
Defines functions compute_pairwise_sum_of_list compute_sum_of_list compute_sigma

Documented in compute_pairwise_sum_of_list compute_sigma compute_sum_of_list

# compute_** description:
# Functions that take in numeric values (e.g. numeric(), matrices, arrays)
# and compute numeric values.

#' Compute empirical sandwich covariate estimator
#' Computes \eqn{\Sigma = A^{-1} B (A^{-1})^T }{\Sigma = A^{-1} B (A^{-1})^T} with
#' provided \eqn{A}{A} and \eqn{B}{B} matrices.
#' @param A a matrix, generally the \code{.A} slot in a
#' \code{\linkS4class{sandwich_components}} object created in
#' \code{\link{estimate_sandwich_matrices}}
#' @param B a matrix, generally the \code{.B} slot in a
#' \code{\linkS4class{sandwich_components}} object created in
#' \code{\link{estimate_sandwich_matrices}}
#' @param solver the function used to compute the inverse of \code{A}, Defaults
#' to \code{\link{solve}}
#' @return the \code{matrix} \code{Ainv \%*\% B \%*\% t(Ainv)}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- diag(2, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' B <- matrix(4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
#' compute_sigma(A = A, B = B)
compute_sigma <- function(A, B, solver = solve){
  Ainv <- solver(A)
  Ainv %*% B %*% t(Ainv)

#' Compute the sum of  a list of matrices to sum
#' @param .l a list of matrices
#' @param .w a numeric vector of weights
#' @keywords internal

compute_sum_of_list <- function(.l, .w = numeric(0)){
  dimw <- length(.w)

  M_i_pre   <- if(dimw > 0){
    stopifnot(dimw == length(.l))
    Map(`*`, .l, .w)
  } else .l
  Reduce(`+`, M_i_pre)

#' Compute the sum of  a list of matrices to sum
#' @param .l a list of matrices
#' @param .w a numeric vector of weights
#' @param .wFUN a function of \code{i}, \code{j}, and (optionally) additional
#' arguments
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{.wFUN}
#' Either \code{.w} or \code{.wFUN} must be specified but not both.
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @keywords internal

compute_pairwise_sum_of_list <- function(.l, .w = NULL, .wFUN = NULL, ...){

  use_w    <- !missing(.w)
  use_wFUN <- !missing(.wFUN)

  if((use_w && use_wFUN) || (!use_w && !use_wFUN)){
    stop("Either a vector of weights (.w) or a function (.wFUN) must be specified and not both.")

  if(use_w && (length(.l) != length(.w))){
    stop("The length of the weight vector must equal the length of the list.")

  if(use_wFUN && all(methods::formalArgs(.wFUN)[1:2] != c("i", "j"))){
    stop("The first two arguments of .wFUN must be i and j.")

  lapply(seq_along(.l), function(i){
    lapply(seq_along(.l), function(j){
        .w <- .wFUN(i, j, ...)
      .w * tcrossprod(.l[[i]], .l[[j]])
      # w * .l[[i]] %*% t(.l[[j]])
    }) -> hold1
  }) -> hold2
bsaul/geex documentation built on July 4, 2023, 6:40 p.m.