
Defines functions unique_addin hist_addin plot_addin class_addin dim_addin summary_addin funSource_addin View_addin tail_addin head_addin str_addin

Documented in class_addin dim_addin funSource_addin head_addin hist_addin plot_addin str_addin summary_addin tail_addin unique_addin View_addin

#' @title Rstudio keyboard shortcuts on F-keys
#' @description Rstudio addins to examine highlighted code / object.
#' It can be very useful to bind these addins as outlined in 
#' \url{https://github.com/brry/rskey#rstudio-addins-for-keyboard-shortcuts}
#' @return Output of the respective functions
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, May 2017
#' @export
#' @name addins
#' @importFrom utils str head tail View
#' @importFrom berryFunctions funSource
#' @seealso \code{\link{selectobject}}, 
#'          \code{berryFunctions::\link[berryFunctions]{funSource}},
#'          \url{https://github.com/daattali/addinslist#readme}
#' @examples
#' # Go to Addins - browse Addins - Keyboard shortcuts - map commands as desired
#' # or use    setKeyboardBindings()
#' # highlight objects or code (examples below), then press keyboard shortcut
#' iris
#' iris$Sepal.Length + 10
#' @param obj List containing \code{object} (some R object) \code{fullcode}
#'            (code, objectname, expression) and \code{code} 
#'            (potentially truncated version).
#'            For funSource_addin, only the function name should be highlighted.
#'            DEFAULT: Rstudio addin selected code from \code{\link{selectobject}}
#' @param use_glimpse Logical: use \code{pillar::\link[pillar]{glimpse}} instead of
#'             \code{base::\link{str}}? Can be set to TRUE with 
#'             \code{options(rskey_glimpse=TRUE)}. To set permananently, use:
#'             \code{cat("options(rskey_glimpse=TRUE)\n", file="~/.Rprofile", append=TRUE)}.
#'             DEFAULT: getOption("rskey_glimpse", FALSE)
str_addin <- function(obj=selectobject(), 
                      use_glimpse=getOption("rskey_glimpse", FALSE)) {
  if(isTRUE(use_glimpse) && requireNamespace("pillar", quietly=TRUE))
    message("pillar::glimpse(", obj$code, ")")
  message("str(", obj$code, ", max.level=3)")
  str(obj$object, max.level=3)

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
head_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("head(", obj$code, ")")

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
tail_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("tail(", obj$code, ")")

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
View_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  name <- obj$code
  message("View(", name, ")")
  obj <- obj$object
  if(!is.data.frame(obj)) try( obj <- as.data.frame(obj)  )
  # https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/618
  if(requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly=TRUE) && rstudioapi::isAvailable())
  .rs.viewHook(x=obj, title=name) else View(obj, title=name)
# Suppress CRAN check note 'no visible binding for global variable':
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(".rs.viewHook")

#' @export
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @rdname addins
funSource_addin <- function(obj=selectobject(eval=FALSE)) {
  message("funSource(", obj, ")")
  if(grepl("[^[:alnum:]|^_|^.|^:]", obj) && packageVersion("berryFunctions")<"1.18.3") 
    warning("funSource accepts only a function name as input (without brackets etc).")

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
summary_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("summary(", obj$code, ")")

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
dim_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("dim(", obj$code, ")")
  out <- dim(obj$object)
  if(is.null(out)) return(paste0("dim: NULL, class: ",class(obj$object),
                                 ", length: ", length(obj$object)))

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
class_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("class(", obj$code, ")")

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
#' @importFrom graphics plot
plot_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("plot(", obj$code, ", las=1)")
  plot(obj$object, las=1)

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
#' @importFrom graphics hist
hist_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("hist(", obj$code, ", col='moccasin', breaks=50, las=1)")
  hist(obj$object, col="moccasin", breaks=50, las=1,
       main=paste("Histogram of", obj$code), xlab=obj$code)

#' @export
#' @rdname addins
unique_addin <- function(obj=selectobject()) {
  message("unique(", obj$code, ")")
brry/rstudioberry documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 12:29 a.m.