
Defines functions cor.pearson.r.twosample.dependent.simple

Documented in cor.pearson.r.twosample.dependent.simple

#' Two Dependent Sample Test of Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
#' Calculate test of significance difference for Pearson's Correlation Coefficient between three samples.
#' Null hypothesis: No significant difference between correlation coefficient between x1 and x3 vs. 
#' correlation coefficient between x2 and x3.
#' Significant result: Low p value indicates that a statistically significant difference 
#' exists between correlation coefficient between x1 and x3 vs. correlation coefficient between x2 and x3.
#' @param x1 Vector - Variable 1 values 
#' @param x2 Vector - Variable 2 values
#' @param x3 Vector - Variable 3 values
#' @param sample.r.g1.g3 Scalar - Sample correlation coefficient between x1 and x3.
#' @param sample.r.g2.g3 Scalar - Sample correlation coefficient between x2 and x3.
#' @param sample.r.g1.g2 Scalar - Sample correlation coefficient between x1 and x2.
#' @param sample.size Scalar - Sample size to use for the calculation.
#' @param method Scalar - character string - method used in calculation. 
#' @param alternative The alternative hypothesis to use for the test computation.
#' @param conf.level The confidence level for this test, between 0 and 1.
#' @return Hypothesis test result showing results of test.
cor.pearson.r.twosample.dependent.simple <- function(
  alternative = c("two.sided","less","greater"),
  method = c("Steiger", "Hotelling"),
  conf.level = .95
) {
  validate.htest.alternative(alternative = alternative)

  rxy <- sample.r.g1.g2
  ryz <- sample.r.g2.g3
  rxz <- sample.r.g1.g3
  n   <- sample.size
  df <- n-3
  rxy.test <- cor.pearson.r.onesample.simple(sample.r = rxy, sample.size = n, conf.level = conf.level)
  ryz.test <- cor.pearson.r.onesample.simple(sample.r = ryz, sample.size = n, conf.level = conf.level)
  rxz.test <- cor.pearson.r.onesample.simple(sample.r = rxz, sample.size = n, conf.level = conf.level)

  if (method[1] == "Steiger") {
    se.est <- sqrt((n-1)*(1+rxy) / ( 2*((n-1)/(n-3))*(1-ryz^2-rxz^2-rxy^2+2*ryz*rxz*rxy) + ((ryz+rxz)/2)^2 * (1-rxy)^3 ) )
    t <- (rxz-ryz) * se.est
  } else if (method[1] == "Hotelling") {
    se.est <- sqrt((n-3)*(1+rxy) / (2*(1-ryz^2-rxy^2-rxz^2 + 2*ryz*rxy*rxz)))
    t <- (rxz-ryz) * se.est

  estimate = c(diff.13.23 = rxz-ryz,
               df = df,
               r_13 = rxz,
               r_13_lowerci = rxz.test$conf.int[1],
               r_13_upperci = rxz.test$conf.int[2],
               r_13.squared = rxz^2,
               r_23 = ryz,
               r_23_lowerci = ryz.test$conf.int[1],
               r_23_upperci = ryz.test$conf.int[2],
               r_23.squared = ryz^2,
               r_12 = rxy,
               r_12_lowerci = rxy.test$conf.int[1],
               r_12_upperci = rxy.test$conf.int[2],
               r_12.squared = rxy^2
  statistic <- c(t.statistic = t)
  p.value <- if (alternative[1] == "two.sided") {
  } else if (alternative[1] == "greater") {
    pt(t,df, lower.tail = FALSE)
  } else if (alternative[1] == "less") {
    pt(t,df, lower.tail = TRUE)
  } else {
  cv      <- qt(conf.level+(1-conf.level)/2, df)
  lowerci <- (rxz-ryz) - cv/se.est
  upperci <- (rxz-ryz) + cv/se.est
  retval<-list(data.name   = "sample correlations and sample size",
               statistic   = statistic, 
               estimate    = estimate,
               parameter   = 0,
               p.value     = p.value,
               null.value  = 0,
               alternative = alternative[1],
               method      = paste("Two-Sample Dependent Test for Pearson Product Moment Correlation (",method[1],")",sep=""),
               conf.int    = c(lowerci,upperci)
  #names(retval$estimate) <- c("sample mean")
  names(retval$null.value) <- "r13 and r23 difference"
  names(retval$parameter) <- "null hypothesis correlation difference r13 vs. r23"
  attr(retval$conf.int, "conf.level")  <- conf.level

#Example from Sheskin pg 1279
#Example from MVPStats - different hypothesis
#cor.pearson.r.twosample.dependent.simple(.77,.44,.66,300, method="Hotelling")
#Example from MVPStats - to match
#cor.pearson.r.twosample.dependent.simple(.77,.66,.44,300, method="Hotelling")
burrm/lolcat documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 11:35 a.m.