
Defines functions sc_filter

Documented in sc_filter

#' Filter scorecard data by variable values.
#' This function is used to filter the downloaded scorecard data. It
#' converts idiomatic R into the format required by the API call.
#' @param sccall Current list of parameters carried forward from prior
#'     functions in the chain (ignore)
#' @param ... Expressions to evaluate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_filter(region == 1) # New England institutions
#' sc_filter(stabbr == c("TN","KY")) # institutions in Tennessee and Kentucky
#' sc_filter(control != 3) # exclude private, for-profit institutions
#' sc_filter(control == c(1,2)) # same as above
#' sc_filter(control == 1:2) # same as above
#' sc_filter(stabbr == "TN", control == 1, locale == 41:43) # TN rural publics
#' }

#' @export
sc_filter <- function(sccall, ...) {

  ## confirm ...
  if (missing(...)) {
    stop("Incomplete sc_filter()! You must include a filter expression if using sc_filter().",
         call. = FALSE)

  ## get expressions
  filter <- unlist(lapply(lazyeval::lazy_dots(...),
                          function(x) deparse(bquote(.(x[["expr"]])))),
                   use.names = FALSE)

  ## pass to _ function
  sc_filter_(sccall, filter_string = filter)


#' @describeIn sc_filter Standard evaluation version of
#'     \code{\link{sc_filter}} (\code{filter_string} must be a string
#'     or vector of strings when using this version)
#' @param filter_string Filter as character string or vector of
#'     filters as character strings
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_filter_("region == 1")
#' sc_filter_("control != 3")
#' ## With internal strings, you must either use both double and single quotes
#' ## or escape internal quotes
#' sc_filter_("stabbr == c('TN','KY')")
#' sc_filter_('stabbr == c(\'TN\',\'KY\')')
#' ## stored in object
#' filters <- c("control == 1", "locale == 41:43")
#' sc_filter_(filters)
#' }

#' @export
sc_filter_ <- function(sccall, filter_string) {
    ## check first argument

    ## confirm filter_string
    if (missing(filter_string)) {
      stop("Incomplete sc_filter()! You must include a filter expression if using sc_filter().",
           call. = FALSE)

    ## get expressions
    filter <- lapply(filter_string, function(x) as.list(parse(text = x)[[1]]))

    ## error handling
    for (i in 1:length(filter)) {
      ## illegal operators
      if (!identical(filter[[i]][[1]], as.symbol("=="))
          && !identical(filter[[i]][[1]], as.symbol("!="))
          && !identical(filter[[i]][[1]], as.symbol("%in%"))) {
        stop("Must use either \"==\", \"!=\", or \"%in%\" in sc_filter().",
             call. = FALSE)
      ## variable not found in the dictionary
      if (!sc_dict(tolower(as.character(filter[[i]][[2]])), confirm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Variable \"" %+% filter[[i]][[2]]
             %+% "\" not found in dictionary. "
             %+% "Please check your spelling or search dictionary: "
             %+% "?sc_dict()", call. = FALSE)
      ## variable cannot allowed as filtering variable
      if (!sc_dict(tolower(as.character(filter[[i]][[2]])), can_filter = TRUE)) {
        stop("The variable \"" %+% filter[[i]][[2]]
             %+% "\" cannot be used as filter. "
             %+% "Use sc_dict(filter_vars = TRUE) to see available filters.",
             call. = FALSE)

    ## convert to developer-friendly names
    if (!sccall[["dfvars"]]) {
      for (i in 1:length(filter)) {
        filter[[i]][[2]] <- sc_hash[[tolower(as.character(filter[[i]][[2]]))]]

    ## grab categories
    cats <- vapply(filter, function(x) { sc_hash[[as.character(x[[2]]) %+% "_c"]] },
                   character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    ## convert idiomatic R to scorecard API style
    filter <- vapply(filter, api_convert, character(1))

    ## paste, clean, and return
    filter <- paste(cats %+% "." %+% filter, collapse = "&")
    filter <- gsub("root.", "", filter, fixed = TRUE)
    sccall[["filter"]] <- filter

btskinner/rscorecard documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 12:56 p.m.