
Defines functions .generate_2D_ellipse

#' Generate Data for a 2D Ellipse
#' A rectangle (with its long dimension) aligned with the x-axis is filled
#' with random data, then trimmed to an ellipse.  This ellipse is then rotated
#' counter-clockwise by the specified angle relative to the x-axis.  This approach means
#' that one may end up with less than the requested `n` points.
#' @param x_center Numeric. Center of ellipse along x-axis.
#' @param y_center Numeric. Center of ellipse along y-axis.
#' @param x_range Numeric. The length of the major axis of the ellipse.
#' @param y_range Numeric. The length of the minor axis of the ellipse.
#' @param angle Numeric.  Angle in degrees to rotate the initial ellipse. Rotation is
#'        counter-clockwise relative to the positive x-axis.
#' @param n Integer.  Number of data points to generate.
#' @param plot Logical. Should a plot be produced? Used for exploration and troubleshooting.
#' @param showOrig Logical. If plotting, should we show the original ellipse in addition to the
#'        rotated ellipse?
#' @param dots Additional arguments to be passed to plot function.
#' @return A list:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `x` x coordinates of the rotated points.
#'   \item `y` y coordinates of the rotated points.
#'   \item `xc` x coordinate of the center of the ellipse. Passed from input arguments.
#'   \item `yc` y coordinate of the center of the ellipse. Passed from input arguments.
#'   \item `xe` x coordinates of the ellipse points prior to rotation.
#'   \item `ye` y coordinates of the ellipse points prior to rotation.
#'   \item `spc` the row number of the point chosen for showing projections.
#'  }

#' @author David T. Harvey, Bryan A. Hanson
#' @noRd
.generate_2D_ellipse <- function(x_center = 0,
                                y_center = 0,
                                x_range = 10,
                                y_range = 2,
                                angle = 30,
                                n = 10,
                                plot = FALSE,
                                showOrig = FALSE,
                                ...) {

  # Helper Function
  # Choose a nice point for showing projections
  # @param DF Data frame with x and y coordinates.
  # @return The row number of the chosen point.
  choose_special_point <- function(DF) {
    DF$xy <- abs(DF$x * DF$y) # area of projection rectangle
    DF$ratio <- abs(DF$x / DF$y)
    DF <- DF[order(-DF$xy), ]
    DF$keep <- (DF$ratio < 2) & (DF$ratio > 0.5)
    keeps <- which(DF$keep == TRUE)
    spc <- as.numeric(rownames(DF)[keeps[1]])

  # rename a few arguments for convenience
  x0 <- x_center
  y0 <- y_center
  xr <- x_range / 2
  yr <- y_range / 2

  # generate random points within the ellipsoid's boundaries by first
  # generating random points within rectangle that encompasses the ellipse
  min_x <- -xr + x0
  max_x <- xr + x0
  if (min_x >= max_x) stop("Problem with x")
  min_y <- -yr + y0
  max_y <- yr + y0
  if (min_y >= max_y) stop("Problem with y")
  x <- runif(n, min = min_x, max = max_x)
  y <- runif(n, min = min_y, max = max_y)

  # determine which points have x, y values inside the ellipse
  # using equation for ellipse; negative value for check means point
  # is inside of ellipse
  check <- (x - x0)^2 / xr^2 + (y - y0)^2 / yr^2 - 1
  keep <- which(check < 0)

  # extract set of x, y points inside of ellipse
  xe <- x[keep]
  ye <- y[keep]

  spc <- choose_special_point(data.frame(x = xe - x0, y = ye - y0))

  if (plot) cat(length(xe), "of", n, "original data points were in the final ellipse\n")

  # translate data to ellipse center, rotate data, then translate back to original spot
  raw <- matrix(c(xe, ye, rep(1, length(xe))), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3)
  new_data <- .trans_mat_2D(x0, y0) %*% .rot_mat_2D(angle) %*% .trans_mat_2D(-x0, -y0) %*% raw
  xrot <- new_data[1, ]
  yrot <- new_data[2, ]

  if (plot) {
    xl <- range(xrot, xe) + diff(range(xrot, xe)) * c(-1, 1) * 0.5
    yl <- range(yrot, ye) + diff(range(yrot, ye)) * c(-1, 1) * 0.5
    plot(xrot, yrot,
      asp = 1, xlim = xl, ylim = yl,
      xlab = "x", ylab = "y", type = "n", ...
    abline(v = x_center, h = y_center, col = "gray90")
    points(xrot, yrot, pch = 19, col = "black")
    if (showOrig) points(xe, ye, col = "red", pch = 19)

  out <- list(
    "x" = xrot,
    "y" = yrot,
    "xc" = x_center,
    "yc" = y_center,
    "xe" = xe,
    "ye" = ye,
    "sp" = spc
} # end of generate_2D_ellipse
bryanhanson/LearnPCA documentation built on May 2, 2024, 6:21 p.m.