
Defines functions traceCall

Documented in traceCall

#' call stack of a function
#' trace the call stack e.g. for error checking and format output for do.call levels
#' @return Character string with the call stack
# @section Warning: Called from \link{do.call} settings with large objects,
#                   tracing may take a lot of computing time.
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Sep 2016 + March 2017
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmessage}}, \code{\link{tryStack}}, \code{\link{checkFile}} for example usage
#' @keywords programming error
#' @importFrom utils capture.output head
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lower <- function(a, s) {warning(traceCall(s, mesremove=FALSE), "stupid berry warning: ", a+10); a}
#' upper <- function(b, skip=0) lower(b+5, skip)
#' upper(3)
#' # Since 2022-05-04, use tmessage / twarning / tstop instead!
#' upper(3, skip=1) # traceCall skips last level (R3: warning, R4.1: .makeMessage, R4.2: lapply)
#' upper(3, skip=6) # now the stack is empty
#' d <- tryStack(upper("four"), silent=TRUE)
#' inherits(d, "try-error")
#' cat(d)
#' lower <- function(a,...) {warning(traceCall(1, prefix="in ", suffix=": "),
#'                           "How to use traceCall in functions ", call.=FALSE); a}
#' upper(3)
#' @param skip Number of levels to skip in \code{\link{sys.calls}}
#' @param prefix Prefix prepended to the output character string. DEFAULT: "\\nCall stack: "
#' @param suffix Suffix appended to the end of the output. DEFAULT: "\\n"
#' @param vigremove Logical: remove call created using devtools::build_vignettes()?
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param shiremove Logical: remove shiny::runApp ... renderPlot? DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param mesremove Logical: remove call part from \code{\link{.makeMessage}}?
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE
traceCall <- function(
prefix="\nCall stack: ",
  if(skip<0) stop("skip must be >=0, not ", skip, ".")
  stack <- lapply(sys.calls(), deparse) # language to character
  tb <- head(stack, -(skip+1)  )
  # check for empty lists because skip is too large:
  if(length(tb)==0) return(paste0(prefix, "--empty stack--", suffix))
  tb <- lapply(tb, "[", 1) # to shorten do.call (function( LONG ( STUFF)))
  tb <- lapply(tb, function(x) if(substr(x,1,7)=="do.call")
    sub(",", "(", sub("(", " - ", x, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE) else x)
  calltrace <- sapply(strsplit(unlist(tb), "(", fixed=TRUE), "[", 1)
  calltrace <- paste(calltrace, collapse=" -> ")
  calltrace <- paste0(prefix, calltrace, suffix)
  elements <- c(
  "tryCatch -> ",
  "tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> doTryCatch -> ",
  "saveRDS -> ",
  "rmarkdown::render -> ",
  "knitr::knit -> process_file -> withCallingHandlers -> process_group -> process_group.block -> call_block -> block_exec -> ",
  "eng_r -> in_input_dir -> in_dir -> ",
  "evaluate -> evaluate::evaluate -> evaluate_call -> timing_fn -> handle ->",
  "rmarkdown::render_site -> generator$render -> in_dir -> ",
  "render_book_script -> render_book -> render_cur_session -> ",
  "example2html -> .code2html_payload_browser -> ",
  "withCallingHandlers -> ",
  "try -> ",
  "do.call - do.call ->  -> ",
  "withr::with_temp_libpaths -> force -> tools::buildVignettes -> ",
  "engine.weave -> vweave_rmarkdown -> "
  for(k in elements) calltrace <- gsub(k, "", calltrace)
  calltrace <- gsub(" -> .makeMessage -> lapply", "", calltrace) # R > 4.2.0 https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/a114756ee
  calltrace <- gsub(" -> .makeMessage",           "", calltrace) # R 4.1.0 - 4.1.3
  calltrace <- gsub("->  ->", "->", calltrace)
  calltrace <- gsub("with -> with.default -> eval -> eval", "with ->", calltrace)
  calltrace <- gsub("eval -> eval -> ", "eval -> ", calltrace)
  calltrace <- gsub("withVisible -> eval_with_user_handlers -> eval -> ", "", calltrace)
  calltrace <- sub("runApp ->.*-> renderPlot", "", calltrace)
  calltrace <- sub("process_kl ->.*-> get_kl_data", "process_kl -> get_kl_data", calltrace)
brry/berryFunctions documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 2:20 p.m.