
Defines functions zitobitQR

Documented in zitobitQR

#' Bayesian quantile regression model with a discrete component at zero
#' This function estimates a bayesian quantile regression model with a discrete component
#' at zero, where all zero observations are assumed to distributed according to a mixed
#' discrete-continuous distribution.
#' @param formula a formula object, with the response on the left of a ~
#'  operator, and the terms, separated by + operators, on the right.
#' @param tau Quantile of interest.
#' @param data a data.frame from which to find the variables defined in the
#' formula
#' @param itNum Number of iterations.
#' @param thin Thinning parameter.
#' @param betaValue Initial values for the parameter beta for the continuous part.
#' @param sigmaValue Initial value for the scale parameter.
#' @param gammaValue Initial value for the parameter gamma of the discrete part.
#' @param sigmaGamma Tuning parameter for the Metropolis-Hastings step.
#' @param link Integer defining the link function used for the probability
#' model. Default is 1.
#' for the logit link function.
#' @param priorVar Value that multiplies a identity matrix in the elicition
#' process of the prior variance of the regression parameters.
#' @param refresh Interval between printing a message during the iteration
#' process. Default is set to 100.
#' @param quiet Logical. If FALSE (default) it will print messages depending on
#'  the refresh parameter to show that the Markov chain is updating. If TRUE it
#'  will not print messages during the iteration process.
#' @param burnin Size of the burnin only for the indicator variable of the
#'  censoring mechanism. For all other chains, this number will not be used.
#'  Default value is 50.
#' @return A list with the chains of all parameters of interest.
#' @references Santos and Bolfarine (2015) - Bayesian quantile regression
#'  analysis for continuous data with a discrete component at zero.
#'  \emph{Preprint}. \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05925}
#' @export
#' @useDynLib baquantreg
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' data("BrazilDurableGoods")
#' # Change the number of iterations for better results.
#' model <- zitobitQR(expenditure ~ age + education, tau=0.5,
#'                    data=BrazilDurableGoods, itNum=100,
#'                    sigmaGamma=0.10, refresh=20)
#' }
zitobitQR <- function(formula, tau = 0.5, data, itNum, thin=1,
                      betaValue = NULL, sigmaValue=1,
                      gammaValue = NULL,  sigmaGamma = 0.5,
                      link=1, priorVar = 100, refresh = 100,
                      quiet = FALSE, burnin = 50){

  y <- as.numeric(stats::model.extract(stats::model.frame(formula, data), 'response'))
  X <- stats::model.matrix(formula, data)

  if (is.null(betaValue)) betaValue <- rep(0, dim(X)[2])
  if (is.null(gammaValue)) gammaValue <- rep(0, dim(X)[2])

  ziTobit <- list()
  ziTobit$chains <- lapply(tau, function(a){
    ziTobitBayesQR(tau = a, y=y, X=X, itNum=itNum, thin=thin,
                   betaValue=betaValue, sigmaValue=sigmaValue,
                   gammaValue=gammaValue, sigmaGamma=sigmaGamma,
                   link=link, priorVar=priorVar, refresh=refresh,
                   quiet=quiet, burnin = burnin)

  ziTobit$y <- y
  ziTobit$tau <- tau
  ziTobit$formula <- formula
  ziTobit$data <- data
  ziTobit$link <- link

  class(ziTobit) <- "zitobitQR"
brsantos/baquantreg documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 8:18 a.m.