
Defines functions owa

Documented in owa

#' Overwrite argument default lists
#' Second ellipsis (three dots) passed to particular functions,
#' combining default and user-specified argument lists.\cr
#' \code{owa} can be used in functions that pass argument lists separately to several functions.
#' Internal defaults can be set per function (eg. one list for \code{\link{plot}}
#' and one for \code{\link{legend}}). \cr
#' You can specify which defaults can be overwritten and which should be left unchanged.
#' See the example section on how to implement this.
#' @return Always a list, disregarding list/vector mode of input
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Early 2014, Update Oct 2016
#' @references \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3057341}\cr
#'    \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5890576}\cr
#'    \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4124900}\cr
#'    \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16774946}\cr
#' @keywords programming
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # The motivation behind owa:
#' testfun <- function(...) {plot(7:11, ...) ; legend("top", "some text", ...)}
#' testfun()
#' is.error( testfun(type="o") , tell=TRUE)
#' # Error: legend doesn't have the argument 'type'!
#' # How to solve this:
#' testfun <- function(legargs=NULL, ...) # dots passed to plot
#'    {
#'    plot(7:11, ...)
#'    legend_defaults <- list(x="top", lty=1, col="red", legend="owa rocks!")
#'    # combine defaults and user specified into final argument list,
#'    # overwrite arguments ('owa') in the default list unless protected:
#'    legend_final <- owa(d=legend_defaults, a=legargs, "col", "lwd")
#'    do.call(legend, args=legend_final)
#'    }
#' testfun()
#' testfun(type="l", col="blue")
#' testfun(type="o", legargs=list(col="blue", pch=16, lty=3) )
#' # color in legargs is ignored, as it is defined as unchangeable
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # basic tests of owa itself:
#' d <- list(bb=1:5, lwd="was d", lty=1,   col="gray")
#' a <- list(bb=3,   lwd=5, lty="from a", wachs="A")
#' owa(d,a) # all changed, wachs added
#' owa(d, a, "bb", "lwd") # lty is overwritten, bb and lwd are ignored
#' owa(d, NULL, "bb", "wachs") # NULL is a good default for argument lists
#' owa(d, c(HH=2, BBB=3) ) # vectors and lists are all converted to lists
#' owa(d, list(lwd=5, bb=3, lty="1") ) # order of arguments doesn't matter
#' owa(d, a, c("bb","lwd") ) # unchangeable can also be a named vector
#' owa(d, a, c("bb","lwd"), c("lty","dummy") ) # or several vectors
#' @param d     Default arguments (list or vector)
#' @param a     Arguments specified by user (list or vector).
#'              Can also be a single TRUE, in which case d will be returned.
#' @param \dots Names of unchangeable arguments (that will not be overwritten)
#'              as character strings. Can also be a vector with characters strings.
#' @param quiet Logical: Should \code{\link{message}} be suppressed if arguments are ignored?
#'              If FALSE (the DEFAULT), this helps users debugging, as they get
#'              notified when arguments they specified were ignored.
owa <- function(
# Input controls:
if(missing(d)|missing(a)) stop("owa needs two lists as input, but they are missing.")
if( isTRUE(a) ) a <- NULL # catch where users try to give eg legargs=TRUE
dup <- names(d)[duplicated(names(d))]
if(length(dup)>0) warning("owa: The following inputs in '",deparse(substitute(d)),
                          "' are duplicate: ", toString(unique(dup)))
if(is.null(a) | length(a)==0) return( as.list(d) )
if(is.null(names(a))) stop("owa: Arguments must be named!")
if("" %in% names(a) ) stop("owa: All arguments must be named!")
u <- list(...) # u: names of arguments that should be left unchanged
u <- as.list(unlist(u)) # so a vector with charstrings can also be given as an input
# discard (and notify about) arguments that should be left unchanged:
ignore <- names(a) %in% u
  trace <- traceCall(prefix="(called from ", suffix="):\n")
  if(sum(ignore)==1 & !quiet) message("Note in owa: ",trace," The argument '",
                   u[ignore], "' is defined as unchangeable and thus ignored.")
  if(sum(ignore) >1 & !quiet) message("Note in owa: ",trace," The following arguments ",
              "are defined as unchangeable and thus ignored: ", toString(u[ignore]))
  a <- a[ !ignore ] # keep the unignored
# replace (overwrite) arguments already present in d:
a_replace <- a[names(a) %in% names(d)]
d[names(a_replace)] <- a_replace
# add further arguments given by the user:
a_add <- a[ !names(a) %in% names(d) ]
# ensure output to be a list:
as.list(c(d, a_add))
brry/berryFunctions documentation built on June 2, 2024, 5:05 a.m.