=3)
#' for(i in 1:30*2-1)
#'   {
#'   plot(a, type="o", pch=16, las=1, main=paste("moving average, width =", i))
#'   lines(movAv(a, i), col=2, lwd=4)
#'   }
#' # How to lie with moving averages: compare width 29 with 49 - the "trend"
#' # appears to be in opposite direction! (OK, this is random data anyways).
#' b <- rep(a, each=10)+runif(600, -10, 20)
#' plot(b, type="l")
#' lines(movAv(b), col=2, lwd=4)
#' lines(movAv(b, 35), col=4, lwd=4)
#' lines(movAv(b, 101), col=5, lwd=4)  # choose width according to scale!
#' # Deviance from running mean can identify outlier:
#' nile <- c(Nile)
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(1,3,2.5,0), cex.main=1, las=1)
#' plot(nile, type="l", main=c("original Nile data",""), xlab="", xaxt="n")
#' lines(movAv(nile,5), lwd=2, col=2)
#' title(main=c("", "5-element running mean (moving average)"), col.main=2)
#' box("figure")
#' plot(nile-movAv(nile,5), type="o", pch=16, col=4,
#'       main="difference  ( original data - moving average )", xlab="", xaxt="n")
#' abline(h=0)
#' box("figure")
#' par(mar=c(3,3,1,0))
#' hist(nile-movAv(nile,5), breaks=25, xlim=c(-500,500), col=4, main="Deviances")
#' abline(v=0, lwd=5) # the deviances are pretty symmetric.
#' # If this were shifted more strongly to the left, we could say:
#' # movav(5) overestimates minima more than it underestimates maxima
#' # This would happen if low values peak away further and more shortly
#' par(op)
#' @param dat Vector with regularly spaced data
#' @param width Odd integer specifying window width. DEFAULT: 7
#' @param weights Vector with weights. Sum is normalized to 1. DEFAULT: rep(1,width)
#' @param quiet Logical: suppress allNA message and even width warning? DEFAULT: FALSE
movAv <- function(
# input-checking (added May 2014 along with new option weights) :
dat <- as.vector(dat)
if(!is.vector(dat))   stop("Dat has to be a vector.")
  if(!quiet) message("dat is all NA, returning NAs.")
# Easy output (don't run all the code in this case):
if(round(width)==1) return(dat)
# Window width and weights:
if(missing(weights))  weights <- rep(1,width)
if(missing(width))    width <- length(weights)
if(width != length(weights))  stop("width (",width,") and length of weights (",
                                   length(weights),") are not equal!")
if(ceiling(width) != floor(width))  stop("width (",width,") must be an (odd) integer.")
##if(length(weights) %% 2 == 0) stop("Length of weights must be an odd number!")
if(width %% 2 == 0)
  if(!quiet) warning("even width (", width, ") is changed to odd width (",
        width+1, ").", if(!missing(weights)) "\nWeights are now set uniformly!")
  width <- width+1
  weights <- rep(1,width)
# remove NAs at start and end
notNA <- which(!is.na(dat))
nNAbegin <- head(notNA, 1)-1
nNAend <- length(dat)-tail(notNA, 1)
if(nNAend!=0)   dat <- dat[1:(length(dat)-nNAend)]
if(nNAbegin!=0) dat <- dat[-(1:nNAbegin)]
if(length(weights) >= length(dat))
   stop("weight vector too long (",length(weights),") for this dataset.")

# normalize weights to sum 1
weights <- weights/(sum(weights))

# Half the width in each direction:
s <- floor(width/2) # s: steps in each direction
# Length of input vector:
n <- length(dat)

# Average of window around each value:
#v <- sapply( (s+1):(n-s),  function(i) sum(weights*dat[(i-s):(i+s)]) )
# stop("missing values must be taken into consideration!")

v <- sapply( (s+1):(n-s),  function(i)
  subset <- dat[(i-s):(i+s)]
     {weights[is.na(subset)] <- 0
     weights <- weights/(sum(weights))
  if(all(is.na(subset))) NA else
  sum(weights*subset, na.rm=TRUE)

# Append s NAs at each margin (Half a window at each side):
v <- c(rep(NA, s), v, rep(NA, s) )
# 1:s and (n-s+1):n elements at margins remain NA

# Error checking:
if(length(v) != length(dat)) stop("Window size was computed wrongly. (",
length(v), "/", length(dat), "). Please report conditions: berry-b@gmx.de")
# Re-append NAs at beginning and end of vector:
if(nNAbegin!=0) v <- c(rep(NA, nNAbegin), v)
if(nNAend!=0)   v <- c(v, rep(NA, nNAend))
# Output

# Old version with unweighted average:
#v <- sapply( (s+1):(n-s),  function(i) mean(dat[(i-s):(i+s)], na.rm=TRUE) )
# Old warning, now error:
#      if(!missing(weights)) "\nWeights are now set uniformly!"
#         weights <- rep(1,width)
brry/berryFunctions documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 2:20 p.m.